
At the end of the naked resignation is part-time work

author:Burning Finance
At the end of the naked resignation is part-time work

Ignition Dimension (ID: chaintruth) original

Produced by Burning Finance

Author | Xie Zhongxiu Cao Yang Zhang Lin Kong Yuexin

Edit | Xie Zhongxiu

"It is impossible to work part-time, it is impossible to work in this life", "The world is so big, I want to go to see"... For a long time in the past, freedom was the most desired way of life for many young people.

In the eyes of many Generation Z young people, the "nine-to-five" imprisons their yearning for freedom, and the "personality" Of Generation Z has more knowledge of work and life, so naked words have become a common professional experience for contemporary young people.

Dt Finance's "2020 Workplace Naked Words Report" survey shows that in its survey subjects, 92% of people have had the idea of naked words, and more than 10% of people want to resign naked every day; among them, young people aged 26-35 are the most confident to resign nakedly.

Especially at the end of each year, there are always many young people who "impulsively" make naked remarks, either because they "yearn for freedom" or because they want to "control their lives" next.

But "naked words are cool for a while, unemployed cry every day", in the face of life, not all realities are as full as ideals.

"Prepare to go to work after the Spring Festival." Mengzhou, who had been resting at home for nearly a year, told Burning Finance. In March 2021, Mengzhou returned to his hometown because he could not see the development prospects of the current company, and his family was sick.

"The plan for resigning at that time was to go home and rest for a while, take care of my sick mother, and prepare for the civil service." Mengzhou introduced, "But I don't have to be admitted to the civil service exam, just to make life have a center of gravity and have things to do." But of course, it is the best to be admitted. ”

On January 9, 2022, the results of the national examination were released, and Mengzhou's total score was 116.6, which was 6 points away from the score of the position she applied for, and the civil servant examination failed. At the same time, "Mom's illness is almost better." Therefore, Mengzhou planned to go back to work after the Spring Festival.

"It didn't go beyond my plan, because my initial plan was to take a year off at most and go back to work." Mengzhou said, "Frankly speaking, it's a bit of a life at home. Because the relationship between people is inherently complicated, it is easy to have friction when it is too close, and the family is more complicated. In addition, it is a very realistic reason for money, during the naked resignation period, I also paid social security for myself, although I have a deposit, but it is inevitable to sit on the mountain and eat the air. So getting back to work is the best option. ”

Bai Yang, who also chose to resign at the beginning of 2021 and plans to create a career on his own, has recently been thinking about whether it is time to return to the workplace, "I was going to create a personal Internet celebrity, but the numbers of Douyin, Xiaohongshu, and Weibo are not on fire." The clothing studio that wanted to go with the trend did not sell well, and finally had to sell goods on the ground. The photography studio was barely open. I now wonder if I shouldn't start a business. ”

In 2015, the resignation letter of Gu Shaoqiang, a psychology teacher at Henan Experimental Middle School, "The world is so big, I want to see it" triggered the public's yearning for freedom; at the same time, Zhou Mou, who was imprisoned for stealing battery cars, said in an interview that "part-time work is impossible to work, it is impossible to work in this life" has also become the attitude of young people to work; Guo Yu, an employee of ByteDance who announced financial freedom and retired early in 2020, has aroused the envy of the public...

According to the data, Gu Shaoqiang currently opened an inn in Chengdu and also worked as a psychological counselor; and Guo Yu's Weibo revealed that he was starting a business. But more young people have recognized the reality, from "part-time work is impossible to work, it is impossible to work in this life" to "part-time work is definitely to work".

"One is work to have a source of income." Mengzhou said, "But more importantly, people have something to do." The days of naked resignation at home were very comfortable at the beginning, there was no pressure, sleeping until they woke up naturally, but then Weibo, the circle of friends brushed to no update, the little red book, B station brush to almost all read, this time is a deep emptiness. Talking to friends and feeling disconnected, you will feel ruined. ”

"Of course, starting a business, or having your own career, can alleviate this emptiness and disconnection, but these all have higher requirements for people, you have to be self-disciplined, you have to have self-planning to do things, and you also have capital." All in all, the cost of part-time work is relatively low. Mengzhou said bluntly.

Burning Finance also observed that most of the friends around them have already considered the next home when they resign; and two or three months of naked resignation is the tipping point, for people who resign nakedly, the first month is to breathe the air of freedom, but after two or three months will fall into anxiety; and when the flame of entrepreneurship has not yet been ignited, most of them will accept the baptism of failure and choose to return to the embrace of the workplace.

In this issue of the tavern, we chatted with people who were resting and starting a business, some of them were attracted by the hot homestay, and as a result, after the naked resignation, the income was not enough to pay the rent, and they could only return to the workplace; some tried to make a living by selling trinkets nakedly, and the result was that no one cared, or "part-time work can be a million profits"; some of them resigned naked in order to realize the dream of an illustrator, but finally earned more than they spent, and finally saw that the less and less savings could only go back to work...

There are thousands of choices in life, whether it is part-time work or entrepreneurship is one of the paths of life. But when choosing a path, you must also be fully understood and prepared, know what you want to do, what you can do, in order to go more smoothly.

Naked words entrepreneurial script kill, before it has begun has ended

Mang Mang 丨 28 years old comic editor

I have always had the idea of quitting my job and starting a business, because part-time work is really humiliating and affects my health. But there has always been a lack of a trigger that spurred me out of office.

Until the second half of 2020, there was a friend who happened to have funds and a storefront in his hand and wanted to open a script killing store, and I have been doing content, have a lot of resources in hand, and I have also thought about the possibility of script killing and entrepreneurship, so he came to me for advice. After we talked, we found that he could open a store for distribution, I could use my own resources to find an author to provide a script, which can be said to be a perfect partner, plus the two of us are friends, know the roots, so I decisively resigned to prepare for the business.

But I forgot a proverb of entrepreneurship, "Never start a business with friends."

At the beginning, everything was in order, my friend was preparing for store decoration and recruitment of employees, I had a plate of writers I knew before, and from the end of 2020, we began to write books on ideas together, because we wanted to make more profitable boutique "city limit books" at the beginning, plus it was the first time to write a book, so I and the author were busy for nearly 3 months, and finally wrote the first draft around the Spring Festival, and then I and my friends began to make online appointments to test the book and revise the draft.

This was followed by the Script Killing Show in March 2021. This is very important for us because it is an important opportunity for us to show our books and test books to stores across the country. At that time, there were less than half a month before the exhibition, and the author and I were in a hurry to promote the revision of the test book, thinking that we had spent thousands of yuan to buy tickets and could not waste this opportunity. But because my friend didn't understand the content very well, and some of the conceptual incompatibilities, we just broke down.

After the experience of "starting a business with a friend and finally having to do it", I did not think about giving up, but chose to take back the book and do it myself.

So I began to busy revising, looking for distribution, pulling investment, during which an investor said that he would give me funds and a storefront. I thought I could kill the store manager and release my own book, but the result was tragic, saying that the funds and storefronts "flew". I also had to run the exhibition to do the distribution, and as a result, when I first participated in the big exhibition, the local epidemic suddenly broke out, not only the exhibition was stopped urgently, but I also quarantined in the hotel for two weeks.

This caused me a lot of physical and mental stress, and it directly caused me to get sick, so I had to give up work and recuperate for a while. Then the script killing industry because of the chaos of the initial development, the entire industry began to rectify, plus in addition to living expenses, the author's manuscript fee, tickets to the exhibition and travel expenses are all paid by myself, I had to spend almost all my savings before, I had to start my own old business again, to do the editing project "part-time work".

But now I haven't completely given up on the script to kill the business, and some time ago I also found new investors to pull a small investment. However, in view of the lessons of the previous naked resignation of entrepreneurship, I decided to continue to do the B project to support myself, as for the business of starting a business as a boss, it is still a step by step slow.

The B&B fever attracted me, but in the end the income was not enough to pay the rent

Mark丨28 years old, project manager of short video company

I am a native of Sichuan, went to university in Beijing, in order to have a better career development, after graduating from college, I stayed in Beijing, entered an advertising company, and also with my own efforts, from a small staff to management, and have a certain savings.

But leaving my hometown, leaving my original social connections, and the high threshold of big cities, I always feel that I am "floating", unreliable, and occasionally I want to return to Sichuan. Around 2017, I noticed that the homestay was getting hotter and hotter, and the tweet of the public account was "Post-90s girls are charter wives, earning more than 100,000 yuan a year", "Renovating their old houses to make a homestay, earning millions a million a year", "and resigning from a million annual salary, opening a homestay to achieve wealth freedom"... Articles like this, I also itch to read.

At the end of the naked resignation is part-time work

My hometown is Danba County, Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, which is a beautiful place, Ganzi Prefecture is the Kham region, and Litang, where Ding Zhen is located, is also a county in Ganzi Prefecture. Our Danba County also has a good ecological environment, simple folk customs, rich tourism resources and tourists who come to visit.

And around 2017, the local homestay has not yet opened, which makes me see the opportunity. So I decided to go home and start a business, keep my parents to open a homestay, slow down the pace of life, realize wealth freedom, and contribute to the construction of my hometown.

I rented a yard in a convenient place, in order to create a characteristic homestay, I also invested more than 500,000 yuan of my savings into it and carried out a full range of decorations. I take care of everything in the homestay, happily recommend my hometown to everyone, although there is no usher in the ideal slow-paced life, but the endless stream of tourists also makes me live a very full and rich life, and I also enjoy the feeling of communicating with strangers.

For the first two years, everything was booming. Based on the good local tourism resources and my willingness to promote, the passenger flow of the homestay is also increasing, and it only took two years for me to recover the cost of the homestay.

But just when it was about to make a profit, the epidemic disrupted everything and the tourism industry was greatly affected, and Danba County was no exception. Without tourism, without tourists, the homestay naturally cannot be opened. Many once-popular homestays have chosen to close their doors and stop losses.

I was calculating that once the door closed, my renovation and other hardware facilities would be completely lost. I was not reconciled, so I gritted my teeth and insisted on it for half a year. But the effect is not good, this half year my income is only more than 5,000 yuan, even the rent is not enough to pay.

In the end, I had to close the homestay. When I first closed the homestay, I also thought about continuing to stay with my parents. But my hometown was too small to have a job that suited me. So I had to go to Chengdu and apply for a job as a project manager for a video company. Although it is still "wandering", it is fortunate that Chengdu is away from home, at least closer to home than Beijing.

Sometimes think about it, it is not easy to start a business, the risks to deal with and the problems to be solved are endless, or the pressure of part-time work is a little less. But this entrepreneurial experience has really brought me a lot of gains and enriched my spiritual world. First work to complete the accumulation of principal, in the future, maybe I will continue to start a business.

Resigned to sell trinkets for half a year, can not continue to return to the workplace

Ermeng | 27 years old business

The timing of my naked remarks is particularly "magical", just before the 2020 epidemic. I remember that at that time, I was particularly mournful every day at work, that is, I didn't want to go, I felt that going to work was not interesting, and I had to face leaders I didn't like every day, so I kept thinking about whether to resign directly.

I am the kind of person who usually wears makeup that is not exquisite, but the jewelry must be worn completely and there must be no sense of violation of the clothes to go out. It happened that at this time, I saw a very good friend in the circle of friends who began to sell all kinds of trinkets, including earrings, necklaces, rings, bracelets and so on. Then I thought, or I will also sell jewelry together, anyway, I also like these things, it is really not good to sell, I can still wear and play.

From the idea of selling jewelry to the application to leave the company, it seems that it took me less than a week. The leader seemed to have seen early on that I didn't want to do it, and approved my resignation application very happily. In this way, I happily escaped the life of a worker and started my own small business in the circle of friends.

At the end of the naked resignation is part-time work

Photo / Ermeng Circle of Friends

Source / Courtesy of Ermeng

It may be a moment of freshness, just did that time I was particularly diligent every day to update the circle of friends, send pictures, edit copywriting, and open a WeChat small shop. Then there are many friends who have accumulated from previous work, customers and colleagues who have worked together to ask. At first, everyone greeted each other and said, "Hey, you quit your job yourself?" "How's it going?" "Do you make money?" "Wait, and then maybe it's a matter of getting in the way, and you'll choose to buy one or two trinkets."

So in the beginning, my small business was doing well, and there were people placing orders almost every day. But this situation lasted for less than half a year, and slowly my freshness faded, and the acquaintances in the circle of friends were almost developed, falling into a situation of lack of customers. Because jewelry is not a high-consumption product that requires high-frequency repurchase, and I have no experience in making small commodities before, and I don't know how to open up new sellers, so after half a year, my jewelry business basically does not open a single.

No one came to place an order, my enthusiasm was not as good as a day, the more unactive the more no one bought, and the less money I had to earn. This vicious circle lasted for about 2 months, and I had to come out to find a job, to be a return worker, and at least to have a stable income every month.

With the dream of an illustrator, I didn't spend much

Yue Yue 丨 27 years old project manager of public relations company

I majored in arts management in college, but my parents felt that it was unstable to work in related industries, so I joined a public relations company and did project management related work. Project management is complicated, I feel that I am working overtime every day, tired and tired but doing work that I don't like, and I am getting more and more confused.

Around 2018, commercial illustration suddenly caught fire, and some head illustrators such as Wuhe Qilin and Lu Cat made a lot of money. I've studied and liked manga before, but because it's so difficult to monetize manga, I put it on the shelf. However, the monetization of commercial illustration is relatively easy, so I had a thought: if I switch to becoming a commercial illustrator, wouldn't I be able to do what I like and support myself?

My heart was not as good as my heart, I immediately signed up for an illustration class to study, in the class, the teacher also introduced: some senior students, through a year or two of study can support themselves. So I was more confident in the way forward. But the work of the PR agency is too busy, and I have not finished the one-month course for half a year. After much thought, I decided to force myself to resign my job to study, not to be a mechanical worker, and to be a commercial illustrator with a free soul.

In 2020, after winning the year-end award, I finally resigned. Enrolled in a higher level of courses to learn illustration, tuition fee of about 7,000 yuan, with the help of the teacher, I learned while taking work, took some small work of drawing mobile phone cases and avatar illustrations, although a single is only a few hundred yuan, but seeing my own works are liked by people, I have a special sense of achievement.

But the sense of accomplishment really can't be eaten, when I was in a public relations company, because I earned more, my house was rented in the third ring road, but in the third month after I resigned, in order to save money, I moved outside the fifth ring road.

Even more deadly, becoming an illustrator is a long road. For illustrators, creating a personal IP is very important, which can be a long process. Teachers also advised us not to be too utilitarian, now more and more people are entering the industry, the competition is becoming more and more fierce, to give ourselves time to grow.

At the end of the naked resignation is part-time work

Photo / Yue Yue Douban

Source / Courtesy of Yue Yue

But I have time, but the money is really not much. Eight months after I quit my job, I began to calculate how long my savings would last, I began to wonder if the decision to leave my job was too impulsive, and when the five-figure deposit became four-digit, I began to submit resumes.

Now that I'm back in the PR agency, I'm relieved not to have to calculate my savings. Now I am working while running my own illustration account, whether I can rely on illustration to support myself in the future I don't know, it depends on the improvement of my own ability and the development of the industry, but what I know is that I can still support myself by working.

I thought that I could support myself by speculating in stocks, but part-time work was the way out

DingDong 丨 28 years old photographer

I resigned nakedly in early 2020 and started speculating in stocks. The two events were not originally related, but they just started at about the same time.

Before the Spring Festival in 2020, I proposed to the company to leave, and the agreed departure date was after the Spring Festival returned. The original plan was to change jobs, but the outbreak of the epidemic suddenly made it difficult to find a job, so I quit my job naked and stayed at home for 7 months, until October 2020, when I started working again.

As for stock speculation, I have always had this idea, and I have been learning about the stock market before. When I went home during the Spring Festival in 2020, I chatted with my family, and my family gave me 100,000 yuan to try my hand. But unexpectedly, stock trading became my "main business" for more than half a year.

A shares in 2020, the overall first suppressed and then rose. The downturn in the first quarter gave me a good time to enter, and the upswing in the later period also gave me a good income. Flipping through my profit and loss data, the yield in 2020 was 34.61%, outperforming 91.89% of the shareholders, and earning 35394 yuan, at least earning back my rent for the year. So I'm still very satisfied.

At the end of the naked resignation is part-time work

Chart: (left) Dingdang's profit and loss in 2020; (right) A-share market trend since 2020

Source: Courtesy of Jingle Bell

And in addition to income, stock trading also gives me the focus of my life. Because although stock trading is not my serious job, it is also a valuable thing that can be recognized and said, which is better than playing a game. During that time, my daily life was to speculate in stocks, play games, and cook for my girlfriend, but thanks to stock speculation, I didn't feel that I was "wasted".

But life is always full of changes. In September 2020, my girlfriend was unhappy at work and quit naked, and suddenly two people in the family had no fixed source of income, and they sat at home every day and looked at each other. Although our economies are independent and each spends its own money, this situation also makes me start to worry.

Especially at that time, we also went on a trip to the Qinggan Ring Road, and the pressure to spend increased. Even if stock speculation can provide a part of the income, the stock market is full of uncertainty after all, the ups and downs are uncertain, and the profit and loss of the stock market is only a number, and it is their own money that is obtained.

So after my girlfriend quit naked, I started looking for a job, and it took me almost a month to find the job I was doing. But I'm also glad I returned to the ranks of the workers early. Because the stock market in 2021 is simply miserable, I just sold all the stocks in hand a few days ago, lost 20%, and "returned to the front of the account overnight".

For most young people, stocks are still good to play, and it is impossible to be the main business.

Naked resignation to prepare for the CPA, not only did not pass the exam but also became the fuse of family conflicts

Yo-Yo 丨 24 years old copywriting planner

After I graduated, I got a job as a copywriter. But because my parents were both accountants, they always felt that the accounting work was more stable than my copywriting work and the income was higher, so they always encouraged me to apply for the CPA.

So when I was working for more than half a year, I signed up for the CPA exam with the mentality of trying it out. But because I was reviewing while working, I didn't expect much at the time, and as a result, when I checked the results at the end of the year, I inexplicably passed a course. This made my parents have high expectations for me, and encouraged me to continue to apply for the exam the next year, and even spent thousands of yuan to sign me up for online courses.

At the end of the naked resignation is part-time work

So I entered a state of studying while working. As exam time approached, I gradually found that I could not juggle work and study. There are many projects in the company, working overtime every day to more than 11 o'clock is basically the norm, weekend overtime is also a common thing, coupled with the daily learning and listening to the task of brushing questions, I can't stand it a bit. When I was just over two months away from the exam, I didn't finish a single class. After much thought, I offered my resignation to the company and prepared to go home and prepare for the exam.

After I completely finished my job, there were less than two months left before the exam, and I had to prepare for 3 courses, although I selectively gave up one, but the result was still predictable, and I regrettably did not have one.

At that time, I was a little depressed, and I didn't want to take the exam, but my parents encouraged me to try again, and I spent a few thousand yuan to buy the latest syllabus and course, plus the contacts accumulated from the previous work, so that I could occasionally receive some copywriting work, which could support myself, and finally I decided to try again for another year. So after the end of the year, I continued to register, because I also studied tax law related content, and I also took an extra tax accountant exam under my father's advice.

But maybe I really don't have any interest and talent in accounting, and I feel more and more difficult in studying, and because I have not worked at home, it is inevitable that there will be some friction with my parents, and my mood will become worse and worse. As you can imagine, I still haven't passed the CPA exam this year, but I magically passed the tax accountant exam.

My parents saw that my exams were delayed, and they gave up on letting me continue to prepare for the CPA and concentrate on preparing for the relatively simple tax accountant exam. But not having a job has left me in a state of anxiety as an "unemployed vagrant", rushing to the fire every day and often arguing with my parents.

In the end, I decided to return to the workplace and prepare for the exam while working. I have to say that after finding a new job, I was really less anxious, and the tension with my parents was alleviated.

Impulsively naked, comfortable after two months began to anxiously find a job

Jingxin | 26 years old E-commerce live broadcast operation

I resigned from my last company around mid-2019, which should be considered a naked resignation. It was a travel and accommodation related company, and it was still the head of the industry at that time. The reason for resigning is very simple, young and vigorous, because of some work communication, there are not very pleasant things, and I chose to leave in a huff.

However, although it is because of some uncomfortable things, in fact, I have already had the idea of naked words before this. On the one hand, after working for several years, I have a certain amount of savings, and I want to give myself a vacation. On the other hand, I want to take advantage of the fact that I have no family and no children, and live a free life for young people.

I remember that after my naked resignation, I was in a state of extreme idleness, and even my friends rarely participated in the party, that is, I hid at home to read, brush up on dramas, and pet the cat, and felt full of ease and comfort.

At the end of the naked resignation is part-time work

This state of affairs lasted for about 2 months, and I began to make friends and organize various bureaus. Meals for weekdays and dinners for them after work, board games on weekends. At that time, script killing had not yet emerged, and everyone basically played werewolf killing and escape room. Every time I go on a legal holiday, I will also go to my home with local friends for the holiday, which can be said to be a happy time.

During this time, I also went out to play 2 or 3 times, I can't remember exactly. One of the memories is to go to Qingdao, which belongs to the typical backpacker and lives in a youth hostel. Coincidentally, I met a man in the hostel who was just as naked as I was. Originally, I planned to stay in Qingdao for 5 days, but then I stayed three or four more days because of my like-minded friends.

But it was also after returning from Qingdao that I began to be anxious. It will already be the beginning of 2020, and it may also be because of the epidemic that I have aggravated this anxiety mentality, and I am particularly anxious to find a job.

But at that time, the market situation was not very good, many of my friends around me began to work from home or were dismissed, and receiving complaints from different friends every day made me more anxious.

But fortunately, in the last job, a customer switched to do e-commerce live broadcasting, and after learning that I was frantically looking for a job, he asked me if I wanted to cooperate together to promote some clothing stalls in Guangzhou.

I agreed without saying a word, and my inner thought was that I would first find a job and an income, and other things could come slowly. Now I still do it with this friend, and the business is ok, but after the last experience, I am also eating a long and wise, and I will never impulsively resign again.

*Captions and illustrations are from Visual China. In the text, Mengzhou, Baiyang, Mangmang, Mark, Ermeng, Yueyue, Dingdang, Youyou, and Jingxin are pseudonyms.

*Disclaimer: In no event shall the information herein or the opinions expressed herein constitute investment advice to any person.


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