
News! Exposed the six major players of the national football team will be injured, and the four naturalized may not come back, which wins Vietnam in the air

On January 18, 2022, there are only 9 days away from the life-and-death battle between the national football team and Japan, and this game can be said to be a decisive battle: losing the World Cup directly, the winner can continue to live, and the draw is 99.99% close to elimination. At this time, most of the international footballers have been assembled, Li Xiaopeng has also arranged a teaching match in the team, and the crowd is ready to go, and the overall atmosphere is good. But at such a juncture, there was suddenly some bad news, if it is really as rumored, maybe this time the national football team is going to be tragic again, and even winning Vietnam is hanging.

News! Exposed the six major players of the national football team will be injured, and the four naturalized may not come back, which wins Vietnam in the air

Ma Dexing revealed that just after the end of the team's teaching competition, there was an injury phenomenon in the national team, and 6 major generals such as Wu, Zhang, Artemisia, Yu and Chi did not participate in the training. Arthur Junmin is the strongest core of the national football team, while Wu Xi is the main back, Zhang Yuning is also an important striker, Zhang Linpeng has always been an iron defender, Chi Zhongguo can act as a substitute, and Yu Dabao can also play 2 positions as a striker and defender. In comparison, the injuries of Arthur, Erzhang and Wu have a greater impact on the national football team, because their performance in the round of 12 is better.

News! Exposed the six major players of the national football team will be injured, and the four naturalized may not come back, which wins Vietnam in the air

According to the Oriental Sports Daily, ai, A, Luo and Fei may not return, which means that they will miss at least two World Cup games in January. According to the media analysis, Axon, Luo Guofu and Fernando have terminated their contracts with the Guangzhou team, they are no longer bound by the contract, and these bosses are on vacation in Brazil, so it is really difficult to guarantee whether they will come back. As for Alain, although he still has a contract with guangzhou team, he also has no clear statement like Axon and others. In addition, the state of these naturalized players is also worrying, so even if they return, they cannot guarantee that they will be able to play their best.

News! Exposed the six major players of the national football team will be injured, and the four naturalized may not come back, which wins Vietnam in the air

In fact, not only the two problems of injury and naturalization, but even the coaching staff of the national football team seems to be unable to rest assured. This time, in order to play well in the back games, the national football team sent a huge coaching team with Li Xiaopeng as the main player and Sun Jihai and Li Jinyu as the supplement. There is a saying: "There are not many soldiers in the spirit." Referring to the cases of the world's strongest teams such as Germany, Pakistan, and Italy, almost no country has a double-digit coach to form a team to direct the team, which makes people look a little "more people are blind" feeling. In addition, Boss Li Xiaopeng has the label of "too defensive", and his tactics are relatively single, that is, long passes and hangings.

News! Exposed the six major players of the national football team will be injured, and the four naturalized may not come back, which wins Vietnam in the air

You know, the national football team has no such powerful high school forwards as Maozhen and Liu Haiguang, let alone the big guys such as Pele, Levan, and Ibu, counting on Zhang Yuning and Guo Tianyu to smash down on Japan, it seems that few people will believe that such a result can occur. The Japanese team is almost all composed of players in Europe, while they rank 2nd in Asia, the last 6 World Cups have all been promoted to the World Cup, and even can break the wrist with European giants, and the "All China Class" national football team wants to win them is too unreliable.

News! Exposed the six major players of the national football team will be injured, and the four naturalized may not come back, which wins Vietnam in the air

In fact, not only Japan, the national football team seems to want to take Vietnam is a bit hanging. Previously, Li Tie's national football team only narrowly defeated Vietnam 3:2 seconds. You know, at that time, the national football team also had Axon, Luo Guofu and other naturalization help, and for the "home battle", and this time we want to go to the away game, and forced to rely on the "all-China class" to play, the coach was also replaced by "too defensive" Li Xiaopeng, and 6 big generals may be absent. In this case, the Chinese team seems to be completely uncertain if it wants to win away to Vietnam. The prospects for national football are worrying.

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