
Travel with the movie| "Love in Rome"

author:Huanyu westbound outdoor travel

Love in Rome is a romance film co-produced by Mediapro, Medusa Film S.p.a. and Graver Productions, directed by Woody Allen and starring Jesse Eisenberg, Alan Page, Penelope Cruz, Alec Baldwin, Roberto Bernini and others.

Travel with the movie| "Love in Rome"

Released in the United States on June 22, 2012, the film consists of four stories that tell the story of what people from different countries experienced in Rome.

Travel with the movie| "Love in Rome"

John, a very famous architect in the field of engineering, is on vacation in Rome, in fact, when he was young, he had lived here for a while, and now he revisited the place, which can be regarded as a solution to his love for here.

Travel with the movie| "Love in Rome"

When John arrives at the place where he used to live, he meets Jack, a young man who is completely different from him, and then, just under his gaze, Jack falls in love with Monica—John's girlfriend, Sally's beautiful but somewhat flirtatious best friend, and john goes along with him through the most romantic and painful period of his life.

Travel with the movie| "Love in Rome"

Meanwhile, retired opera director Jerry and his wife, Phillips, are also flying to Rome to meet Michelangelo, their daughter Hayley's Italian fiancé.

Travel with the movie| "Love in Rome"

To Jerry's surprise, Michelangelo's father, Giancarlo, who was the undertaker, sang a breathtaking aria in the shower, enough for him to take the stage of the prestigious Skala Opera House to show his voice, Jerry persuaded Giancarlo not to bury such a proud talent, in fact, Jerry wanted to take this opportunity to regain the glory of his career.

Travel with the movie| "Love in Rome"

On another level, Pisanello is one of those particularly boring and annoying people, but one morning he wakes up to find that for some inexplicable reason, he has suddenly become the most concerned celebrity in Italy.

Travel with the movie| "Love in Rome"

Soon, the all-pervasive paparazzi trailed behind him, filming his every move and then questioning everything he did. Under such a high-intensity exposure, Pisanello also began to get used to all kinds of temptations, and gradually realized what kind of price he needed to pay for it.

Travel with the movie| "Love in Rome"

Then there was Antonio, who came to Rome primarily so that his serious, stereotypical relatives could accept his lovely new wife, Millie, so that he could get a job in the big city to satisfy his superior, high-quality life.

Travel with the movie| "Love in Rome"

Through some comical misunderstandings, chances, and coincidences, the newlyweds are separated for a day, and as a result, Antonio meets a beautiful stranger while Millie becomes obsessed with the legendary movie star Lucasarta.

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