
Operation Brave stars real SEALs and is based on real-life events

author:Feeling the sound
Operation Brave stars real SEALs and is based on real-life events

Recently, I watched a real-world heroic film "Brave Action" and found that this film is indeed very interesting. The film's lead actors are all real ELITE SEALs, and the resulting film is much better than actors who have only trained for a few weeks. Because it is a real war film, the equipment and tactics used in it are also the usual use of the REAL SEALs. Much of the content is based on real-life stories of the American Navy SEALs.

Operation Brave stars real SEALs and is based on real-life events

Operation Brave gives people a refreshing visual enjoyment, mainly because it is a military movie played by real American Navy SEALs special forces soldiers. The biggest feature of the movie "Brave Action" is professionalism, absolute professionalism, and it is worth recommending to fans.

Operation Brave stars real SEALs and is based on real-life events

The film begins with a team of Navy SEALs in the United States rescuing a trapped CIA agent, and then during the rescue they accidentally discover a conspiracy of terrorists to use high-tech suicide vests to attack the United States, and those terrorists are about to enter Mexico, and finally the Navy SEALs will work with the Mexican police at all costs to eliminate the terrorists.

Operation Brave stars real SEALs and is based on real-life events

These members belong to a combat group, and they are teammates in wartime and friends in peacetime, and two are even generations of friends. Of course, as a war film can not be without tears. The wife of one of them has just become pregnant, and although the two are not shocked on the surface when the father-to-be leaves his wife, when the door is closed, the wife sadly slides from the door to the ground, which is where the film shows emotional tears.

Operation Brave stars real SEALs and is based on real-life events

There are also two classics, one is that in the process of pursuing and killing terrorists, a terrorist throws a grenade, and a Navy SEALs throws a grenade to protect his teammates, and uses his body to suppress the grenade and dies heroically. It's a true-life adaptation of Michael A. Monsoor, the hero of the Navy SEALs, who threw himself at a grenade during the 2006 War in Afghanistan to save three other team members. In honor of this hero, the U.S. Navy's newest Zumwalt-class destroyer, Ship 2, was named USS Michael Monsour.

Operation Brave stars real SEALs and is based on real-life events

The other is where the sergeant major angrily pursues the terrorists, is strafed by machine guns, his fingers are interrupted by bullets, and several shots are still stubbornly returned with pistols. At the end of the film, the sergeant major is not killed, but is seriously injured and sits in a wheelchair to attend the memorial service of his fallen comrades, which is also an adaptation of the real story, based on Douglas "Mike" Day - the second special operations team member of the Navy, who was on a mission in Iraq in April 2007, and was strafed by several militants' AK47 rifles as he entered the room, 27 shots in his body, and the rifle in his hand was shot. After waking up from his serious injuries, he took advantage of the militants' engagement with friendly forces outside the house and killed 4 militants with pistols. Then walk on your own to the helicopter that came to pick him up. Miraculously survived after emergency treatment. He was later awarded the Silver Star Medal.

Operation Brave stars real SEALs and is based on real-life events

In the production process of the film, it can be seen that a lot of research has been made on the details of the American Navy SEALs, the actions and professionalism of the characters in the film are beyond imagination, a large number of pictures interpret the special forces is the most terrifying force, restore the real combat situation, professional command and perfect cooperation, making this movie visually complete summary of the actual combat insider of the American special forces.

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