
The human-faced dog "Human-Faced Dog" is a Japanese horror urban legend

author:I'm vulgar
The human-faced dog "Human-Faced Dog" is a Japanese horror urban legend

The human-faced dog (じんめんけん), which is a dog with a human face, not only that, but its face is also the face of a middle-aged man, and it can speak human language. Running at a speed that can run parallel to a car, the fastest speed is about 100 kilometers per hour, and anyone who is chased by it must be able to overcome this face in addition to being able to run faster than it...

  The Human Face Dog first became a buzz in Japan in 1989, and the buzz of the same period included the Mermaid, but since there are no photographs or corpses that can objectively confirm its authenticity, it is generally considered to be an illusion.

  Speaking of the noodle fish before Taiwan also has a popular human face fish legend, the time point is also similar to Japan's full, about 1994 began to circulate, when a group of people caught a Wu Guo fish by the stream, grilled to eat, suddenly heard an old woman's voice said: "Is the fish delicious?" ”

  Later, it was found that the source of the sound was on this Wuguo fish, and when they turned the fish over, they found that the fish body had an old woman's face, and several people immediately vomited out, some of them filmed the fish with a camera, and it was later said that the person who caught the fish died in his sleep for unknown reasons.

  At that time, this rumor also caused a sensation, almost no one in the local area did not know about this matter, in this regard, it is quite close to the Japanese version, the difference is that taiwan's human face fish has been photographed, adding a little horror.

The human-faced dog "Human-Faced Dog" is a Japanese horror urban legend


Returning to the Japanese-Faced Dog, in addition to the astonishing speed just mentioned, its leaping ability is also unimaginable, and it is said that it can jump more than six meters and leap from one building to another. If it is bitten, the bitten skin will gradually fester and decay.

  Although there are many versions of the story, it is nothing more than that it can speak human language, and it is said that if it is driven away when he is rummaging through the garbage can, he will look up and look at it, then say "なんだ人か (what, it is a human)", and then said "ほっといてくれ (leave me alone)" and turned away.

  It sounds scary, but whether it's a human-faced dog or a mermaid, it's nothing more than a visual cognition, and more and more people say that it's just an allergic reaction to the brain.

The human-faced dog "Human-Faced Dog" is a Japanese horror urban legend

We are able to recognize faces because the brain has a "fusiform face area" (FFA), which deals with color, face, body, and text recognition.

  If the fusiform ileophyllum facial area is not active, it will lead to a decrease in recognition ability, such as face blindness, on the contrary, if it is active, it is easy to recognize faces, human figures, etc. As long as there are three points in the image that reach the recognition of the face, we will think that the image has a human face.

  The most common example is a supernatural photograph, often with a tree, smoke or shadow floating on a human face, and people will think that the face in that photo is a ghost, but it may only be a kind of cognitive difference caused by the treatment of the fusiform back face area.

  For another example, a netizen shared that his dog Yogi has a human face, and it happens to be the face of an uncle.

The human-faced dog "Human-Faced Dog" is a Japanese horror urban legend

Although at first glance there is a sense of strange and unspeakable violation, but after watching it for a long time, it is actually full of cuteness, and there is an adjective in Japanese that is shared by the way- "キモかわいい (ki mo ka wa i i)". "キモ(ki mo)" is derived from "キモイ(ki mo i)", which is also the meaning of "気持ち悪い(ki mo chi wa ru i)", which Chinese translated as "噁心,unpleasant", and "かわいい(ka i wa i)" is "cute" as everyone knows. "キモかわいい" is a bit cute.  

  Although Yogi is a little scary because she looks like a human, it is actually just a face recognition produced by brain stimulation, and it is also weird and cute to look at carefully, right?

From the above, it is not difficult to imagine that urban legends may be just a brain illusion reaction, and the source of sound may also be auditory hallucinations produced by people being too frightened, but we cannot deny that perhaps these mysterious creatures exist around you and me.

  After reading the above, do you think it is really a human face dog/face fish? Or is it just a brain overreaction? Leave a message to tell us what you think!

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