
Heine: Levan writes history with the winner of the world footballer of the year, and he has become one of the greatest players

Heine: Levan writes history with the winner of the world footballer of the year, and he has become one of the greatest players

Live bar January 18, Beijing time in the early morning of this morning, FIFA announced bayern striker Lewandowski was elected the 2021 men's football player of the year. Bayern executives Haina, Kahn and Salihamidzic all congratulated Levan on winning the World Footballer of the Year for winning the title of striker for their time.

Bayern President Heina: "With his election as World Footballer of the Year, Levan has once again written history. After winning last year's award, he has not slackened a moment. He is the embodiment of the goal perpetual motion machine. Now he is winning this award for the second time in a row, which is further proof that he has become one of the greatest players in the history of football. The same was true of Neuer, who was a guarantee of the team's success and who used his game to set the standard for all the goalkeepers who came after him. ”

Bayern chairman Kahn: "Levan is a phenomenal player: when he reaches a peak, he is thinking about the next peak. We would have liked Neuer to be re-elected FIFA Goalkeeper of the Year. Bayern are very proud and happy to have two outstanding players and great people in the team, Levan and Neuer. Both set the standards in themselves, both on and off the field. ”

Bayern Sport Director Salihamidzic: "Levan deserves this honour. He has always focused his life on his career. He showed discipline, willpower and strength in every training session, which is why he was best prepared. His name as World Footballer of the Year underscores his outstanding position, which will also continue to inspire him this season. Levan loves to make records. ”


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