
Rekkles: Gumayusi's style of play reminds me a bit of Uzi

On January 18, Rekkles players joined the French league KC team in the new season, and recently the French sports newspaper "Team Newspaper" published an article interviewing Rekkles players, in which Rekkles said that the playing style of T1 player Gumayusi reminded him of Uzi.

Rekkles: Gumayusi's style of play reminds me a bit of Uzi

Q: How have you been this season? You are still considered one of the best players in LEC, seeing you play in the LFL (French League) in a secondary league than LEC is still strange for many people and want to prove your worth again?

A: I don't think I need to prove anything. I don't think I'm playing badly in the 2021 season. Failure is partly my responsibility, but it's not a one-man problem. Also, everyone thinks that almost all the teams this year are quite strong, and the most important thing for me now is to win again. I miss that feeling. If you win, you'll feel like it's worth it to be away from your family and spend so much time. I want to regain that feeling.

Q: You're a sentimental person, and when you mention Paris in 2017, and Athens, I see that you are very touched... These failures are hard to bear, and how do they affect you?

A: Indeed. Winning is the most important thing for me, and the last time it happened to me was in 2018. So 2022 must be synonymous with victory. I don't just think so. I'm going to improve my performance in every way, maybe, just maybe, it will come true. I had to do my best. In 2021, if some details were handled differently, the story would be completely different.

Winning individual awards but the team can't win doesn't make sense to me. Last spring, after being eliminated by Rogue in the playoffs, I won the LEC Spring Regular Season MVP, so embarrassed... Normally, you should be proud of this kind of time. But I don't really want to receive this trophy. It was horrible.

Rekkles: Gumayusi's style of play reminds me a bit of Uzi

Q: Now in the new team, are you eligible to win the championship? Because there's one interesting thing to note: you joined G2 last year as a team that won the championship, and Karmine Corp also won the championship, but only in the secondary leagues.

A: Yes, but you need to wait. I feel like my team every year has the strength to win the championship. Aside from what was going on at Fnatic in 2016, the whole season is probably fraught with apprehension as the team changes a lot. Last year we had a perfect team but some details were missing.

Q: How do your new teammates see you?

A: I still have the impression that they still respect me a little too much! They listen to me, and no matter what I say, they shouldn't be like this (smiling). It's a bit of the opposite of G2, where I had a hard time getting them to listen to me because I thought I was inferior to my teammates from the start. I wanted to find a good balance, just like when I was playing for Fnatic. Here, it would be better if they didn't see me as some kind of divine creature, and I was just like everyone else.

Q: Can the experienced Cabochard (Karmine Corp) help you?

A: Exactly. He's important in the team. If I were the only veteran player, it would be too unbalanced. Cabochard is already captain, which is good. "My goal is still to get back to LEC as soon as possible, yes. 2023 will be my next opportunity. If possible, I'll go back to LEC with KCorp, but it's not within my control. I'm happy to play in the LFL, I can't wait to go to a new environment, to travel, like in Nice in February, to participate in the European Masters... But I still want to go back to LEC. I have a mission to defend. ”

Rekkles: Gumayusi's style of play reminds me a bit of Uzi

Q: On the other hand, Hantera (KC Assist) is still very young and you will race with him down the road. He used to play with another young player who was inexperienced, and now he's walking down the road with you. What do you think?

A: I think he still has a little too much respect for me (laughs). He has his own style of play, I've seen him single-row for a while and he's a good pro. He wants to accept the feedback I give him, but he also has to think for himself, and he should also take part of it and discard some of it. After that we will play better.

Q: After the World Championship, we interviewed Hans sama and he said that Viper and Gumayusi in the ADC position are very impressive now. Do you agree with this?

A: Gumayusi is the pro I've seen the most in the offseason. I think his playing style is unique. Even further, I think his style of play is revolutionary for an ADC. Reminds me of FORG1VEN and Uzi. He (Gumayusi) will be overwhelmed. I've never played against him, so I don't know exactly how it feels, but just seeing him play, I categorize him as a player of this type. I've always tried to be one of them. I don't think I've done it yet, but I believe the way they play to this day still inspires me.

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