
Details are shared in the high-segmented horror movie "The Morgue Collection"

author:Fei Ling explains

The horror movie "Morgue Collection" released in 2019 is a rare high-scoring horror movie in recent years, with a Douban score of 7.1 points, and today I will share with you various small details.


The story of the girl walking into an old morgue, the caretaker old man has a lot of collections related to corpses and death, he takes the girl back to the secret of the four deaths in the 1950s-1980s, once and now, terrible things happened...

The film is strung together by 4 short stories, the most obvious of which is Harold the Doctor who runs through 4 stories.

Story 1: One of the purses of the female thief with the doctor's ID;

Details are shared in the high-segmented horror movie "The Morgue Collection"

Story 1 There is a doctor's ID in the wallet

Story 2: The scumbag goes to the hospital for examination and examines him as a doctor;

Details are shared in the high-segmented horror movie "The Morgue Collection"

Story 2 Give the scumbag a doctor who does the examination

Story 3: The doctor who instigates the male protagonist to kill his wife and throw away the body;

Details are shared in the high-segmented horror movie "The Morgue Collection"

Story 3 Private Doctor

Story 4: The father of the little boy who was killed and appeared at the funeral.

Details are shared in the high-segmented horror movie "The Morgue Collection"

Story 4 The father of the little man

Details are shared in the high-segmented horror movie "The Morgue Collection"

The film begins with the funeral of the father

。。。。。。。。 Dividing line...

Next are the hints of each story:

Story 1: Female thief.

When the female thief enters the toilet and turns on the light, the slime on the switch should be a hint that there is something monster in the room;

Details are shared in the high-segmented horror movie "The Morgue Collection"

Slime on the toilet switch

The mural behind the female thief should be the deep-sea demon of Norse mythology, which is obvious;

Details are shared in the high-segmented horror movie "The Morgue Collection"

Murals behind

And the octopus caught by fishermen at the beginning of the film.

Finally, the female thief was pulled into the medicine cabinet by the monster's tentacles, and after the waist was broken and died.

Details are shared in the high-segmented horror movie "The Morgue Collection"

Octopuses by fishermen

Story 2: Scumbag Pregnancy.

The seahorse tag on the keys of the scumbag's car, while in nature, the seahorse is male breeding offspring.

Details are shared in the high-segmented horror movie "The Morgue Collection"

Seahorse hang tag on the car keys

Medicine to take back from the hospital examination, Yu Ting. Vomiting immediately after taking the medicine should be a hint that babies in the stomach are not ordinary.

Details are shared in the high-segmented horror movie "The Morgue Collection"

Eat Yu Ting

The story of the heroine's mother reads the book, Gravidanza maschile in Italian, translated over to pregnant, male and female. This should be a book on how to get a man pregnant and have children.

Details are shared in the high-segmented horror movie "The Morgue Collection"

Title on the top right (gravidanza maschile)

On the bulletin board of the missing person, there should be more than one victim, or there are many scumbags.

Details are shared in the high-segmented horror movie "The Morgue Collection"

Bulletin board for missing persons

The dialogue between the heroine of story 2 and the scumbag implies that the murderer is the heroine of story 2.

Finally the scumbag boy dies after coming out of a monster.

Details are shared in the high-segmented horror movie "The Morgue Collection"

Suggest that you are the murderer

Story 3: Till death.

At the last dinner, yellow roses on the table, the flowers apologized.

Details are shared in the high-segmented horror movie "The Morgue Collection"

The flower language of the yellow rose on the table apologized

Last supper, an Arctic rabbit for his wife. There is a saying that the rabbit is a highly sexual animal emm...

He was eventually admitted to a psychiatric hospital.

Details are shared in the high-segmented horror movie "The Morgue Collection"

Arctic rabbit

Story 4: Zewan Tooth Fairy.

A painting on the refrigerator, suggesting that Sam is male;

Details are shared in the high-segmented horror movie "The Morgue Collection"

The first Sam on the right has no hair, indicating that it is a male

Television news said of insane asylum riots. In the subsequent interview, one of the policemen in the back is the male protagonist of story 3, and deliberately displays the police badge, for reasons that can be imagined.

Details are shared in the high-segmented horror movie "The Morgue Collection"

The bearded policeman in the back is the male protagonist in story 3

A book that appears before the film begins is surrounded by hints of four stories, namely: the pocket watch in Story 1; the Seahorse Tag in Story 2; the Arctic Rabbit in Story 3; and the Teeth in Story 4.

Details are shared in the high-segmented horror movie "The Morgue Collection"

The 4 stories represent items

At the end of the movie, what tooth fairy says to the little boy suggests that the little boy's final ending may not be very good.

Details are shared in the high-segmented horror movie "The Morgue Collection"

What the tooth fairy said to the little boy

There are also many details in the movie, such as: the old man claims to be a servant of the Yin Covenant, and the document signed for the Tooth Fairy should be the Contract Book of the Yin World, but the old man still dies after leaving; after the Tooth Fairy lives in the morgue, the study glass pattern changes from a moth to a crow. The name of the town is Crow's Tail Town, which should be some connection.

Recommended for everyone to watch, there are not many good horror movies, or so careful horror movies are even rarer. As for the other details in the movie, you are also welcome to add.