
The horror secrets of the depths of the ocean

author:Global Fun Facts

First of all, let me briefly introduce it. At present, 86% of our marine species are unknown, 95% of the marine area is untapped, and the sea is far more complex than we humans think. The ocean water body that has really been explored is less than one in 100,000 of the ocean, so do you think we know about the sea?

The horror secrets of the depths of the ocean

The sea has evolved for 3.8 billion years, while marine life has only landed on land for 430 million years. Although humans have now landed on the moon, we know nothing about the sea like a baby. Because the ocean is really too big, 96% of the world's water is in the ocean, the ocean area is 360 million square kilometers, if the world's land is used for reclamation, then the whole earth will be submerged in 3200 meters of seawater, because its average depth is 3680 meters.

The horror secrets of the depths of the ocean

Well, the following small talk to lead everyone to explore the mysterious ocean together, into the world under the sea.

40 meters, is the deepest depth that ordinary people can dive into, this depth is full of sunlight, rich in nutrients, all kinds of animals and plants live here, belongs to the city center in the ocean.

50 meters, is the living area with fish, but also our most common and catch the most fish.

The horror secrets of the depths of the ocean

100 meters is basically the depth of human extreme diving, and it is also the favorite depth of giant whale sharks.

200 meters, which is the best depth for human fishing, most of the fish are caught at this depth, and most of the marine life is also concentrated in the ocean above 200 meters. The kelp inside the sea can even grow up to 100 meters in length, and it is also known as the marine cemetery. There is also a kind of royal fish, which is what people call the earthquake fish, which lives here.

The horror secrets of the depths of the ocean

500 meters, this has reached the unknown world of the ocean, also known as another space world. This is the deepest place that the submarine can dive into, and then the downward pressure will squeeze the steel shell of the submarine, and this deep rescue is basically hopeless, if it is killed, it can only sleep on the seabed. However, it is still a paradise for marine animals, and it is here that the largest marine animal on the planet, the blue whale, lives here.

The horror secrets of the depths of the ocean

800 meters, this is the living place of the giant sea monster, it is a six-meter-long Pacific giant octopus, skill: good at stealth by changing color, often when humans find it, he has reached your side, in the moment before the attack they will suddenly turn bright red to achieve the effect of scaring people to death. There is also an even more terrifying giant sea monster, a ghost predator up to 13 meters long, the Great King Squid. Legend has it that they would attack fishing boats when the sea was rough and rough, and roll up sailors with their claws to eat in their mouths.

The horror secrets of the depths of the ocean

1000 meters, here is basically no trace of sunlight, ultra-high pressure and low temperature, equivalent to hellish existence.

At 3,800 meters, here lies one of the world's largest cruise ships, the Titanic. Experts estimate that the artifacts on it are worth more than $1 billion, and if you want to get the wealth inside, you can only think about it.

The horror secrets of the depths of the ocean

4000 meters, this is where the body of the whale falls after death, and its fat can last for more than ten years without decay, which for small organisms, can feed them for more than ten years.

At 11,034 meters, only four people on Earth have come here in diving equipment, including Cameron, a well-known director in Hollywood, who was the first box office in the history of world cinema box office. Only a few special species of lobsters have been found here, and no more creatures have been found since. But in addition to the creatures, what you see here is not more of a magical landscape and creatures, but a garbage discarded by humans!

The horror secrets of the depths of the ocean

Our pollution has reached the deepest part of the ocean, which has 8 million tons of garbage, and an important cause of this pollution is human feces and pollution. In 2010, scientists estimated that about 8 million tons of garbage were floating in the ocean. Unless the world finds a way to control pollution, marine pollution could increase tenfold. Protecting the environment and protecting the earth is a long way to go!

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