
The horror of the double-slit experiment continues to escalate? Is our world real?

author:Multi-dimensional weird talk

Hello everyone, welcome to watch the multi-dimensional weird talk.

Ask everyone a classic question: Chicken first, or egg first? The comments section tells me that we will reveal the end.

The horror of the double-slit experiment continues to escalate? Is our world real?

Eggs and chickens, chickens and eggs, without chickens, there will be no eggs, without eggs, chickens will not appear, so which one will appear first?

The question that hawking once argued with Langen was not just a philosophical question of his own and his own brains, but he actually brought a deeper question to mankind: Did civilization create the universe, or did the universe create civilization?

The horror of the double-slit experiment continues to escalate? Is our world real?

So today, we're going to talk about a terrifying experiment that has made many people start to doubt the veracity of our world: the double-slit interference experiment.

What is a double-slit interference experiment?

Double-slit interference experiments, the earliest is actually people in order to understand: the nature of light, what is the experiment, physicists want to understand, light is a wave or particles?

This problem, in fact, is essentially just a classical physical problem, but the physicists have been arguing about it, but under the great influence of Newton at that time, the vast majority of physicists sided with Newton, believing that light is composed of particles.

The horror of the double-slit experiment continues to escalate? Is our world real?

Until 1801, a British physicist - Thomas Thomas. Young suddenly decided that he wanted to do an experiment to verify whether Newton's theory was correct, and he wanted to figure out whether light was a wave or a particle, which was also the classic Young's interference experiment.

The horror of the double-slit experiment continues to escalate? Is our world real?

At that time, although some people thought that light was not a particle, not many people dared to question Newton, and Thomas Young's experiment became a very sensational event at that time, because he dared to question the authority at that time.

This experiment is actually very simple in itself, it is to let the sunlight pass through a filter, and then through a paper with a small hole, in order to get a point light source, let the light source pass through a small slit, and then observe its state on the probe screen to verify whether it is a wave or a particle.

Because if the light is composed of particles as the physicists of the Newtonian school believe, then after the beam passes through the slit, the pattern corresponding to the size and shape of the slit should be observed on the probe screen, on the contrary, if the beam is illuminated in two parallel slits, the probe screen shows a series of bright stripes and dull stripes similar to the zebra stripe, which can prove that light is a wave, like the ripple of water.

The horror of the double-slit experiment continues to escalate? Is our world real?

The final experimental results also verified that this point light source formed a zebra crossing-like ripple after passing through the double slit, which actually means that the propagation of light is interfered with, and this mutual interference phenomenon can only occur in the case of waves, so Newton is wrong.

So, Thomas. Yang published the paper on the experiment in "Related Experiments and Calculations of Physical Optics", and once this conclusion was published, the Classical particle theory of the Newtonian school lost its status in an instant, while on the contrary, light was generally accepted as a wave.

Experiments open Pandora's box?

So speaking of which, there is actually no place to think about it, and Thomas Young's interference experiment itself is not terrifying, but why is this experiment called a Pandora's box that may subvert the truth of the universe?

This is due to the fact that it began to become terrifying because of another experiment decades later, also known as the Double Slit Interference Single Photon Experiment.

So how is this experiment different from Thomas Young's experiment?

The horror of the double-slit experiment continues to escalate? Is our world real?

Previous experiments have been to obtain a point light source through a filter, but strictly speaking, it is still a beam of light, which has countless photons, and when they pass through the double slit at the same time, there will definitely be interference phenomena, so it is not possible to prove that light is a wave, not a particle.

And this experiment, is more rigorous, the experimenter through the photon gun, the photons one by one out, every few seconds, the photon gun will automatically fire photons into the double seam, and finally projected onto the photosensitive screen, so that because the photons are shot out one by one, they should not interfere.

The horror of the double-slit experiment continues to escalate? Is our world real?

However, a few hours later, when the experimenters saw the results of the experiment, a chill in the back immediately came up.

The phenomenon of interference also occurs after the photons (electrons) that are punched out by a single grain are passed through the double slit.

This is theoretically impossible, in a beam of light, there is interference between photons and photons, it is normal, but now the particles of photons are played separately, and who does it interfere with? Unless, of course, it interferes with itself and itself.

Although incomprehensible, physicists have to admit that when a single photon passes through the gap, it either splits into 2 and interferes with each other, or there is something that human science cannot temporarily fail to occur.

The horror of the double-slit experiment continues to escalate? Is our world real?

Physicists then tried to figure out the phenomenon, and then installed a detector on each side of the two gaps to detect how the photons became two on their own as they crossed the gap, or if not, how they interfered with each other.

And yet, something weird happened, and guess what? The photons no longer interfere, or become 2.

What is this like? It's like it seems to know that it's being observed, that it's a particle when there's an observer, as Newton thought, and a wave when there's no observer, as Thomas Young's experiments confirmed.

The horror of the double-slit experiment continues to escalate? Is our world real?

This experiment finally proved that light is both a particle and a wave, and this phenomenon is called: wave-particle duality, and in what form it takes, depends on whether there is an observer, you see me, I am a particle, you don't look at me, I am a wave.

What's going on? It is the most basic common sense that matter itself does not change because it has not been observed.

However, this is only common sense in the macroscopic world, and not in the microscopic world.

And not just light, any microscopic particle smaller than a molecule, has wave-particle duality.

The horror of the double-slit experiment continues to escalate? Is our world real?

Is it confused? What wave-particle duality, what photons, how to be observed and how not to be observed are not the same.

Let me make an analogy.

If you are in the study, put a comic book on the homework book, looking at the comic, then your mother suddenly knocked on the door, you quickly put the comic under the homework book, pretending to write homework.

The horror of the double-slit experiment continues to escalate? Is our world real?
The horror of the double-slit experiment continues to escalate? Is our world real?

And your mother opened the door and saw that you were writing your homework, so she went to cook contentedly.

So in this scene, you have two forms, one is to write homework, one is to read comics, and which form it is, depends on whether your mother looks at you, looks at you, you are writing homework, do not look at you, you are reading comics.

This is also called wave-particle duality, if this you are a particle in the microscopic world, and your mother is an observer, then whether you appear in the form of a wave or a particle depends on whether the observer is observing you or not.

Isn't this a bit of metaphysics? The particle seems to be conscious, knowing if anyone is watching it, just as you know if your mother is watching you write your homework.

Physicists, however, naturally do not admit this possibility, and Einstein once became very confused about quantum mechanics in his later years, saying that God could not roll the dice.

The horror of the double-slit experiment continues to escalate? Is our world real?

There can be no such thing as a so-called randomness that violates physics, because otherwise all the universe that people have built up may collapse.

So, in order to understand this phenomenon, the final experiment of wrestling with particles in the microscopic world began again.

The Ultimate Double Slit Experiment - Subverting Human Cognition?

This experiment is actually not much different from the previous experiment, the difference is that the detector installed next to the double slit is not always open, but set by the experimenter, randomly opened, randomly closed.

Guess what, the particle is like knowing exactly when the detector is turned on and when it's closed, and when the detector is turned on, it's the particle form, and when the detector is closed, it's the shape of the wave.

The horror of the double-slit experiment continues to escalate? Is our world real?

Like what? It's like you're playing a game, and the distant scene in a large map isn't actually rendered by the computer, it's blurry, and it only becomes clear when it gets close, which is a performance of computer power savings.

So, does the microscopic world also save computing power when it is not observed?

The horror of the double-slit experiment continues to escalate? Is our world real?

This time, the physicists were completely collapsed, and then the famous physicist Feynman explained that there is only one explanation that can make sense, that is, whether the detector is turned on, it will interfere with the quantum world, thus changing the form of the quantum, if not for this reason, then there is only another more bizarre reason, that is:

Time in the microscopic world can be reversed, and particles will reverse time to change their shape before passing through the gap because they have had an observer.

The horror of the double-slit experiment continues to escalate? Is our world real?

If this wave of Feynman's explanations is accepted, it means that people admit that quanta are conscious, and even more bluntly concluded: our world, may be false.

If you still think this isn't convincing, let's take a look at one last, a recent experiment.

Consciousness affects reality?

In 2012, psychologist Dean Reading raised a question, since particles are conscious, know whether there are observers exist, so what if we don't put the observer, but put a meditator, let the meditator's consciousness focus on the particle?

It's like your mom guessing outside the door if you're doing your homework, and can you know?

So, the researchers found 130 meditators, these 130 meditators are divided into 2 groups, 1 group is ordinary people, 1 group is people who have many years of meditation experience, in order to distinguish conveniently, we call ordinary people group A, meditators call group B.

The horror of the double-slit experiment continues to escalate? Is our world real?

The researchers first let the 2 groups of people familiarize themselves with the experimental site and explained the content of the experiment, and then in the next time, the researchers first let the A group come to the laboratory, and secretly opened the experimental equipment, and then let the A group start to meditate freely, and then a few seconds later, the researchers told the A group to let them focus on the content of the experiment that they had told them, and after the same last few seconds, the researchers told the A group to let them take their attention away again.

After repeating this several times, I changed to Group B to perform the exact same experiment.

In the year that followed, the same experiment was conducted more than 200 times for reliability of the experimental data, and the results were even more shocking than all the previous double-slit experiments.

The horror of the double-slit experiment continues to escalate? Is our world real?

The researchers concluded that when the group participating in the experiment focused on the experiment while meditating, the interference between the particles weakened, and when the meditator turned their attention away, the interference phenomenon of the particles increased, and group B had a stronger impact on the particles during meditation than group A.

What does this mean? It shows that in the microscopic world, consciousness is indeed a force that can affect the microscopic world.

The horror of the double-slit experiment continues to escalate? Is our world real?

Of course, this experimental conclusion is not accepted by the physics community, because if it is accepted, it means that consciousness can affect the real world, at least in the microscopic world, at least in the microscopic world, it is not me who thinks, but I think so I am, and this terrible conclusion is that at some point before the Big Bang in the universe, a consciousness was born, and with the birth of consciousness, the universe had a big bang, and then formed our current world.

This also means the existence of the Creator, or the Big Bang that formed this world, that is, a computer that was opened to a certain program, and our universe was formed.

And we're all just products of our consciousness, or it's like you create a world in a game, and then your world will run according to the most basic laws until you turn it off.

And this, too, answers the original question of the show, whether there is a chicken or an egg first, it must be a chicken first, at least in the microscopic world.

In this regard, what do you think, welcome to discuss in the comment area, well this issue of the program is here, we will see you in the next issue.

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