
80 years ago, the "murderer" who killed Ruan Lingyu is still unscrupulous to this day

author:World Chinese Weekly
80 years ago, the "murderer" who killed Ruan Lingyu is still unscrupulous to this day

How easy is it for public opinion to kill a person?

· Produced by World Chinese Weekly ·

Columnist of World Chinese Weekly: Zhang Laoliu

See the micro-knowledge, interpret the inevitability in the magical world

80 years ago, the "murderer" who killed Ruan Lingyu is still unscrupulous to this day

Two days before Li Yong's death, his daughter posted a selfie on Weibo.

Two days later, Li Yong passed away, and someone left a message under her Weibo, "Your father is dying, and you are still in the mood to take a selfie!" "No conscience"...

80 years ago, the "murderer" who killed Ruan Lingyu is still unscrupulous to this day
80 years ago, the "murderer" who killed Ruan Lingyu is still unscrupulous to this day

This is an internet era of public trial, anyone can attack others, and everyone can be attacked.

The following suspense film, called "Snow White Murders", portrays the characteristics of the current network vividly.

80 years ago, the "murderer" who killed Ruan Lingyu is still unscrupulous to this day

Japan, a cosmetics company.

Noriko is the company's first beauty, there is no heinous malice, is like to use their own beauty and advantages, in others to find a sense of superiority.

80 years ago, the "murderer" who killed Ruan Lingyu is still unscrupulous to this day

This made the mediocre-looking Rishazi disgusted with her.

At the same time, to Risha's uneasiness, her theft at the company was discovered by Noriko.

80 years ago, the "murderer" who killed Ruan Lingyu is still unscrupulous to this day

Risha decides to plot a murder, but she needs to find a scapegoat.

She set her sights on her colleague Maggie. Because Miki is also dissatisfied with Noriko.

80 years ago, the "murderer" who killed Ruan Lingyu is still unscrupulous to this day

After the murder, Risha reveals the news that "Mihime may be the murderer" to her classmate Akasho, who works at the TV station.

Red Star was very excited to hear this news, and he felt that the opportunity to grab the hot search headlines had come.

80 years ago, the "murderer" who killed Ruan Lingyu is still unscrupulous to this day

He first posted the "maybe" in Li Shazi's mouth as "truth" online.

Then he interviewed Mihime's subordinates, who revealed to him that mihime's favorite section chief had fallen in love with Noriko, and that mihime could show a sinister smile when she drove illegally.

80 years ago, the "murderer" who killed Ruan Lingyu is still unscrupulous to this day

Then Akahoshi went to the countryside to interview Miki's fellow countrymen.

High school classmates said: She is a superb knife worker, killing a fish with a knife; a boy who is skilled in curse secrets, bullying her, and an inexplicable car accident and a fracture ruined the future of football.

80 years ago, the "murderer" who killed Ruan Lingyu is still unscrupulous to this day

Neighbors also testified: Yes, she held a curse ceremony with her classmates in elementary school and burned down the shrine.

Even Miki's parents crawled to the ground facing the camera, as if they had admitted that their daughter was a murderer.

80 years ago, the "murderer" who killed Ruan Lingyu is still unscrupulous to this day

Only Miki's grandmother believed in her, and the elementary school classmates who burned the shrine with her supported her:

Bullied in elementary school, it was Mihime who protected herself, and they tried to use spells to wash the bully's evil heart and make them stop bullying, but accidentally burned the shrine.

80 years ago, the "murderer" who killed Ruan Lingyu is still unscrupulous to this day

However, when Red Star reported, he omitted the testimony of his grandmother and elementary school classmates, and tried to pick out Mei Ji's strange and peculiar "murderous genes".

The report does not say that Mei Ji is the murderer, but it also does not say that Mei Ji has a glimmer of possibility that she is not a murderer.

As a result, the cries of crusades, controversies, ridicule, and unevenness on the Internet instantly converged into an ocean of justice.

80 years ago, the "murderer" who killed Ruan Lingyu is still unscrupulous to this day

And the party, Mei Ji, saw the screen full of verbal criticism and writing that scolded her as a "murderer", and desperately took a rope to end her life.

At this time, the TV timely broadcast the news that Li Shazi was the real murderer, saving Mei Ji's life.

After the truth came out, the cries of crusades, controversies, ridicule, and unevenness converged again, only this time to target the TV station that created rumors...

Do you feel familiar with the plot in the film?

Some people commented on it: too suitable for China's network environment!


Many times, the truth doesn't matter to people who have gossip genes in their blood.

For them, it is only in the process of inferring the case that they have not stood on the moral high ground and are satisfied with it.

Some time ago, the cartoonist Huang Jiawei's derailment incident made a lot of noise, and the object of his derailment, Du Yuwei, was also pickpocketed, and many netizens went to Du Yuwei's Weibo to insult.

Du Yuwei later closed Weibo, and soon it was reported that she had committed suicide.

Compared with the various rumors that had been raging before, Du Yuwei's death could not cause half a minute of movement, and it was silently gone.

Some people learned the news and even said coldly, "Not sympathetic at all."

80 years ago, the "murderer" who killed Ruan Lingyu is still unscrupulous to this day
80 years ago, the "murderer" who killed Ruan Lingyu is still unscrupulous to this day

Du Yuwei's appearance seems to be just to make those people's ordinary lives, which seems less bland.

Who didn't those who originally deserved to arrest Xiao San, who didn't have sympathetic hypocritical words on their lips while falling into the well and contributing to the deterioration of the affair?

A psychologist said that personality is divided into two types: introspection and blame.

However, with the decline of people's moral concepts, the responsibility type personality can be seen everywhere in society.

When a family surnamed Deng in Hainan committed suicide for the first time, her daughter posted on Weibo that a family of three was going to commit suicide.

After rescue, the three people were rescued from the danger of life.

However, netizens questioned the motives of this family of three, and suddenly, sneers, schadenfreude, and malicious insults were all over the place:

Obviously, I just don't want to die, I just want to attract the attention of society, it's all a routine

It feels like it's hot there

Exquisite egoists, fortunately not dead, continue to pay back

If you have money to buy high-end cheongsam, you just don't pay back the money, is this kind of person worthy of sympathy?


In the end, the family committed suicide again at the high-speed service station, resulting in two deaths and one injury.

80 years ago, the "murderer" who killed Ruan Lingyu is still unscrupulous to this day

But this result has been paid no attention to.

The previous taunts and insults, like kapok wool flying all over the sky, glued out the rash of people with allergies and drifted away with the wind.

The Deng family, who were forced by life to commit suicide, became the laughing stock of "self-inflicted and glassy heart".


The most impressive stories about gossip in "Warring States Policy" are "three people becoming tigers" and "once participated in killing people".

The Internet allows us to say what we want to say and listen to what we want to hear.

It's just that when everyone is telling the same lie, the lie becomes true, and the truth becomes a lie.

The chongqing bus crash incident, the first cause of the accident, is "driving a red bridge car female driver retrograde caused by a car accident."

As soon as the news came out, various scolding voices emerged on the Internet, "the female driver who caused the accident should be executed" and "almost shot".

80 years ago, the "murderer" who killed Ruan Lingyu is still unscrupulous to this day

The major network news, can not wait, in order to grab the hot spot, the headline loudspeaker wrote "female driver retrograde collision bus."

However, the results came as a big surprise, and the "mastermind" changed from a female driver to a female passenger.

As a result, the female driver was called on to "need an apology from everyone", and the female passenger was accused of "wanting to die and not pulling others".

Even began an unprecedented "human corpse", hanging the photo of the female passenger on the Internet for people to spit and curse her family with the most vicious language.

80 years ago, the "murderer" who killed Ruan Lingyu is still unscrupulous to this day

Netizens even went to the shop of Liu's family to vent their anger, and his family could only keep begging for forgiveness: "The store has been subleased out, don't smash it again." ”

The whole process of the incident, left and right, can not blame the "pre-trial judgment" of their own at that time.

The "violence of the deceased" against the female passengers continued, and the female driver escaped the disaster and the unjust case was rehabilitated.

But the other woman was less lucky.

On August 25, a female doctor surnamed An in Deyang, Sichuan Province, committed suicide because she could not stand online violence.

She had a conflict with someone before she died, and afterwards, the other party involved went to the unit where she worked and made a big fuss and demanded that the unit dismiss her.

Subsequently, they uploaded the edited video to the Internet, and the media reprinted it in large quantities under the title of "Suspected Wife Was Hit by Man Who Beat a Child in the Pool".

The personal information of Dr. An's family was also widely circulated in the local WeChat group, and netizens who did not know the truth began to attack Dr. An's family, insulting and threatening one after another.

In the end, Dr. An, who was under the pressure of public opinion and was insulted by his physical dignity, committed suicide by taking medicine in his car.

80 years ago, the "murderer" who killed Ruan Lingyu is still unscrupulous to this day

The "public opinion war" that Chinese is best at has actually been used as early as 2,000 years ago.

Chen Sheng, the originator of the uprising, Wu Guang, can unite people's hearts with a proverb "Great Chu Xing Chen Sheng Wang".

More than 2,000 years later, people with hearts can also use it to take lives.

In the world of public opinion, the heroes of the past may be the bears of tomorrow.

And we, all of us, may be potential victims, and we may also be potential perpetrators.


I still remember that before Lan Jieying's death, the words used by the Hong Kong media on her were either "crazy" or "desolate", and the photos of her fat and sitting on the ground were constantly flowing out of the market.

While the Hong Kong media ridiculed her, they used her as a "treasure", and the snobbish reports aggravated Lan Jieying's youthful beauty and the sloppiness of her later years.

No wonder some people say that under the description of the Hong Kong media, there are many more "crazy women" in Hong Kong who have been ridiculed by the crowd.

80 years ago, the "murderer" who killed Ruan Lingyu is still unscrupulous to this day

The media is the "eye" of the public, shouldering justice and mission.

But it is clear that in this era of fame and profit, many media have been reduced to "making lies in the name of exposing the truth".

Before the Chongqing bus crashed into the river, before the matter was clear, the media comprehensively reported the "female driver retrograde" incident, using public opinion to incite the emotions of netizens.

When the matter came to light, they did not apologize at the first time, but used the advantages of the media to shirk the responsibility completely.

80 years ago, the "murderer" who killed Ruan Lingyu is still unscrupulous to this day

In 2016, when a young girl in Shandong was sexually assaulted, the media not only did not hide the name of the victim when reporting, but also said that the girl was "voluntary" in a large report.

80 years ago, the "murderer" who killed Ruan Lingyu is still unscrupulous to this day

We can't help but ask, what is it that drives unscrupulous media to write these untrue words?

The red star of "Snow White Murder" has the only ideal that the news he broke can be on the hot search.

80 years ago, the "murderer" who killed Ruan Lingyu is still unscrupulous to this day

Directed by Chen Kaige and starring Gao Yuanyuan, "Search" is a story about a TV reporter who forced a woman who did not give up her seat to a desperate situation for the sake of her own journalistic ideals.

But what kind of news can be on the hot search is a university question, so Red Star chooses the content of "everyone likes to listen" to report.

Yes, it is you, it is me, the consumer market that "bleeds of gossip" that provides a hotbed for "unscrupulous media.".

In order to cater to the market, the bloodthirsty media constantly digs for relevant and irrelevant content.

Just like Red Star, digging up all the clues that can reveal the murderer's darkness, weirdness, and violence is best for the audience to see the more angry the better.

Who ever thought, under the words, it is absurd.


80 years ago, Ruan Lingyu was surrounded and suppressed by yellow tabloids, and finally committed suicide, leaving behind the four words "people are fearful".

In his anger, Mr. Lu Xun wrote an article in the name of "Zhao Lingyi", "On the Fear of People's Words"," which satirized and lashed out at the dark public opinion environment and the distorted mentality of small citizens.

80 years ago, the "murderer" who killed Ruan Lingyu is still unscrupulous to this day

80 years have passed, the times have progressed, and the mind has opened up.

However, the web is almost universal, and everyone can travel online with either their real name or pseudonym.

Unconsciously, a double-edged sword called "public opinion" quietly formed on the Internet.

It can play the role of a heavenly soldier who will send those lawbreakers to the door of the law, or it can turn into a monstrous tsunami to draw people into the deep sea and devour the bones.

How to control this sword depends on the bottom line of human nature and which line it is in.

But we know very well that this "sword of power," when it falls into the wrong hands, is the same as God falling into mortal dust, bringing light and hope; when it falls into the wrong hands, it will be like Satan's incarnation on earth, bringing suffering and darkness.

Therefore, when using this "sword of power", before pressing Enter, remember:

We may not know the person or be sure if the source is reliable, but we may hurt an innocent person or destroy a happy family.

Only by facing up to the responsibility behind the behavior can we make good use of the power of the network to create a better society.

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