
Huang Ming stressed at the ministerial meeting of the party committee of the Ministry of Emergency Management that it is necessary to strengthen bottom-line thinking and risk awareness and comprehensively improve the level of disaster prevention and control and safe production

author:Emergency Management in China

On October 25, Huang Ming, Secretary of the Party Committee and Minister of the Ministry of Emergency Management, presided over the convening of the Party Committee and Ministerial Council of the Ministry to convey the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the symposium on in-depth promotion of ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin, and to study and deploy flood prevention and disaster relief and safe production. Huang Ming stressed that it is necessary to conscientiously study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, enhance risk awareness, adhere to bottom-line thinking, accelerate the construction of a defense line against natural disasters, pay close attention to various measures such as responding to autumn floods, disaster relief and relief, and security supply and production, so as to protect people's life safety and serve the overall situation of economic and social development.

The meeting pointed out that General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech stood at the strategic height of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and sustainable development, systematically explained the great significance, goals, tasks, and key tasks of in-depth promotion of ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin, and made clear arrangements and requirements for comprehensively improving the level of disaster prevention and control, doing a good job in the current autumn flood prevention, disaster relief and energy supply. We must study in depth in combination with the actual situation of emergency management, unswervingly implement the new development concept, better coordinate development and security, adhere to the supremacy of the people and the supremacy of life, give full play to the comprehensive advantages of emergency management departments and the professional advantages of relevant departments, and improve risk prevention and response capabilities. It is necessary to strengthen bottom-line thinking and risk awareness, attach great importance to the complex and profound impact of global climate change, soberly see that the security risks accumulated by China's long-term rapid economic development are becoming increasingly apparent, start from the national development strategy to strengthen comprehensive disaster early warning research and whole-process management, find out the grasp and breakthrough point for prominent problems, combine the long and short terms to make up for the shortcomings, accelerate the construction of a defense line against natural disasters, promote the improvement of the quality of workers and the level of intrinsic safety in the whole society, and fight the active battle to prevent and resolve major security risks.

The meeting stressed that at present, the lower reaches of the Yellow River have all retreated below the alert flow, and it is necessary to continue to pay close attention to the inspection and defense of key areas during the retreat period, strictly prevent the occurrence of dangerous situations such as collapse and landslides, and find that dangerous situations should be rushed early and small. In view of the cold tide weather that may occur in the north, it is necessary to issue early warning information in a timely manner, and guide relevant areas to implement cold and anti-freeze measures such as personnel, livestock, vegetable greenhouses, and power roads as soon as possible, so as to minimize disaster losses. It is necessary to adopt various methods to do detailed and practical disaster relief work; in accordance with the situation in Henan, Shanxi, Shaanxi, and other disaster-stricken areas, we should closely rely on local party committees and governments, give full play to the role of disaster information officers, strengthen point-to-point in-depth investigation and visits, dynamically grasp the actual needs of the grass-roots units in connection with relevant media reports and network public opinion, pay close attention to additional disaster relief funds and materials, and ensure that they are distributed in a timely manner and the masses are safe and warm through the winter. In view of the weak links exposed by flood prevention and disaster relief, it is necessary to organize all localities and relevant departments to quickly check and fill in the gaps, and in connection with the implementation of the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan" for emergency management and the key projects for the prevention and control of natural disasters, formulate specific plans to strengthen disaster early warning and monitoring and the construction of disaster prevention infrastructure, and earnestly improve the ability to prevent major floods and resist major disasters.

The meeting held that the situation of safe production in the country has been generally stable recently, but the rebound of major accidents and major accidents has been obvious, especially the successive gas explosion accidents in Shenyang and Dalian, Liaoning Province, which have exposed the problems of violations of laws and regulations in production safety and safety investigation and rectification are still prominent, and the lessons are very profound. Winter is approaching, the current coal, natural gas and other energy supply pressure increases, emergency management departments at all levels should grasp the work of safe production with a strong sense of responsibility and urgency. It is necessary to always regard coal mine safety as the top priority, enhance the pertinence and effectiveness of work, strictly and accurately enforce the law while ensuring the stable supply of coal, reward employees with heavy rewards for reporting, and strictly prevent serious illegal acts such as mining instead of construction, open stop and secret mining. It is necessary to control the safety of oil and gas supply throughout the chain, strengthen the supervision of key links such as production, reserve bases, long-distance pipelines, LNG stations, and dangerous chemical transport vehicles, consolidate safety responsibilities, and especially urge relevant parties to strengthen investigation and rectification in key areas such as the northeast where the pipeline network is built early and is seriously aging, and resolutely curb major accidents. It is necessary to grasp the safety risks and accident characteristics of autumn and winter, work together to rectify the fire hazards of commercial and residential complex buildings, movie theaters, rental houses and other places, implement traffic safety measures under extreme weather conditions such as fog and fog, freezing rain and snow, and strictly prevent fishing boats from venturing out to sea. Recently, in the name of the Office of the State Council Security Commission, we have organized and carried out overt investigations and secret visits, strengthened expert guidance services, and effectively stabilized the security situation.

Members of the Party Committee of the Ministry of Emergency Management attended the meeting, and the State Mine Safety Supervision Bureau, the China Earthquake Administration, the Ministry Fire Rescue Bureau, the Forest Fire Bureau, the departments and bureaus of the organs, the discipline inspection and supervision groups stationed in the Ministry, and the responsible persons of the public institutions under the Ministry of Beijing attended the meeting by video link.

Source: Ministry of Emergency Management

China Emergency Management News New Media Center Editor: Meng Dexuan

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