
"Guan Xiang": The Limitations of Xiang Shu


"Looking at The Picture"

A person can not be responsible for his own appearance until he is thirty years old, but after thirty years old, he must be responsible for his own appearance. - Lincoln

Looking at the theory, as one of the traditional Chinese mathematical disciplines, there is both narrowness in taking people by appearance, but combined with the shaping of people by the environment and the shaping of personality and appearance, there is also a certain practical reason. Although "Guan Xiang" is limited to actors (cannot really change the appearance of actors, relying more on the actor's interpretation), it is impossible to show the "Xiangshu" at a deeper level, but from the perspective of dramatic arrangement, it can show the theory and practice of Xiangshu from shallow to deep, from static to dynamic, from individual to comprehensive.

The protagonist, as a descendant of the family, is familiar with the art of guan xiang (which should also be an influence of Chinese culture). He saw that his adopted son would die once he became an official; he saw that his brother-in-law's throat knot was prominent and impatient, and he would always cause trouble; he also saw that the prime minister in power was an invincible tiger, and he saw that the uncle wang who plotted rebellion was the appearance of a jackal. He even saw that Uncle Wang was brave and resourceful, and there must be a superior person behind him.

"Guan Xiang": The Limitations of Xiang Shu

Tiger phase

"Guan Xiang": The Limitations of Xiang Shu

Wolf phase

He even knows dynamic thinking, knows that phases are variable and can be created. So he added a mole to the nose of the beautiful prostitute, made her very popular, and changed her fate; used drugs to help his son's glasses more glorious so that he could go to high school; with the help of the mother bustard, he stabbed Uncle Wang with three moles, so that the little king who half understood and half understood decided to attack him... I also know relative thinking, know that the phase is not a single independent, such as the appearance of husband and wife, but also break the original number of life expectancy and die violently.

"Guan Xiang": The Limitations of Xiang Shu

Add a mole to the prostitute's nose

"Guan Xiang": The Limitations of Xiang Shu

Adding three moles to the thief made the little king determined to attack him

However, he still lost, and eventually his adopted son died, because the brother-in-law's plan to betray the prime minister, kill Uncle Wang, and maintain orthodoxy failed. The prime minister and the little king were also killed, and he could only return to his hometown.

In the end, his realization was that he only saw people, not the times. What kind of era was it, and there was no shortage of that era in Chinese history—the jackal was in charge.

"Guan Xiang": The Limitations of Xiang Shu

In fact, the so-called phase is born from the heart, and appearance can reflect a person's life experience, personality traits, and even its fate can be inferred. The problem is that everyone is only an independent individual, but the family in which everyone lives, the friends they make, and the "class group" they live in cannot be judged by a face, let alone the times and society as a whole. For example, each chess piece has its own limitations, but being able to use its strengths, avoid its shortcomings, and raise funds as a whole is naturally an immeasurable game. As the King of Korea lamented at the beginning, he was always determined to solve the problem of corruption, but he always caught more and more. Because that is a serious official, people who do things for the people are no longer the mainstream. Even having a loyal tiger cannot change the seizure of power by many jackals.

The movie should say that the story is quite wonderful, although there are also many details in it, such as going to stab Uncle Wang with a mole, how can it be so easy to mix in, but also left a scar, sewing silk thread but not being noticed by the other party.

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