
Warcraft Quest Introduction - Statholm

author:The edge of the clouds
Warcraft Quest Introduction - Statholm

Statholm was once a jewel of North Lordaeron, the second most populous city, and the founding site of the Knights of the Silver Hand. It was here that the Prince of Alsace, during the Third Great War, refused the help of the noble Paladin Uther Messenger of Light, and frantically destroyed Statholm and slaughtered the inhabitants of the plague of the undead infected with the terrible plague of the undead. From then on, the cursed Statholm was utterly destroyed by death, betrayal, and despair, and the undead occupied the city shortly thereafter. Today, Statholm is the capital of Lordaeron's Legion of Scourge, and the flames burn to this day. Statholm, but people today only remember its tragic decay.

Warcraft Quest Introduction - Statholm

20 years after the Dark Gate, the Legion of Natural Disasters, which was dormant in Northend, began to invade the kingdom of Lordaeron and unleashed the deadly plague of the undead. The prince of Alsace, the only son of King Tyrinus, took on the task of fighting the natural disasters of the undead. But as the war progressed, the army of the undead did not decrease, but more human soldiers and plague-infected civilians became the new undead. Faced with the overwhelming forces of evil and the frustration of defeat, Alsace's fear and determination led to crazy moves.

In order to prevent the inhabitants of the northern town of Statholm (who had been infected with the plague of the undead) from becoming the force of the Legion of Natural Disasters, Alsace ordered the slaughter of the city, which led directly to the disbandment of the Knights of the Silver Hand, and Alsace broke with his mentor, the Messenger of Light, Uther. The prosperous Statholm was reduced to hell overnight, and the local lord Baron Rivendell was meeting with King Tyrinus in the royal city of Lordaeron, and it had been half a month since he received the news that Statholm had been slaughtered...

Immediately, alsatian troops traced the source of the plague all the way to the continent of Northend, hoping to eliminate the threat of the plague once and for all. However, the Prince of Alsace became the prey of the Lich King, and in order to gain the power to save his country and subjects, he pulled out the cursed magic sword, frost sorrow, but was robbed of his soul by it, becoming the most powerful death knight under the Lich King. Completely disoriented, Alsace led the undead back to his kingdom and assassinated his father, King Terinas.

In order to resurrect the Grand Mage Kirsugard, Alsace obeyed the orders of the creator of the Legion of Scourges and brought his bones to the Well of the Sun in the High Elven Kingdom of Quetzalas to be resurrected. On the way to the invasion of Quetzalas, Alsace again passed through the ruined city of Statholm, where he met Baron Rivendell, who wanted to avenge the city's inhabitants and Lordaeron.

"We defend honor with blood!" The brave Paladin Baron Rivendell shouted, and the knights of the Knights of the Silver Hand charged, and a fierce battle broke out between him and the Death Knight Alsace, and in the end, the Baron Ofvendell was defeated by Alsace with infinite power, and the sorrow of frost penetrated his heart. The Baron rolled over and fell from his horse and died in the city of Statholm, where he had sworn to protect with his life. But soon he opened his eyes again—his eyes were no longer full of majesty and justice, but evil energies of darkness and nothingness. His soul was controlled by frost sorrow and he became another Death Knight under Alsace, as he flattened Quetzalas.

After the sealed throne of the Lich King Neozu was destroyed by Illidan's spell, Alsace was urgently recalled to Northend, and the banshee Sylvanas Windwalker, who had been freed from Alsace's control, led half of the army of the undead in a coup d'état to overthrow Alsace's rule. In order to return as soon as possible to protect the Lich King, Alsace handed over the leadership to his aide-de-camp Kir sugaard, while Baron Rivendell was sent to statholm to command the Legion of Acts of God north of Lordaeron (now known as the Land of the Eastern Plague). Now, Baron Rivendell, the Knight of Death, sits alone in Statholm, commanding his army of the undead to fight everywhere.

(The story about Baron Rivendell is not a warcraft history, but a warcraft player's brain, in fact, Baron Rivendell is voluntarily depraved.)

When the Lich King summoned Alsace to Northend, Alsace arranged for Kirsugard to administer Lordaeron. Kiersugaard made Statholm its stronghold, and the surrounding land was entirely in his hands. After the Third World War, the Blood Crusaders were formed and launched a series of small battles. This kind of fighting has been going on for many years and has come at a great cost. But at any time, as long as the opportunity is available, the Crusaders will attack the natural disaster. Now Statholm is divided into two forces, half the Legion of Disasters and half the fanatical Blood Crusaders, both of which are competing with each other for the city. Of course, for now, natural disasters are dominant, and the Crusaders are in the defensive stage.

Quest Boss (Classic Old Age)

Warcraft Quest Introduction - Statholm

Blood-colored area

Fanatical Marrol

A relatively young paladin, owner of the Badge of Courage, member of the Blood Crusaders, served in Statholm.

Warcraft Quest Introduction - Statholm

Archivist Galfort

Archivist Galfort, who kept care of the Crusaders' most valuable archives of documents.

Warcraft Quest Introduction - Statholm

Gunner Willie

A member of the Blood Crusaders, proficient in goblin engineering, he was instrumental in the Blood Crusaders' counterattack against the Scourge Legion in the Battle of Statholm!

Warcraft Quest Introduction - Statholm

Red Cast Hammer Master

After entering the Blood Zone of the Statholm quest, when the player is about to reach the end of the king, they can see an open scroll on the ground, which can only be used by players who have received the sweet calm mission, and when the player uses the scroll, the red caster will be summoned.

Warcraft Quest Introduction - Statholm

Postman Malone

Marlon, the postman, needs to use the randomly dropped key from the Statholm Messenger to open the mailbox corresponding to the key. When the third mailbox is opened, the postman Malone will appear. Malone has a time limit after being summoned. If the player can't defeat him within 20 minutes, Marlon the Postman leaves, and the player won't come back even if he resets the dungeon.

Warcraft Quest Introduction - Statholm

Fras Hiabhi

There is a tobacco box in front of the tobacco shop, which can be opened to summon Fras Hiabhi.

Warcraft Quest Introduction - Statholm

Messenger of Statholm

Warcraft Quest Introduction - Statholm

Miserable Timmy

Warcraft Quest Introduction - Statholm

In the Battle of Warcraft 3, the Human Campaign is a sub-plot. A young mother said that her little Timmy had been captured by the Jackals and begged the Prince of Alsace to save him. In the animation of the ending, Little Timmy happily returns to her mother's arms and innocently asks the prince, "Will you come back?" The prince said, "Yes, I will protect you." In the final battle part, you will find a small ghoul in one scene, and his name is "Little Timmy". When you point the mouse at him, it shows a color that cannot be attacked. That's the only ghoul in the entire ORC campaign that won't attack you...

In the already devastated streets of Statholm, Timmy's shadow was spotted again! He is no longer the little ghoul he once was, he has become a general of the Legion of Disasters, and he is wearing the "Natural Disaster Stone of the Fallen" with the general's logo!

The above is the content of the player's association of the two Timmys, in fact, the world of Warcraft and Warcraft two Timmys are just the same name.

The Great Crusader warrior Dasohan and the Dread Demon King Banazal

Warcraft Quest Introduction - Statholm
Warcraft Quest Introduction - Statholm

Saidan Dasohan was one of the proud disciples of Archbishop Alonsos Fao, and after the outbreak of the Second War, Fao created the Knights of the Silver Hand, and Dasohan became the first paladins with the Uther Messenger of Light, Tyrion Fordin, and Trajan, and made great achievements in the war against orc invasion. During the Second War, Dasohan served as commander-in-chief of the Silver Hand, second only to Uther within the Order. After the war, after learning of the mutually protective relationship between Tyrion Fordeen and the orc warrior Itrig, Dasohan led his troops to hunt down Itrig and convicted Fortin of treason in court.

With the invasion of the undead and the betrayal of the Prince of Alsace, the Messenger of Light, Uther, was killed in Andohar, and the Knights of the Silver Hand collapsed in an instant. The surviving Commander-in-Chief, Dasohan, proposes that Statholm should be recaptured first, at which point the Grand Lord Alexandros Mogherini returns from the Iron Furnace Castle with the Messenger of Ashes and agrees with Dasohan that the remnants of the Knights of the Silver Hand quickly assemble their forces to launch a general attack on Statholm. However, the power of the undead in Statholm exceeded their imagination, and the neutral Dasohan broke away from the large army and encountered the Dread Demon Banazal, who was believed to have been destroyed in the fire of the Legion of Disaster and the Forgotten. Faced with a weak Dasohan, Banazal easily absorbed the paladin's life and took possession of his body in disguise.

Later, Barnazal, disguised as Dasohan, transforms into a Great Crusader warrior (i.e., supreme commander) of the Blood Crusaders, and the Dread Demon Lord, who becomes the actual commander of the Crusaders, begins his plot - first, Banazal secretly induces Reno Mogherini, the eldest son of Alexandros Mogherini, to gradually distort his reverence and admiration for his father into crazy jealousy, and eventually Renault secretly colludes with the Legion of Scourges to kill his father, resulting in the fall of the Ashes Messenger who has been betrayed by his parents.

Losing the biggest stumbling block, Banazal's plan went smoothly, and under the secret inducement of Dasohan's identity and the psychic magic of the Dread Demon King, the entire Blood Crusader army began to fall into a blind frenzy, and even a few members who could remain sober were ostracized by the majority, who eventually split from the Blood Crusader and formed the Silver Dawn with others who were interested in destroying the natural disaster.

Banazal then led the most elite of the Blood Crusaders as Dasohan, re-entered Statholm and began a years-long "battle" with the Legion of Scourge, selecting the most powerful Crusader soldiers in a constant war elimination to carry out his next evil plan.

Undead zone

Pale Maleki

The Dark Magician, a member of the Cursed Cult founded by Kirsugard, has been spreading the teachings of the Cursed Cult and is now in charge of guarding Statholm's Psychic Tower.

Warcraft Quest Introduction - Statholm


Warcraft Quest Introduction - Statholm

Baroness Anastari

Warcraft Quest Introduction - Statholm

The unforgivable

Warcraft Quest Introduction - Statholm

Stone ridges

Warcraft Quest Introduction - Statholm

Mayor of Basselas

Basselas was a paladin of the Knights of the Silver Hand, serving Tyrion Fortin, lord of the Hearth Valley, who was also a paladin. Unexpectedly, Basselas obtained evidence of Tyrion's exchanges and communications with an old orc, Itrig, and reported treason to Dasohan, the high-ranking lord of the Knights of Statholm, for treason. Eventually, Tyrion was stripped of his title, territory, and exiled, while Basselas became archon of the Hearth Valley and later promoted to mayor of The City of Statholm. The guy was finally punished while slaughtering the city of Alsace. Now he is an undead without will, guarding the gates for his new master, Baron Rivendell, in the city of Statholm.

Warcraft Quest Introduction - Statholm

Swallower Ramsden

A powerful warrior of the Legion of Scourge, an abomination.

Warcraft Quest Introduction - Statholm

Baron Rivendell

In Blizzard's official world of Warcraft note, Baron Rivendell is a wealthy Lordaeron landlord and a close friend of Kiersugaard. Under the influence of the psychics, he helped Kiersugad create and organize the Curse Cult. Later, Rivendell took the title and power of the Death Knight. Compared to many chiefs with a deep past, this chief does not have much story, and on the other hand, he magically drops the reins of the Death Army horse- the only skeleton war horse without race and faction restrictions, because of this horse, Baron Rivendell's origins have become controversial, and even his story has been given a mysterious color, and some even described it as a paladin no less than Uther. But in fact Blizzard has clarified that Rivendell has no special life, just a very ordinary leader.

Warcraft Quest Introduction - Statholm

When the Legion of Apocalypse invaded the continent of Azeroth, Naxxamas, the flagship of the Lich Kiersugad, appeared over the Eastern Plague in an attempt to destroy the Alliance and the Horde. During the alliance and tribal counterattack, the leader of the Four Knights of the Apocalypse, the Great Lord Mogherini, was killed, and Kiersugaard was beaten back to the soul state, and when he fled back to Northend to recover, he ordered Baron Rieldale to take Mogleni's place and become one of the new Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

Quest Boss (Cataclysm)

Banazal, who survived the previous attack, tore off his human disguise, killed all the Blood Crusaders, and resurrected them as undead, calling them the Resurrection. Gunner Willie, Archivist Garford, and fanatical Marlowe were known after their deaths as Willie the Hope Destroyer, Archivist Garford, and Commander Marrole. Baron Rivendell, who had already traveled to Naxxamas, was succeeded by his son, the fallen Paladin Lord Orix Rivendell, in statholm.) After killing the final leader of both sides, the Silver Crusaders will attack and capture the city.

Warcraft Quest Introduction - Statholm
Warcraft Quest Introduction - Statholm


The act of purifying Statholm has claimed the lives of countless innocent people whose only crime is that they should not stay in this city of doom. Traveling singer and piccolo player Freisten was one of the victims. He continued to wander the city after his death, unable to accept his tragic fate.

Warcraft Quest Introduction - Statholm
Warcraft Quest Introduction - Statholm

Timison is notorious for his ferocity on the battlefield. Some speculate that his pathological personality stems from the experience of constant bullying during his childhood. Now that he had been reborn as a natural monster, mentally shattered and tormented by memories of the past, he would respond whenever someone evoked the name Timmy, whom he had once hated.

Warcraft Quest Introduction - Statholm
Warcraft Quest Introduction - Statholm

Commander Marrol

Marrol and several other brave warriors were willing to take every risk to defend the Blood Crusader Fortress from the blasphemy of the undead. But sadly, they failed. Banazal corrupted the fearless commander into his servant, forcing the fanatic to join the enemy he hated most in his life.

Warcraft Quest Introduction - Statholm
Warcraft Quest Introduction - Statholm

Hope Saboteur Willie

Banazal was pleased to find that willy the gunner was still able to harness his destructive power after becoming an undead, so he gave the right-hand man a good name, the Hope Destroyer. The Dread Demon Lord arbitrarily twisted the souls of Willie and the other members of the Blood Crusaders, turning these people who hated the undead to the bone in their lives into his brainless minions.

Warcraft Quest Introduction - Statholm
Warcraft Quest Introduction - Statholm

Galfort once regarded the work of guarding the precious documents of the Crusaders as a great honor. But before he died, he watched in horror as the books he regarded as treasures were burned to the ground. Banazal used this painful memory to inject his servants with the fiery power that made him uneasy during his life.

Warcraft Quest Introduction - Statholm
Warcraft Quest Introduction - Statholm


Banazal never experienced true death, but he tasted the bitter fruit of failure. After the world was destroyed by cataclysm, he killed the members of the Blood Crusaders in Statholm and turned them into undead creatures he once hated. The Dread Demon lord is now hatching a ruse to take revenge on Azeroth.

Warcraft Quest Introduction - Statholm
Warcraft Quest Introduction - Statholm
Warcraft Quest Introduction - Statholm

Baroness Anastari

When Anistari was alive, she would do whatever it took to possess what she wanted. Death didn't make her change sex either. Anistari's soul was stripped out of her body and transformed into a banshee. Instead of pursuing expensive ornaments, she poured her enthusiasm into something more evil.

Warcraft Quest Introduction - Statholm
Warcraft Quest Introduction - Statholm

Nyrubuenkan is a fearsome warrior in Spider Wars. In the end, she succumbed to her injuries and transformed into the undead, becoming the obedient minions of the Legion of Natural Disasters. Now the spider demon is fiercely guarding a psychic tower in Statholm, as if defending his homeland with his life.

Warcraft Quest Introduction - Statholm
Warcraft Quest Introduction - Statholm

Maleki was one of the first to join the Cult of Cursed Gods, and showed a great talent for dealing with the cold of the tombs. A never-ending thirst for power drives the mage to hone his mastery of dark magic passionately, ready for the day when he becomes a Lich.

Warcraft Quest Introduction - Statholm
Warcraft Quest Introduction - Statholm

Lilia was the blade of justice among his people. After leading an army to purify the city in Alsace, Lilia witnessed countless innocent people die at her hands, which made her lose her mind. She chooses to swing her sword to escape the madness around her, and now she exists as a ghost, and the evil deeds she has committed will never be forgiven.

Warcraft Quest Introduction - Statholm
Warcraft Quest Introduction - Statholm

Basselas was one of many innocents who were looted in alsace and its legions in the cleansing of Statholm. The Lich King eventually awakens the former mayor from the tomb and orders the giant undead monster to guard his destroyed home.

Warcraft Quest Introduction - Statholm
Warcraft Quest Introduction - Statholm

One of the legion's most infamous abominations, Ramsden is a terrifying monster stitched together from many corpses and an insatiable appetite. When the Legion of Scourge invaded Statholm, the monster committed heinous atrocities against the souls of countless innocent people.

Warcraft Quest Introduction - Statholm
Warcraft Quest Introduction - Statholm
Warcraft Quest Introduction - Statholm

Lord of Orix Rivendell

Orix suddenly fell to the ground. Like his corrupted father, baron Rivendell, he was a paladin in his lifetime, but after his death he was not at peace. He was tragically reduced to a tool of the Legion of Scourges, serving the evil forces he had vowed to eradicate to the death.

Warcraft Quest Introduction - Statholm

Orix Rivendell, in complete contrast to his father, baron Rivendell, was a devout silver-handed paladin. After the fall of Lordaeron, Orix traveled to various places, following the remnants of the Silver Hand and the Ash Messenger Alexandros Mogherini to form a crusader army formed by integrating the remnants of the Silver Hand, and fought for many years in the devastated homeland. After the Crusaders split into the Silver Dawn and the Blood Crusaders, Orix joined the Silver Dawn due to his misgivings about the latter's fanatical creeds, continuing to fight the Scourge in East Lordaeron. Because of the undead apocalypse led by his father, Baron Rivendell, who tried to corrupt Orix and many of his siblings, Orix had to hide in the Church of Alonsos to fend off the corruption of his heart, and if he left here, he would become a Knight of Death. If you want to leave without falling, you must wear a medal of faith. The player is thus entrusted to go to the depths of the Blood Crusader Fortress in Sistantholm to retrieve the medallion, which was guarded by the fanatical Marrol. After retrieving the medal, Orix can leave the church to continue his duty to kill Baron Rivendell. During the Battle of Statholm, Orix assists the Adventurers and the Silver Dawn's soldiers in successfully entering Statholm, smashing the Yellow Dragon and ending the depraved life of his father, Baron Rivendell.

In practice, however, these efforts were in vain. Shortly thereafter, Naxxamas, who had been attacked by the Silver Dawn, returned to Northend to recuperate, and Kirsugaard, who had a protective box, was resurrected, along with Baron Rivendell, who had died at the hands of his son, replacing the fallen Alexandros Mogleini as one of the new Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Not only that, but the bones of Orix Rivendell, who died in Statholm City, were also stolen by members of the Scourge Legion, and enslaved with powerful necromancy spells, transformed into powerful Death Knights, and continued to guard Statholm City in place of their father. The Silver Crusaders then liberated Statholm and defeated Orix Rivendell.

Legion comes back to the version of Statholm

During the third invasion of the Burning Legion, the city was invaded by the Black Front Knights, whose purpose was to retrieve the saddle of the reins of the Death Army's horse. The Death Knights battle a ghost who sews up the abomination and an elegy named Vivian. The Knights of the Silver Hand and their Grand Lords travel to Statholm to obtain the Stanthorm Holy Water to purify oryx Rivendell's mount shadow mane and create the glorious reins of the Golden Radiant War Horse. Death Knight Reaper Lehman attempts to spread the plague again. Eventually, both the remnants of the Scourge and Lehman were killed, and the Silver Hand decided to keep a close eye on Statholm.


【Image】World of Warcraft Quest Historical Background: Statholm [Alliance Bar]_Baidu Tieba (

Statholm - World of Warcraft Chinese Wiki, the free editing Warcraft database - Gray Machine Wiki (

Orix Rivendell Lords_Baidu Encyclopedia (

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