
Chinese Amateur Go Tournament in the Shadow of "Omicron": Remember the 4th Han Sauce Cup Southern Division

Good evening chess friends, the competition in the southern division of the 4th Han Sauce Cup National Go Tournament came to an end on the morning of January 17, 2022.

Chinese Amateur Go Tournament in the Shadow of "Omicron": Remember the 4th Han Sauce Cup Southern Division

It's been three months since we last reported on the Eastern Division, and the biggest difference between this race and the previous one is that last time we were still guarding against the Delta variant virus, and this race was successfully held in the shadow of the "Omiqueron" variant virus.

Chinese Amateur Go Tournament in the Shadow of "Omicron": Remember the 4th Han Sauce Cup Southern Division

However, no matter how tricky and difficult the new crown virus is, it cannot extinguish the enthusiasm of the majority of chess fans for the game of the chest and the inner screen. Vaccinations, nucleic acids, throughout the competition, the players are in a limited area, do not go out, strictly abide by the epidemic prevention norms.

Chinese Amateur Go Tournament in the Shadow of "Omicron": Remember the 4th Han Sauce Cup Southern Division

As for wearing a mask to participate in the competition, taking the body temperature before the competition, checking the itinerary code, etc., it is also a routine operation. From guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Hunan, Hubei and Hainan provinces, a total of more than 100 participants from three groups braved the shadow of the virus and successfully completed the three-day and seven-round competition.

Chinese Amateur Go Tournament in the Shadow of "Omicron": Remember the 4th Han Sauce Cup Southern Division

The celebrity group Ye Ziliang, Xu Yunkun and He Zhong both scored 12 points for 6 wins and 1 loss, and Ye Ziliang won the championship with a small point advantage.

Chinese Amateur Go Tournament in the Shadow of "Omicron": Remember the 4th Han Sauce Cup Southern Division

The top six awards in the Celebrity category.

Chinese Amateur Go Tournament in the Shadow of "Omicron": Remember the 4th Han Sauce Cup Southern Division

For friends who have not read the Han Sauce Cup war report before, the celebrity group of the Han Sauce Cup is a group of retired leaders, cultural celebrities and well-known entrepreneurs from all over the world. Contestants in the celebrity category can also participate in the "Dionysian Cup" entertainment tournament unique to the Han Sauce Cup, which drinks a small glass of wine and more than one eye chess.

Chinese Amateur Go Tournament in the Shadow of "Omicron": Remember the 4th Han Sauce Cup Southern Division

The famous division group also had a situation of 3 people 6 wins and 1 loss, and Jin Haoxie won the championship with a small point advantage.

Chinese Amateur Go Tournament in the Shadow of "Omicron": Remember the 4th Han Sauce Cup Southern Division

The top six awards of the famous teacher group are also popular for friends who are newly concerned: the famous teacher group is a group of people over 25 years old who are engaged in Go education in various places.

Chinese Amateur Go Tournament in the Shadow of "Omicron": Remember the 4th Han Sauce Cup Southern Division

The most fierce competition in this station is still the famous player group participated in by 18-year-olds and 5 or more players.

Chinese Amateur Go Tournament in the Shadow of "Omicron": Remember the 4th Han Sauce Cup Southern Division

In the end, Chen Yang, the champion of the 2021 Evening News Cup, won the championship in seven games.

Chinese Amateur Go Tournament in the Shadow of "Omicron": Remember the 4th Han Sauce Cup Southern Division

"Mr. 700,000" Tang Chongzhe lost in the 6th round of strong dialogue with Chen Yang. However, he still finished second with a small point advantage.

Chinese Amateur Go Tournament in the Shadow of "Omicron": Remember the 4th Han Sauce Cup Southern Division

After the match, Tang Chongzhe expressed his gratitude to the Guangzhou government for its support, so that the southern division of the Han Sauce Cup could be successfully held during the difficult period of the epidemic. It believes that the characteristics of the Han Sauce Cup lie in culture and exchange, and this competition continues the characteristics of the exchange rest time left for chess players in the evening, which is very considerate.

Chinese Amateur Go Tournament in the Shadow of "Omicron": Remember the 4th Han Sauce Cup Southern Division

Epilogue of the Southern Division: The summary of this tournament is still written at the invitation of Sina Chess and Cards, and it is another year-end, and I hope that the successful holding of the Southern Division of the Han Sauce Cup can bring a touch of warmth to the majority of amateur chess fans in this mid-winter season. In addition, the latest news ahead, due to the menacing epidemic situation, the remaining West, North and Finals of this year's Han Sauce Cup have all been suspended. Therefore, the southern division of this station has become the actual "final" of the 4th Han Sauce Cup. However, the harsh winter will always pass, although it has not been able to reproduce the grand situation of the 2nd Han Sauce Cup, in order to re-bloom the 5th Han Sauce Cup, the 4th Han Sauce Cup will first be aggrieved.

Chinese Amateur Go Tournament in the Shadow of "Omicron": Remember the 4th Han Sauce Cup Southern Division

I would like to thank Han Sauce Wine and Sina Chess for their support of Chinese Go.

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