
Owen talks about insisting on not vaccinating: for all those who do not vaccinate, want to be a beacon of hope

Owen talks about insisting on not vaccinating: for all those who do not vaccinate, want to be a beacon of hope

The Nets lost 107-114 to the Cavaliers, with Kyrie Irving having 27 points, seven rebounds and nine assists on 12-of-23 shooting.

Asked if Durant's injury affected his decision to get the vaccine, Owen said no, saying, "I want to be clearer, I don't want to bring science to the basketball game." Everyone is feeling what's happening in the real world. I'm a non-vaccinated person and I've been put into the other side of the team. I was an ordinary person and I made the decision to leave a legacy. There is nothing to guarantee in this world right now. Everywhere people get sick. I just want to be a beacon of hope and try not to get involved in more nonsense and the political world. I don't want to get science in. I've been asked. If you're in my place, some people can easily say, 'Why don't you get vaccinated?' But you're not me, I've made a decision and I'm going to stick with it. ”

"But when it comes to basketball, I stick to my decision. It's not going to be shaken by one thing in the NBA, it's not going to happen to me. I respect everyone's decision and I don't want to convince anyone. I stick to what I believe. Even though we're going to face Kevin (injured), I know I'm protected by the team, I'm protected by my teammates, all the doctors I've talked to, I'm supportive. ”

"You guys brought up the topic of vaccines in a game. When I said not to get vaccinated, I made a choice for my life. Someone says , 'What about basketball?' 'No, brother, we live in the real world. I'm grateful for this opportunity, I love playing with my teammates and I want to play for the Nets. But I've been away for a long time and spent enough time thinking about making this decision, and I'm determined. Know that some people will agree and some people will disagree. I pray that they will change the rules and that we can do something different. It's not just for me, it's for all those who are fired without vaccination. It's not just for me, it's the message I've been sending. ”

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