
The US generals are clamoring to be "head-on" with their opponents, so what is vietnam's intention to echo from afar?

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Author: Battle Flash

According to the Global Network, Vice Admiral Kitchener, commander of the US Navy's surface ships, recently boasted to the "Naval Times" that the US Navy is engaged in "head-to-head confrontation" and close contact with opponents in global operations. Some analysts believe that the example given by the admiral is the US Navy's guided-missile destroyer "Mastin" in April 2021 to monitor the passage of the Chinese Navy's Liaoning aircraft carrier at close range.

The US generals are clamoring to be "head-on" with their opponents, so what is vietnam's intention to echo from afar?

In April last year, during the normal training activities of the Chinese Liaoning aircraft carrier formation in a certain area of the South China Sea, the US Navy's MAS Masting guided-missile destroyer was sent to identify the Liaoning and forcibly approached the Liaoning, causing serious interference to the normal training activities of our Navy's aircraft carrier formation. In this regard, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of National Defense pointed out at the time: The behavior of the US warships has seriously interfered with China's training activities and seriously threatened the navigation safety of the ships of both sides, and its nature is very bad.

The US generals are clamoring to be "head-on" with their opponents, so what is vietnam's intention to echo from afar?

As for the interference activities of the bad nature of the US ships, Kitchener brazenly advocated that in his view, this incident showed the courage and training of the US Navy, and when they began to act, whether it was the East Coast or the Southwest Coast, the Black Sea, the South China Sea, the US Navy would face off with its opponents. In international waters, the U.S. Navy has the right to sail freely and maintain a sense of presence, which is how the U.S. Navy has always operated.

The US generals are clamoring to be "head-on" with their opponents, so what is vietnam's intention to echo from afar?

At the same time as Kitchener made the above statement, the US Navy's two aircraft carrier battle groups and an amphibious assault ship formation are expected to converge in the South China Sea at the end of this month. At the same time, it is reported that the gathering of so many aircraft carriers and amphibious assault ships of the US Navy in the South China Sea is to prepare to gather allies to hold joint military exercises in the waters around China, especially in the South China Sea, during the Beijing Winter Olympics, as a gesture of military provocation against China, with the intention of saving face from the failure of the "diplomatic boycott" of the Beijing Winter Olympics.

The US generals are clamoring to be "head-on" with their opponents, so what is vietnam's intention to echo from afar?

Obviously, At this time, Kitchener moved on to last year's old account to say things, which was clearly to show off that the US Navy was still the "invincible" force in the world. Kitchener's remarks are nothing more than a demonstration of muscles by the two strategic competitors of China and Russia, trying to let China know that the US ship is after all the Formation of the Liaoning aircraft carrier and carrying out interference activities, which means that this aircraft carrier has become the target of the US Navy's "staring" to suppress China's momentum in military confrontation with the United States.

The US generals are clamoring to be "head-on" with their opponents, so what is vietnam's intention to echo from afar?

Generally speaking, barking dogs will not bite people, the United States recently changed the previous rendering of the so-called "Chinese military threat theory" argument, instead of rendering the "US military threat theory", which can very well explain the fact that the military provocations taken by the United States in the South China Sea have been unable to play a substantial role in threatening China, so the ability is not enough to mouth guns, trying to win military competition with China through "mouth cannons".

The US generals are clamoring to be "head-on" with their opponents, so what is vietnam's intention to echo from afar?

Of course, At this time, Kitchener's "US military threat theory" on the South China Sea issue may be only a part of the factor in creating a momentum for the US Navy's possible joint military exercises in the South China Sea, and more importantly, the United States is also trying to encourage some countries related to the South China Sea issue to participate in their actions of using the South China Sea issue to provoke China by demonstrating its "military superiority" in the South China Sea, so as to show its so-called "strategic value" in the South China Sea military disturbance operation.

The US generals are clamoring to be "head-on" with their opponents, so what is vietnam's intention to echo from afar?

Sure enough, after the United States put down the bait, there were really willing to take the bait. According to a report quoted by Phoenix SATELLITE TV as quoted by Vietnam International News Express, a spokesman for the Vietnamese Foreign Ministry recently said when asked about "the United States issued a rejection of the nine-dash line proposition in the South China Sea" that the Vietnamese side "endorses the relevant report issued by the US State Department" and believes that on the issue of the South China Sea dispute, Vietnam has repeatedly reiterated its consistent views and opposes and does not accept claims that are inconsistent with international law, including the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.

The US generals are clamoring to be "head-on" with their opponents, so what is vietnam's intention to echo from afar?

As we all know, Vietnam is the country with the largest illegal occupation of Chinese islands and the largest number of illegal maritime benefits among the relevant parties in the South China Sea. Vietnam's own military prowess is not very strong, and if a conflict breaks out in the South China Sea, it may be difficult to defend the illegally occupied islands and reefs. Therefore, Vietnam has been eye-to-eye with the United States, in a vain attempt to use the military influence of the United States to contain China's growing military influence in the South China Sea. Therefore, when the United States makes waves in the South China Sea, Vietnam always sends some kind of ambiguous signal, explicitly or implicitly, and cooperates with the United States to complicate the South China Sea issue.

The US generals are clamoring to be "head-on" with their opponents, so what is vietnam's intention to echo from afar?

However, at this time, Vietnam jumped out to interact with the United States on the South China Sea issue, but it is difficult to shake the foundation of stability in the South China Sea. After all, although Vietnam has recently been eye-catching with the United States, the difference in values between the two countries is destined to be the result of mutual distrust between the two sides. What's more, other ASEAN countries do not want to see the turmoil in the South China Sea, although Vietnam is keen to play a little clever on the South China Sea issue, but let it openly follow the United States military to disrupt the South China Sea, but also has a thief's heart and no thief's guts. The reason is simple: Vietnam knows it can't afford to be countered.

The US generals are clamoring to be "head-on" with their opponents, so what is vietnam's intention to echo from afar?

Since China has established an anti-access/area denial of operation system in Asia, the military operations of U.S. Navy aircraft carriers in the region can only be a bluff. The reason is simple, when Kitchener boasts that the US Navy is eyeing the Liaoning, he should be very clear how many missiles have been targeted at the US aircraft carrier. Therefore, if Vietnam wants to take advantage of the chaotic situation of great power competition and take advantage of China, it can only burn itself. The U.S. Navy's military turmoil in the South China Sea, because it cannot gain the support of countries in the region, is at best a waste of taxpayers' hard-earned money.

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