
2022 "new standards for the age of the elderly" announced, after this age, you can call "the elderly"

author:Dr. Choi popular

As we all know, life is a process of turning from prosperity to decline, birth, old age, illness and death are the processes that everyone needs to go through, and it is also the most natural phenomenon, and no one can change it.

We will all spend childhood, adolescence, youth, middle age, old age, each period will have a different path, may all of us spend every day seriously, happily, positively and optimistically.

2022 "new standards for the age of the elderly" announced, after this age, you can call "the elderly"

At present, due to social progress and the improvement of material and cultural living standards, the world population has a rapid aging trend, the composition of the elderly in China is also showing a rapid growth trend, it is expected that by 2025, the proportion of the elderly will account for 20% of the total population.

In this era, after the age of more than 60, many people will be called the elderly, carefully observe the people around us around the 60-year-old, some people look very young, and some people look quite old.

So this also has a certain relationship with the maintenance of the body, why are there still some elderly people in their 70s in life who still look like they are in their 50s?

In today's society, everyone does not want to be called an elderly person, with the current standard of living, how old is it to be considered an elderly person? The standard for judging the elderly can not only look at the appearance, but also make a basis according to the specific age of the elderly! Read on!

2022 "new standards for the age of the elderly" announced, after this age, you can call "the elderly"

Typical manifestations of aging in the elderly:

Morphological changes, mainly manifested in a gradual decrease in the number of cells, with a decrease in the number of cells in internal organs and tissues, atrophy and weight loss occur, with the increase of age, the shape and appearance of the body will change.

Such as: gray hair, skin elasticity decreased, wrinkles and age spots appear, loose teeth and loss, deafness, blurred vision, hunchback, height gradually shortened, cardiovascular system function declines, respiratory organ aging.

2022 "new standards for the age of the elderly" announced, after this age, you can call "the elderly"

The World Health Organization recommends that people aged 60 and over can be defined as older persons in developing countries and older as older persons in developed countries.

2022 "new standards for the age of the elderly" announced, after this age, you can call "the elderly"

However, due to different countries and regions, different ethnic groups and different cultural backgrounds, people's understanding of old age is not consistent, such as some people think that being a grandparent is entering old age, and some people think that retirement is entering old age.

China calls 60 years old as "flower nails", and stipulates that this age is the age of male retirement, and because china is located in the Asia-Pacific region, this area stipulates that over 60 years old are the elderly, therefore, at this stage, China is over 60 years old as a sign of defining the elderly, and after 60 years old, it has been recognized as the elderly by society, the following details:

First: under 18 years of age is a minor;

Second: between 19 and 44 years old, they are called young people;

Third: 45 to 59 years old is called middle-aged (prime age);

Fourth: 60 to 74 years old is called young old;

Fifth: 75 to 89 years old is called a real old man;

Sixth: Over 90 years old is called longevity elderly;

Seventh: Then over 100 years old is called centenarian!

2022 "new standards for the age of the elderly" announced, after this age, you can call "the elderly"

With the improvement of living conditions, most people pay special attention to health awareness, then for age, it is just a number, and it does not represent the real psychological age, the strength of health awareness, so that many people's bodies are particularly healthy, therefore, everyone does not have to care about their age.

How to improve the quality of life in old age and prolong life?

If the elderly want to prolong healthy life and improve the quality of life in their later years, carefully check the following three points!

1, eat more nutritious, colorful fruits and vegetables, the more abundant the food color ingested, the more comprehensive the nutritional composition, try to eat fish twice a week, because fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, very good for the heart, eat less red meat and full-fat dairy products, intake of a certain amount of coarse grains.

2, adhere to three times a week, 30 minutes of stride, you can keep the body strong, clear mind, bones and spirit can also be exercised, cycling, jogging and a certain degree of weight-bearing exercise, etc., can also enhance physical fitness.

3, many people think that compared with young people, the elderly do not need much sleep, but in fact, the elderly also need to guarantee 8 hours of sleep a day, otherwise it may cause heart disease.

2022 "new standards for the age of the elderly" announced, after this age, you can call "the elderly"