
"Son of Mankind": When the end comes, children are the only hope to save mankind

author:Xiaoshan Bright Moon

Recently, the three-child birth policy has aroused heated discussion among the whole people. On the one hand, young people feel that life pressure is too great, raising a child is exhausted, unwilling to have children again; on the other hand, the birth rate of newborns is declining, the phenomenon of population aging is becoming more and more serious, and the implementation of the three-child birth policy is imperative.

It is hard to imagine what the world would be like if one day humanity lost its fertility and no babies were born on Earth.

The science fiction film "Son of Mankind", released in 2006, vividly describes this situation to us.

"Son of Mankind": When the end comes, children are the only hope to save mankind

The news that Diego, 18, was killed for refusing to sign autographs for fans broke the hearts of people around the world. He is the youngest human being on the earth, and the earth has not been born for 18 years without children, humanity has lost its disappointment, the world is in chaos, only the United Kingdom is still relatively stable, so a large number of refugees flocked to Britain.

"Son of Mankind": When the end comes, children are the only hope to save mankind

One day, Dio was kidnapped on his way to work. It was his ex-wife, Julianne, who planned all this, who wanted Dio to help her get a pass to get a refugee girl to the coast, and promised to pay him £5,000 in return.

"Son of Mankind": When the end comes, children are the only hope to save mankind
"Son of Mankind": When the end comes, children are the only hope to save mankind

With the help of his cousin, Dio got a joint pass. Since his escort pass was required to take effect, he and Julian and his party went to the security checkpoint.

They are attacked by mobs on the road, Julianne is shot and killed by the mob, and Luke, who accompanies them, leads them to the resettlement site of the radical group Pisces.

After Julian's death, Dior was very sad and retreated. At this point, the refugee girl named Ken tells Dio that she is pregnant, and that Julian is going to send her to a ship called "Tomorrow", but now that Julian is dead, she only believes in Dio, hoping that Dio can help her.

"Son of Mankind": When the end comes, children are the only hope to save mankind

In the middle of the night, Dio overhears Luke arguing with a group of people. It turns out that what happened during the day was orchestrated by Luke, who killed Julian, leaving the refugee girl behind, and wanted to use her children as a political chip to call everyone to revolt.

Upon learning the truth, Dio escapes overnight with Ken and Ken's friend Milian to his friend Jasper's house. At their friends' house, they get a short break and figure out why Miriam is sending Ken to the Tomorrow.

It turns out that the "Tomorrow" is a medical vessel disguised as a fishing boat that will send Ken to the Human Task Force, an organization dedicated to solving human infertility.

"Son of Mankind": When the end comes, children are the only hope to save mankind

Jasper bought off the immigration police, West Germany, and arranged the route for them, but before they could leave, Luke brought someone to chase them. To buy them time, Jasper is killed by Luke.

West Germany sent them as illegal immigrants to a bus bound for the camp, where Miriam was arrested by the police to cover up.

"Son of Mankind": When the end comes, children are the only hope to save mankind

Entering the camp, Dio hooked up with a gypsy woman. That night, Ken gave birth to a baby girl in a shelter arranged for them by the gypsy women.

The next morning, West Germany, who had seen the bounty notice, was coming to arrest them to receive the reward. At the critical moment, the gypsy woman risked her life to stun West Germany, rescued them, and took them to find the ship.

On the way, they are caught by the Pisces. Luke captures Ken and asks his men to kill Dio. At this moment, the government troops who heard the news opened fire on the Pisces, and Diou took the opportunity to escape.

Government forces and the Pisces party engaged in a fierce gun battle, and the refugees were victimized and shot at random. Dior ran through the hail of bullets and bullets, as if traveling through hell.

Thankfully, he finally found Ken in a building. By this time, government forces had surrounded the building and were constantly firing at Pisces members hiding in the building, paying no attention to the lives of refugees.

The baby in Ken's arms was awakened by the explosion and burst into tears. 18 years without a child was born, leaving people in a state of numbness and despair. The birth of this baby, like a dazzling ray of light cast from the sky, brought new hope to the dark earth.

The refugees, as if they had seen the miracle, knelt down and prayed; members of the Pisces Party released them; and government forces ordered a ceasefire to make way for them. In this instant, the world on the verge of destruction seems to be saved.

"Son of Mankind": When the end comes, children are the only hope to save mankind
"Son of Mankind": When the end comes, children are the only hope to save mankind

However, the peace was too short, and Dior and Ken had just walked out of the building, and the Pisces party and government armies began to fight again. This infant, like the coming of the Son, did not stop humanity from war.

With the help of the gypsy woman, Dio boarded a small boat with Ken, broke through the fog, and headed for the agreed location.

Apocalyptic films and television have always been popular because worries about the future have always plagued humanity. 75 species go extinct worldwide every day, and 3 species are labeled dead every hour. No one knows whether the next person facing the extinction crisis will be humanity.

In the film, there is no explanation of why humans have not been born in 18 years, but the sword of Damocles, which has been hanging over human heads for a long time, such as environmental pollution, genetic mutation, nuclear radiation, global warming, and world wars, can completely answer the audience's doubts.

"Son of Mankind": When the end comes, children are the only hope to save mankind

As a science fiction film, director Alfonso Cuarón took a different approach, did not show too many science fiction elements, but used a very realistic approach to depict a real apocalyptic scene. The clever use of cool tones and shaky shots vividly show the decadence of the end times and the uneasiness in people's hearts.

People living in despair wantonly vent their emotions. Riots and wars have destroyed what was once a good home and people have been displaced. Refugees see Britain as the last pure land on earth and flock here in the hope of gaining asylum. But the British government did not welcome the arrival of refugees, grabbing them like cockroaches and putting them in cages and trampling on them. Before the end times came, humanity had lost its mercy and goodness and had become selfish and cruel.

The plot of Dio searching for Ken in the camp is presented in a long shot. This shot is 10 minutes long, the background is very complex, there are many people involved, and it has been in motion, and the shooting is very difficult, but with the cooperation of all the actors.

Led by Dior, the audience seems to walk through the rubble, witnessing the cruelty of human warfare, the tragic suffering of refugees, and the prayers and releases of people after seeing babies. The process of human beings from despair to hope is fully displayed by this lens, which can be called a classic in film history.

At the end of the film, they wait in a rickety boat for the arrival of the "Tomorrow". Dio was dying because of excessive blood loss. Ken told Dio that she had decided to name her daughter Dylan. When Dio listened, he closed his eyes in relief. Once, he had a child with Julian, also named Dylan.

"Son of Mankind": When the end comes, children are the only hope to save mankind

Not far ahead, the outline of the "Tomorrow" gradually became clear in the fog. This child, who carries the only hope of mankind, will be brought back to the base by the human task force. Although the night is still long, the light has now been seen.

"Son of Mankind": When the end comes, children are the only hope to save mankind

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