
It turns out that the White Bear Sacred Pond in the Snow Ridge Bear Wind of the Bear Haunt a few years ago is the Changbai Mountain Heavenly Pond!

author:Explore the world w

As we all know, the bear haunting big movie series has always been the focus of people's attention. The 2015 Bear Haunt Snow Ridge Bear Wind received good views.

It turns out that the White Bear Sacred Pond in the Snow Ridge Bear Wind of the Bear Haunt a few years ago is the Changbai Mountain Heavenly Pond!

Lately, because there's nothing to do. A review of the Bear Haunting Movie Series. After looking at the bear-infested Snow Ridge Bear Wind again, I found that the White Bear Mountain is: Changbai Mountain, and the White Bear Sacred Pool is the Heavenly Pool of Changbai Mountain, which is a crater lake.

In reality, the Northeast Changbai Mountain Tianchi.

It turns out that the White Bear Sacred Pond in the Snow Ridge Bear Wind of the Bear Haunt a few years ago is the Changbai Mountain Heavenly Pond!
It turns out that the White Bear Sacred Pond in the Snow Ridge Bear Wind of the Bear Haunt a few years ago is the Changbai Mountain Heavenly Pond!

The White Bear Sacred Pool in the movie.

It turns out that the White Bear Sacred Pond in the Snow Ridge Bear Wind of the Bear Haunt a few years ago is the Changbai Mountain Heavenly Pond!
It turns out that the White Bear Sacred Pond in the Snow Ridge Bear Wind of the Bear Haunt a few years ago is the Changbai Mountain Heavenly Pond!

Of course, this is just a guess from the editor. If you have any comments, please leave a comment below the comment area.

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