
Walk around and have fun

author:Fantastic owner

Let go of many dreams that cannot be pursued, and the harvest will be unexpected...

Life must be less proud, walking and seeking pleasure, and the flowers and plants under the warm sun are refreshing, which is enough to comfort my soul.

Walk around and have fun

The pursuit is too much and too complicated, and often everyone forgets what makes them happy in the first place.

The world is merciless, disturbing the girl, forgetting the teenager...

In the end, they all became the elders, and the time thing is really annoying and ridiculous.

Those who want to reach out and grab it often end up empty and happy, so it is better to slow down and watch the flowers and plants, and perhaps find some leisure.

Walk around and have fun

It is impossible for a person not to grow up forever, and no one can remain young forever. It is not a pleasure to be an old man and lady on the soul early, buy vegetables and cook after work, drink tea and walk.

Everyone has ever had youth, and the lingering tenderness is unforgettable. Encountering the flow of water, you and I have become adults on their own.

Walk around and have fun

Work, family, work, children...

Endless repetition of life, who can still chase and play like a child, not all smiles cover up tears, mixed with bitter life.

Optimistic people are landscapes everywhere they go, pessimistic people sit in the dragon chair and feel uneasy, and walking and seeking pleasure is the root of happiness.

I was happy in pain, thinking that there would always be a day when people would get ahead, and if I really wanted to come to that day, I must return home with beautiful scenery and let my neighbors see their prestige.

It is a pity that I can't give my parents the best life now, and the material society can't tolerate a utopian like me.

Walk around and have fun

Don Quixote rode a emaciated war horse, and even the old man fantasized about fighting like a heroic soldier with a gun, what supported him, maybe the sharp thatch on the journey was intoxicating, or maybe the lovely world illuminated by the warm sun was heartbreaking.

We came to this world crying, starring in this crude script that could not be rejected, and finally understood only one truth: "Life is not good nine times out of ten." ”

Then why bother, since it is destined to be an ordinary life, it should always live an extraordinary appearance.

I was crying, I must laugh back...