
Levan INS posted: I want to thank all the fans, without the fans there would be no football

Levan INS posted: I want to thank all the fans, without the fans there would be no football

Live Bar January 18, 2019 In the early hours of this morning, Levine won the World Footballer of the Year and successfully won the award.

After winning the award, Levan posted a photo of himself with Nagorsman and a photo of himself with the trophy on INS, and posted a thank you to all the fans:

Levan wrote: "I would like to congratulate all the winners tonight. ”

"Winning THE FIFA Footballer of the Year tonight is a huge honour for me and it's an incredible feeling. We've pushed our bodies to the limit, for the sake of our team, our coaches and our fans. ”

"Football is the number one sport in the world, it's unlike any other sport because it connects people's hearts and it's a language that can be understood on all continents."

"As players, we have a responsibility to play fair and respect sportsmanship and I am proud to do so, for the sake of Bayern and the Polish national team!"

"I want to thank all my supporters, there would be no football without fans. We strive to play at our best, provide entertainment to the fans and make football the greatest show in the world. ”

"Finally, I would like to thank my family and friends for their support."

Levan INS posted: I want to thank all the fans, without the fans there would be no football

(Bear & Raspberry)

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