
There is you in the dream - "To Yoon Hee"

author:Wonderful movies and television

There is you in the dream - "To Yoon Hee"

There is you in the dream - "To Yoon Hee"
There is you in the dream - "To Yoon Hee"

Today, let's talk about the movie "To Yoon Hee".

The title is Moonlit Winter (2018), alias Full Moon.

There is you in the dream - "To Yoon Hee"

This film is a very delicate female film, using two letters to elicit a pair of people's deeply buried feelings, and telling an emotion spanning decades.

The story begins with the heroine Yoon Hee receiving a letter from her old friend Jun, which is seen by Yoon Hee's daughter Shin Chun, who wants to let the two meet again through her own means. The reply sent by Yoon Hee to Chun was also seen by Chun's aunt, who also had the opportunity to learn more about Chun.

There is you in the dream - "To Yoon Hee"

Under the planning of the New Year, Yoon Hee and Chun finally meet again.

When old people meet, it is like another life. At the moment when they finally met, silence was worth a thousand words. Just like the last millennium of "Philharmonic City", the audience can read yoon hee and Chun's eyes and see a lot.

There is you in the dream - "To Yoon Hee"

Yoon Hee and Chun's relationship was unlikely to be recognized in the circumstances at the time, and the two of them were carefully hidden. But this separation will only increase the pain, and the end will only lead to more misfortune.

More than twenty years ago, as a high school student, Yoon Hee and Chun Chun, the two found themselves in love with each other. Yoon Hee tells his family how he feels, and as a result, he is hospitalized as a neurotic, and Chun leaves Korea to settle in Japan.

There is you in the dream - "To Yoon Hee"

Yoon Hee marries and has children with a man he doesn't like, lives painfully with each other for many years, and eventually divorces and partes ways. When her daughter finally grows up and wants to go to college, Yoon-hee has the opportunity to find her own happiness.

Chun followed his father after his parents divorced and traveled across the ocean to live in Japan, never marrying.

There is you in the dream - "To Yoon Hee"

There is nothing wrong with love itself, it's just that it was produced in the wrong times.

Fortunately, now that people have finally sorted out the relationship between emotional mechanisms and physiological mechanisms, LGBT groups can finally pursue love with courage. In fact, everyone has the right to bravely face their own hearts, love is love, before meeting the right person, no one knows their true orientation. Heterosexuality itself is a concept that society has consistently instilled in order to achieve human reproduction needs, which is beneficial to the human community, but not applicable to every individual.

There is you in the dream - "To Yoon Hee"

With the help of the heart-warming little cotton jacket, Yoon Hee finally has the possibility to face the true love in his heart.

The moment Yoon Hee resigned, it seemed to have faded the heavy shackles on his body and breathed out like a relief. If the audience has had a similar mental journey, it will be easy to understand Yoon Hee's choice, even if the work is not needed, they must give themselves and each other an explanation.

Life is only a few decades, if you want to pursue your own happiness, you must bravely give up something, otherwise it will be difficult to go light.

There is you in the dream - "To Yoon Hee"

Hugging is a stress-relieving remedy, and hugging can make people let down their guard and relax in all aspects of physical contact.

Yoon Hee and her daughter Xinchun's hug, Chun Hee's aunt hug, Xin Chun and Jing Xiu's hug, Yoon Hee and her ex-husband's hug to release their previous suspicions, each hug promotes the development of the plot, and they can finally choose to pursue happiness independently.

There is you in the dream - "To Yoon Hee"

Ordinary stories extraordinary feelings,

Mountains and seas are shipwrecked with you in dreams.

There is you in the dream - "To Yoon Hee"

To Yoon Hee:

Are you doing well? I've wanted to ask you this for a long time. You may not remember me, after all, it's been 20 years. It is to suddenly want you to know my news, people do not always live like this, endure to the point where they can no longer bear it.

Remember my parents? They were always quarrelsome and divorced when I was twenty years old. Mom stayed in Korea, and I came to Japan with my dad. When I came to Japan, my father let me live at my aunt's house and occasionally talked to my father on the phone, but now this has become impossible because he died not long ago. Isn't it ridiculous? Usually I don't care what happens to my father, but this time thanks to my father, I can write to you like this.

Remember my aunt? It's my aunt Masako, whom I often mention to you. I now live in Otaru with my aunt. My aunt was very much like me, hating people who spoke loudly, hating noisy places, and even liking the sleeping nights of all things. My aunt is very suitable for the winter of Otaru, because the winter of Otaru is only snow and moon, night and tranquility. Sometimes there are such thoughts – and this is also the right place for you. You will certainly like me and Aunt Masako, and enjoy it very much.

You haven't been in my dreams for a long time, and it's strange that yesterday I dreamed of you. On the day I occasionally dream of you, I will write to you, but I can't send these letters to you who are already married and have a family, so the words I want to say to you gradually accumulate. It's like this every time, as if it were the first letter I wrote to you.

Just like that, hesitating, day after day. I was once very timid and ran away from you, and I still run away. But it won't be long before I write to you again, as I did for the first time.

Like not like a fool? Maybe I'm not mature enough, maybe maybe that's right. But no matter what, I am no longer ashamed of myself writing this letter. Yoon Hee, you used to be the object of my vision. After meeting you, I realized what kind of person I was.

Sometimes I miss Korea, I want to go to the neighborhood where we lived together, and I want to go to the school where we went to school together. I want to know if my mother in Korea is doing well, and I want to know if you are doing well.

There is you in the dream - "To Yoon Hee"


Is it okay? When I received the letter, I wrote you a reply. I'm not as literate as you are, but I'll pray for your dad from afar.

I don't think your letter will be a burden on me, and I will always think of you and want to know your news. I feel very happy in the time I spent with you, and that life is no longer so fulfilling. What is hard to believe is that it has become a trance.

At that time, breaking up with you was my true words. My parents thought that I was sick when I said I loved you, and I was forced to travel back and forth between mental hospitals. In the end, I married the man my brother introduced early.

I don't want to use this letter to tell the story of my tragic past. All I can say is that this was an inevitable occurrence at that time. I ran away like you.

Chun, I have always felt that the rest of my life is a punishment for me, so invisibly I have been punishing myself. You say you have nothing to be ashamed of, and I hope I'm not ashamed of myself. Yeah, we didn't do anything wrong.

Finally, tell me about my daughter, whose name is New Year, and who is about to become a college student. I want her to learn endlessly, and I don't want to learn anymore.

Although the letter has the address of your home, I don't know if I can send it to you, if I can have the courage to do so. Speaking of which, my daughter is almost home, when will I be able to tell my daughter about you? I want to summon up courage, and I can muster courage too.

And, I still dream of having you.

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