
Publishers Weekly, the oldest magazine in the publishing industry, marks its 150th anniversary

Publishers Weekly, the oldest magazine in the publishing industry, marks its 150th anniversary

As the oldest magazine in the publishing industry, Publishers Weekly has a long history. On January 18, 1872, Publishers Weekly was officially launched, initially under the title The Weekly Trade Circular, and a year later as The Publishers' Weekly (later Publishiers Weekly). Publishers Weekly includes information about new books from different publishers once a week, initially intended to keep booksellers and librarians informed of upcoming bibliographies. As the journal continued to evolve and evolve, Publishers Weekly later added a series of features and articles.

The founder and first editor of Publishers Weekly was the German-born Frederick Leypoldt, a zealous and hard-working philologist who unfortunately died prematurely in 1884 at the age of 49. After his death, Publishers Weekly was taken over by his colleague Richard Rogers Bowker. Originally a literary journalist, Bauke later founded the book publishing company that bears his name, publishing a large number of books each year and assigning an International Standard ISBN (ISBN) to each book published. In the second half of the 20th century, Publishers Weekly also experienced several transition periods of change of ownership.

Publishers Weekly, the oldest magazine in the publishing industry, marks its 150th anniversary

Frederick Leypoldt (1835-1884), founder of Publishers Weekly, was a German-American philologist and bibliographer.

Another key figure in Publishers Weekly's history was Frederic G. Melcher, a learned secretary of the American Booksellers Association who began more than 40 years of work since joining the magazine in 1918. Melcher curated and helped form the Publishers Association of America and launched a number of prestigious book awards that continue to this day: the Newberry Children's Literature Award, the Caldecott Award, and the Carey Thomas Award. Melcher also launched the American Children's Book Week campaign to cover children's books widely, which is still a tradition in Publishers Weekly. On the occasion of its 150th anniversary, Publishers Weekly plans to restart the Kyrie Thomas Award for Outstanding Publishers by the end of 2022.

To mark its 150th anniversary, Publishers Weekly announced a series of special initiatives this year, including: from January 18, a weekly article will review the past 150 years of coverage and tell the story of the magazine. In addition, Publishers Weekly will publish a special issue of the 150th Anniversary on April 19 detailing the changes that have taken place in the publishing industry since 1997. In late May, Publishers Weekly will also organize an online exhibition during the U.S. Book Show to fill the gap caused by the cancellation of the BookExpo.


Compile the | Li Yongbo

Edit | Rodong

Proofreading | Guo Li