
Huang Lixin said: Wednesday of the 19th month of the first month the 17th day of the 17th month of the lunar calendar has long known the horoscope

Wednesday, January 19Th lunar month 12 month 17th Year of the Ugly Year of the Ugly Moon Nongshen Day

Huang Lixin said: It is easy to get the help of noble people, which is conducive to displaying talents and acting smoothly. It is advisable to adapt measures to local conditions, pay attention to practical results, and actively plan for implementation. It is suitable for visiting teachers, cooperation and exchanges, career expansion, financial management, learning and planning, meditation and blessing, etc. We must be open-minded and harmonious, cherish blessings and be grateful, and strive to improve ourselves. On nongshen day, it is not advisable to participate in water-related matters, and it is forbidden to install and move the bed to prevent disadvantages.

Huang Lixin said: Wednesday of the 19th month of the first month the 17th day of the 17th month of the lunar calendar has long known the horoscope

Easy image interpretation: The water is vast, born in the ugly moon official star is exuberant, it is advisable for noble people to help each other, it is conducive to displaying talents, and it is smooth to act smoothly. The moon is dry and golden, the gold and water are born together, and the Indian star has feelings, which is suitable for visiting the teacher, cooperation and exchange, career expansion, and financial management. Nongshui sat down shen jin, Shen jin was born, to be open-minded and harmonious, cherish blessings and gratitude, strive to improve themselves, learn planning, and steadily advance the work.

Huang Lixin said: Wednesday of the 19th month of the first month the 17th day of the 17th month of the lunar calendar has long known the horoscope

Note the orientation: The Auspicious side is in the southern direction, select this direction to act auspicious. The northeast side is prone to right and wrong damage, and important things should be avoided as much as possible.

Zodiac Signs: Belonging to tigers and pigs is easy to be entangled, and it is not good to act, so you must be cautious.

Huang Lixin said: Wednesday of the 19th month of the first month the 17th day of the 17th month of the lunar calendar has long known the horoscope

Note time:

Auspicious time: The time period that is conducive to action is 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., choose to do things during this time, it is easy to get help from noble people, and how smooth it is to act is conducive to success.

Unlucky times: There are also two unfavorable time periods, one is from 3 a.m. to 5 o'clock in the morning, in this time period, things change repeatedly, and it is easy to encounter fighting and injury, and should be avoided as much as possible; the other time period is 15 to 17 pm, in this period of time, it is easy to obstruct and involve, things are more volatile, not easy to succeed, and should also be avoided as much as possible.

Note: This article is published one day in advance.

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