
Aren't there tramps in Europe and the United States? There are many tramps in these countries, but most of them are a special way of life

Aren't there tramps in Europe and the United States? There are many tramps in these countries, but most of them are a special way of life

Author: Sasha

This article is Sasha's original and will not be reprinted by any media

Aren't there tramps in Europe and the United States? There are many tramps in these countries, but most of them are a special way of life

Aren't there tramps in Europe and the United States? There are many tramps in these countries, but most of them are a special way of life

On the contrary, there are many tramps in Europe and the United States.

It's a big topic and I don't want to talk about it.

Sasha has read a lot about American tramps, and there was a rich old man who was bored and dressed up as a homeless tramp and lived in New York for 10 days.

The old man's summary is that in the big cities of the United States, homeless people do not die of hunger and illness, and there are basic medical care and places to sleep.

In the United States, homeless people have diseases and can be treated at any public hospital.

Because homeless people don't have health insurance, medical expenses will be recorded as your arrears.

American hospitals do not have no money to not give medical treatment, let patients die in the outpatient hall, and when there is an emergency, they are first seen and then calculated.

And these medical debts, for the homeless will certainly not be able to pay off, there will be various charities to pay most of the half. The remaining arrears are slowly repaid after the homeless have a job and income. If the homeless man is never able to repay, the arrears will eventually disappear.

Aren't there tramps in Europe and the United States? There are many tramps in these countries, but most of them are a special way of life

As for life, in fact, homeless people will not go hungry.

Many years ago, the U.S. government began to distribute food stamps to homeless people, and in 2015 it was about $200 a month, which was about $7 a day. In the United States, food is very cheap, a hamburger is only a few dollars, and milk bread is also very cheap.

In addition, many charities also provide free food, and homeless people can go to dinner by registering their names.

Speaking of which, homeless people have no problem eating.

Naturally, most homeless people choose to sleep on the street, and there is a certain danger, such as theft, robbery or sudden illness.

In short, American tramps can survive.

Aren't there tramps in Europe and the United States? There are many tramps in these countries, but most of them are a special way of life

In fact, there is a certain difference between American homeless people and Chinese beggars, and they are divided into these categories:

First, the mentally ill.

At least 20 percent of the homeless suffer from various degrees of psychosis.

In the United States, it is not illegal for people with mental illness to wander around.

Even if you know that there is something wrong with the homeless man's spirit, as long as he has not committed a violation, no one can arrest him or forcibly take him to the hospital for treatment.

As we all know, many mental illnesses are incurable for life.

After the disease lessened, most of these patients chose to be discharged from the hospital and then wandered around the country.

Under U.S. law, the police can't treat them like that.

In 2015, Charly Keunang, a mentally ill black tramp, attacked police officers and repeatedly tried to grab a pistol.

The police fired several shots at him and killed him.

In the United States, snatching a policeman's pistol is, of course, to be killed.

Afterwards, however, the police department paid $1.9 million because he was mentally ill and could not control his behavior.

Although the court found that there was no problem with police enforcement, civil compensation was still made.

Aren't there tramps in Europe and the United States? There are many tramps in these countries, but most of them are a special way of life

Second, drug addicts.

The homeless man that americans fear most is drug addicts.

At least half of these tramps have varying degrees of drug addiction.

As we all know, there are many problems of drug abuse in American society, and many people are addicted to various drugs.

Drugs like heroin, cocaine, and many new drugs can be very difficult to quit.

After drug users continue to use drugs for a period of time, they will gradually lose their ability to work, socialize and even live, and will also exhaust all their property.

They become an alternative class of society, with nothing, and naturally become tramps.

The black tramp mentioned above, Charly Keunang, whose mental illness is linked to drug use.

If years of drug use have damage to the brain, this person will have a lot of strange behavior.

Aren't there tramps in Europe and the United States? There are many tramps in these countries, but most of them are a special way of life

For these drug addicts, vagrancy has many benefits.

One is that there is no need to rent a house, after all, rent is a large expense in the United States;

The second is that you can leave the familiar place and leave the strange eyes of relatives and friends. Drug addicts are not villains, and many of them also have self-respect;

The third is wandering in some big cities, it is easier to beg for money, it is easier to buy drugs, and so on.

In fact, drug addicts are very unstable social factors, and they are likely to steal and rob.

In today's United States, a few places that possess a small amount of cocaine, heroin and other street drugs will not be severely punished, at most fines and short sentences, and many states smoke marijuana is simply legal!

The law is also difficult to deal with for these drug addicts.

They don't have a lot of drugs on them, and they basically buy drugs and smoke them.

Unless the police can catch them, there is no way to take them. Even if they are arrested, the police will only imprison the homeless man for a short time.

This has no effect on them, and they can even find a place to eat and sleep without wandering.

Aren't there tramps in Europe and the United States? There are many tramps in these countries, but most of them are a special way of life

Third, all kinds of wanderers.

Many people can't understand why some americans who look normal will go wandering!

In China, beggars are mainly a group of people who make money from this, or they are mentally ill.

There is nothing unusual about many beggars in the United States, nor is it to cheat money.

For example, Hollywood emperor superstar Keanu Reeves often wanders the streets.

Keanu Reeves is worth at least a few hundred million dollars, and he is a famous star, why wander?

He squeezed the subway like a normal person, shared beer with homeless people on the street, dressed sloppily, and sat on the street in a daze.

Keanu once said, "You need to live happily, I don't." ”

This kind of homeless life in Keanu, this is what he suffered a lot of tragic things!

Aren't there tramps in Europe and the United States? There are many tramps in these countries, but most of them are a special way of life

His childhood was a mess, his father was a drug dealer and he was heavily sentenced to 10 years in prison. Her mother was a stripper and had been married 4 times.

Keanu's childhood friend, Ravan, died of drug abuse as a teenager.

Her favorite girlfriend, Jennifer Sam, died in a car accident. It is said that the cause of Death of Sam was the pregnancy of Keanu's child, and the two agreed to marry Fengzi, but they did not expect that the child suddenly died 1 month before the due date. Both of them were devastated, with both Sam and Keanu starting to drink heavily, and Sam suffering from depression and dying from drunk driving.

Keanu's only sister, who was dependent on her, suffered from leukemia.

After successive blows, Keanu often wandered for a short time and lived in isolation.

In fact, this is Keanu's attitude to life, because of a series of tragic encounters to choose away from the crowd.

There are really quite a few Americans like Keanu Reeves.

Americans are also more tired, especially many middle-class children, from an early age to constantly compete for a higher social status.

Many people pass five levels and cut six generals, resulting in physical and mental exhaustion, and many people suffer from mental illness or even mental illness.

They choose to give up their previous lives in the short term and live a free, unrestrained wandering life, which is a kind of self-exile.

Aren't there tramps in Europe and the United States? There are many tramps in these countries, but most of them are a special way of life

Jenny in the movie "Forrest Gump" has been a wandering girl for a long time.

Others choose to wander because of various setbacks in life, unwilling to live in a familiar environment, and do not have the strength to live elsewhere for a long time.

Common are business bankruptcy, marital breakdown, death of relatives, returning home after the war, work is not smooth, and even failed exams, etc., a variety of reasons for wandering.

Aren't there tramps in Europe and the United States? There are many tramps in these countries, but most of them are a special way of life

The most common is the bankruptcy of investment failure, that is, gambling everything for a certain business, real estate, cars are used as collateral.

Once the investment fails, the person has nothing left and can only rely on odd jobs to rent a house.

If you can't find a job for a while and can't afford to pay the more expensive rent, some people choose to live in the car or simply set up a tent and wander the streets.

Some people do not fail to invest at all, but because of their various advanced consumption.

In particular, young people whose incomes are not high and have little savings, once they cannot repay various debts for a long time, they can easily fall into the street.

Naturally, these people can make a comeback if they want to.

In the United States, as long as there is no physical disability, or is too old, or has any serious criminal record, it is not difficult to find a job to support yourself.

Last month, in August 2021, the U.S. unemployment rate was 5.2 percent, which means that the vast majority of job seekers (94.8 percent) can find a job within 4 weeks, depending on whether you want to.

However, these jobs are not easy, even if there is competition for taking out the garbage and delivering the courier.

Therefore, there are a group of people in the United States all year round who do not look for jobs at all, and the main force of them is the tramp.

They would rather wander the streets and beg than go to work, at least for a long time.

Some of them will become homeless people for life, but many will regroup after a short period of wandering and return to the real world to continue their lives.

For these people, it is normal to have a period of wandering in life, just a way of life.

These things make Chinese feel strange, but this is the objective fact.

Aren't there tramps in Europe and the United States? There are many tramps in these countries, but most of them are a special way of life

In the United States, there are so many homeless people, which is inseparable from social welfare and strict laws.

At present, in most parts of the United States, the police are not allowed to evict homeless people without cause.

In the movie "First Blood 1", the sheriff forcibly evicts the wandering Rambo from the town, which is illegal.

In big cities, there are many welfare institutions that receive homeless people, providing food and sleep, but the conditions are average. For example, many of the sleeping places are countless folding beds in churches or large conference rooms.

Most homeless people don't want to sleep in such a place, just eat dinner, take a shower and leave.

Naturally, not all cities have enough beds for homeless people to live in.

For example, the number of beds in Los Angeles shelters was once the lowest in the country, with only one in four homeless people sheltering all beds.

There's a reason for that California, because of its perfect climate, accommodates half of the country's homeless. Los Angeles' wanderers are the first in the country, reaching nearly 40,000 people. The homeless people throughout Los Angeles County, up to 60,000 people.

Naturally, these problems are also improving.

Aren't there tramps in Europe and the United States? There are many tramps in these countries, but most of them are a special way of life

In 2016, local residents voted to approve Los Angeles' issuance of $1.2 billion in bonds to provide 10,000 new apartments for the homeless.

In 2018, Los Angeles County invested $619 million to solve housing problems for more than 21,000 people, a 23 percent increase from the previous year. The Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority says at this rate, they could have quickly resolved the homelessness crisis, but covid-19 has changed everything.

In 2020, California Governor Gavin Newsom chaired the "House Key Project" program, in which Los Angeles set a goal of renting 15,000 rooms to use federal funds to rent hotel and motel rooms for the homeless to protect them from the coronavirus.

Aren't there tramps in Europe and the United States? There are many tramps in these countries, but most of them are a special way of life

Personally, I think that vagrants do not explain anything, which is a normal social phenomenon.

Sasha went to many countries, almost every of which had vagrants, even sleeping near the city government.

Personally, I believe that the people should also be eligible to wander, as long as they are not guilty of adultery.


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