
Zodiac Yellow Calendar Horoscope on Monday, January 17

Horoscope on January 17, Monday the fifteenth day of the lunar month

Hi God: Northwest God of Wealth; Due East

Zodiac luck; sheep, tiger, dog; zodiac weak luck; rat, cow

The other 7 zodiac signs are flat; special reminder of the zodiac rat, meridian rush

In case of trouble, you need to respond in time and stick to your ideas

On this day, Dolly little things, Dolly travel, etc

This day is appropriate; seek medical treatment, receive money, marry and travel

Taboo on this day; Pray for the opening of the market

This day is auspicious; noon

Today's color Dolly red or green, unfavorable yellow or white, the lucky number of the day; 1

Zodiac Yellow Calendar Horoscope on Monday, January 17

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