
Fifth Personality IVL: DOU5 finished runner-up and Wolves achieved two consecutive titles

The Fifth Personality IVL Fall Finals recently ushered in the last match day, DOU5 and Wolves staged the peak final, both teams are relatively high-ranked teams in this autumn game, and achieved a good result in the playoffs, which team can win the final championship, before the game has received more attention from more players. After four games of fighting, Wolves successfully defeated DOU5 to achieve two consecutive championships, and fans are collectively boiling, let's briefly review it together!

Fifth Personality IVL: DOU5 finished runner-up and Wolves achieved two consecutive titles

Dou5 and Wolves' BO5 was full of discussion before the game, and many netizens believed that the strength of the two teams was almost five or five, after all, they could come to the final stage, whether it was the current state or the personal strength of the players, it was certainly not weak. In the first game between the two sides, Wolves took the lead in playing the advantage, in the Yongmian Town map with perfect coordination to win the three runs, the first to get the advantage, although the second set of points was flat, but in the next two games, Wolves completed a unilateral crush, which is a relatively easy victory in this game.

Fifth Personality IVL: DOU5 finished runner-up and Wolves achieved two consecutive titles

After watching this game, some netizens joked that they did not expect the game to end in this way, especially the third and fourth innings, the gap between the points between the two sides is still quite large, and it is still a pity that DOU5 did not drag the game into the last inning. Of course, some players believe that the main reason is that Wolves play better, whether it is the survivor camp or the regulator camp, they have played an advantage, and do not give DongX any chance to turn the tables.

Fifth Personality IVL: DOU5 finished runner-up and Wolves achieved two consecutive titles

Xiaobian also watched this game, after watching it is the same feeling, if I remember correctly, Wolves in the winner group all the way to win, in the playoffs during each game has played a lot of famous scenes, compared to last season to win the championship, Wolves in this season has achieved more significant growth, for fans who have always supported Wolves, see such a result, will certainly be very happy and happy. Of course, this is not the end, there will be other events after that, and I hope wolves can still maintain this state, and in other events can also prove wolves' strength to the audience.

Fifth Personality IVL: DOU5 finished runner-up and Wolves achieved two consecutive titles

I don't know if you watched this game, what do you think is the key to Wolves winning? Welcome to discuss below!

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