
Modern Chinese History

author:Little K loves cell phone photography

1. Modern Chinese History: Time Range: Before the Opium War of 1840 to the founding of New China in 1949, the semi-colonial and semi-feudal society was the history of China's bourgeois democratic revolution from its rise to victory, a total of nearly 110 years Of total characteristics: The nature of humiliating society: the main contradiction of semi-colonial and semi-feudal society: 1. The contradiction between foreign capitalism and the Chinese nation (the most important) 2. The contradiction between feudalism and the masses of the people 2. China's modernization: the late Qing Dynasty, Chinese history has entered a new period of social transformation. On the one hand, the gradual invasion of China by the Western powers has made Chinese society constantly semi-colonized; on the other hand, the Chinese nation has made indomitable pursuits, and China's development has entered modernization (that is, modernization) with difficulty. Specific performance: 1. Economically: First, the small peasant economy began to disintegrate, and China was involved in the world market; second, modern industry was faltering, and national capital grew with difficulty. (Industrialization, marketization) 2. Ideological and cultural aspects: The West is learning from the East, and seeking national independence and self-improvement has become the mainstream of modern thought. (Scientific, popular) 3. Social life: the west wind is drifting in the east, and the urbanization of industrial civilization has become a trend in China. (Urbanization, Diversification) II. [Modular Knowledge System of Modern Chinese History (Vertical)] 1. Political Democratization: Aggression by Great Powers and the Resistance struggle of the Chinese People; The Stage of the Old Democratic Revolution in Modern China (1840-1919): The Opium War, the Second Opium War, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement, the Sino-Japanese War, the Eight-Power Alliance's War of Aggression against China, the New Democratic Revolution Stage of the Xinhai Revolution (1919-1949): The Rise of the New Democratic Revolution, the Ten-Year Confrontation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Liberation War 2.Economic Industrialization: Changes in China's Economic Structure in Modern Times and the Tortuous Development of Capitalism 3.Scientificization of Thought: The Trend of Ideological Emancipation in Modern China; Major Ideological and Theoretical Achievements in China Since the 20th Century 4.Westernization of Life: Changes in China's Modern and Contemporary Social Life and Changes in mass Media III. [Knowledge System of Modern Chinese History and General History (Horizontal)] Stage Division: (1) Overall Demarcation Phase Marker: "May Fourth" Movement; Chinese Bourgeois Democratic Revolution: 1840-1919. [Old Democratic Revolution (Early Modern Period); New Democratic Revolution: 1919-September 1949 (Late Modern Period)] Basis for The Division of Stages: Different Leading Classes 1, Old Democratic Revolution Period (1840-----1919) [Meaning] The Old Democratic Revolution refers to a revolution led by the bourgeoisie and aimed at establishing a capitalist society and a bourgeois dictatorship, opposing foreign aggression and domestic feudal rule. Among them, the Xinhai Revolution was an old democratic revolution in a relatively complete sense. 【Basic Characteristics】 The invasion of the great powers has colluded with china's feudal rulers to reduce China to a semi-colonial, semi-feudal society and a semi-colonial society; Chinese the people's anti-aggression and anti-feudal struggles, and strive for national independence and social modernization. 【Revolutionary Stage】 Taking the evolution of the nature of modern Chinese society as the criterion, the period of the old democratic revolution can be divided into stages: 1) 1840s and 1860s: the initial formation period of semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, also known as the beginning of the old democratic revolution. 2) 1870s -1870s - early 20th century: The period of full formation of semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, also known as the period of the rise of the bourgeois reform movement. 3) The beginning of the 20th century - the eve of the May Fourth Movement in 1919: the period of deepening and development of semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, also known as the period of bourgeois democratic revolution. 2. The period of the new democratic revolution (1919-1949) [Meaning] What is the new democratic revolution? Comrade Mao Zedong pointed out in his article "The Chinese Revolution and the Communist Party of China": "The so-called new-democratic revolution is an anti-imperialist and anti-feudal revolution of the masses of the people under the leadership of the proletariat. The central content of [Basic Clue] is the anti-imperialist and anti-feudal struggle led by the CCP and the victory of the democratic revolution. 【Revolutionary Stage】First Stage: 1919-1927 (From the May Fourth Movement to the Defeat of the National Revolution) (First National Revolution Period) Second Stage: 1927-1937 (10-Year Confrontation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party or Agrarian Revolutionary War) (Second National Revolution Period) Third Stage: 1937-1945 (Period of All-out War of Resistance of the Chinese Nation) Fourth Stage: 1945-1949 (Liberation War) (Third National Revolution) (II) Stage Characteristics or Historical Facts] I. The First Stage of the Old Democratic Revolution Period (1840-----1919): The Period of Semi-Colonial and Semi-feudal Society (1840-1860s) Also known as the Beginning of the Old Democratic Revolution or the Incubation of China's Modernization This is the period when China began to degenerate into a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society and an old-style peasant war. Basic historical characteristics: Under the aggression of foreign capitalism and the impact of Western civilization, Chinese society has undergone tremendous changes, and it has evolved from the era of agricultural civilization to the era of industrial civilization, that is, China has begun to degenerate into a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society. The period of transformation of Chinese society began with the gradual modernization. I. Politics: 1. Aggression: Invasion by great powers, two Opium Wars caused China's semi-colonial and semi-feudal society to begin and deepen: (1) The Opium War (1840-1842): As the beginning of China's modern history, it made China begin to degenerate into a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society. (2) The Second Opium War was a continuation and expansion of the Opium War (1856-1860), which further deepened the degree of semi-colonization of Chinese society. 2. Military: Muskets and cannons gradually armed the army, and a new type of navy and army was born. Second, the economy: 1, after the Opium War, China's economic structure changes, the modern industrial system slowly formed, but incomplete, modernization is difficult: (the natural economy gradually disintegrated; China was involved in the capitalist world market; the emergence of modern industry: foreign enterprises; the rise of the foreign affairs movement, the beginning of China's industrial modernization; the rise of national industry, 2, social life: Western lifestyle began to be introduced, trade ports food, clothing, housing and other social customs began to change. Gradual diversification: clothing: suits were introduced, robes and horse coats were still popular; qipao; food: Western restaurants, bakeries; Western-style houses appeared in the concessions; transportation: ships; missionaries in China ran newspapers; THIRD, thoughts: 1. Learning from the West, beginning to explore the process of the truth of saving the country and saving the people, and germinating new ideas: Lin Zexu and Wei Yuan advocated: Shiyi long-skilled to control Yi; collect western intelligence; compile books and newspapers; write books and understand the situation in various countries in the world; but did not resonate with intellectuals and did not put into action, only stayed at the level of artifacts 2. The gradual emergence of democratic ideas: the revolutionary program of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement: from the "Tianchao Tianmu System" to the "New Chapter of Senior Administration" IV. Diplomacy: The situation of closing the country to the outside world was gradually broken, and China was forced to open up more and more to the outside world. The second stage: the period of full formation of semi-colonial and semi-feudal society (1860s-early 20th century) is also known as the period of the rise of the bourgeois reform movement or the initiation of Modernization in China. I. Politics: 1. The great powers continued to wage wars of aggression against China, the basic formation and full formation of China's semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, and the Qing Dynasty continued to decline and fall: (1) aggression (1) the Sino-Japanese War of the Sino-Japanese War maguan treaty (1894-1895) ;(2) the eight-power alliance war of aggression against China signed an unequal treaty (the Xinugu Treaty) (1900-1901). 3. The Chinese nation has experienced its first serious national crisis, and the struggle to save the Chinese nation from extinction has continued: (1) the Battle of the Yellow Sea (Deng Shichang) (2) the Taiwan People's Anti-Taiwan Struggle Army (3) the Penghu Reform Law; (4) the Boxer Rebellion (5) the Xinhai Revolution). Ii. Economy: 1. The great powers have transitioned to the stage of imperialism, and their aggression against China has entered a new stage, and they have begun to strongly demand the export of capital and the division of the world. The development and bankruptcy of the foreign affairs movement and the foreign affairs economy; the Qing government relaxed the restrictions on the establishment of factories by the people; the emergence and initial development of national capitalism, the climax of the development of national industry appeared, and the national bourgeoisie began to appear on the political stage. 2, social life: foreign lifestyles gradually entered China, China's modern education and transportation industry began to take off in this period: (1) Western restaurants opened, Western food became fashionable; (2) clothing: Zhongshan clothing (3) customs: hair cut off, reformists launched a feminist movement - abolishing foot binding; marriage freedom; social etiquette and salutations; Western festivals. (4) Line: Railway - Tangxu Railway; Before the Xinhai Revolution, laying the basic pattern; Highway - In the early 20th century, there were cars in Shanghai; Civil Aviation - In 1909, Feng Ru's first airplane; shipping industry - 1872 Shanghai Steamship Merchants Bureau; Postal Service - 1896 Qing Post Office; (5) Communications: Radio Telegraph - Early 20th Century, Shanghai Chongming; 1877 Cable telegraph opening; Telephone - Telephone arrival in 1882; Early 20th Century, Nanjing's first city telephone (6) newspaper - 1883 Zhaowen Xinbao, The Reform Faction Newspaper - Qiang Journal, Chinese and Foreign Chronicles, Affairs Daily, Minbao, New Youth ;(7) Film - 1896 Screening of Western Film Drama; Dingjun Mountain (1905) III. Ideology: Western Affairs Thought, Chinese Body And Western Use, Restoration Thought, Constitutional Monarchy. Revolutionary thought, democratic republic. Peasants develop blind xenophobic ideas. The third stage: the period of deepening semi-colonial and semi-feudal society (from the establishment of the Republic of China to before the May Fourth Movement in 1919) The overall development stage of China's modernization I. Politics: 1. The great powers continued to wage wars of aggression against China, the national crisis was unprecedentedly serious (the eight countries invaded China), the semi-colonial and semi-feudal societies were formed and deepened, and a bourgeois democratic revolution arose; the policy of aggression against China by the great powers changed from "partitioning" to "using China to control China," and successively supported the Qing Dynasty, Yuan Shikai, and warlords of various factions as colonial tools, and ethnic contradictions and class contradictions were formally confluence; the reactionary nature of the Qing government was further exposed; the "New Deal" and "Constitution-making" of the Qing Dynasty were raised; the bourgeois democratic revolution arose, the Xinhai Revolution, and the founding of the Republic of China were promulgated. The Provisional Law of the Republic of China and the establishment of a democratic republican system; the modernization of Chinese politics reached its peak; the first great historical change in China's modern and contemporary history, 2. Yuan Shikai usurped the fruits of the revolution and began the rule of the Beiyang warlords, the Beiyang warlord government was autocratic and dictatorial at home, and the struggle of Sun Yat-sen to defend republican democracy was defeated one after another: Yuan Shikai set off a retro countercurrent of Zunkong and restored the imperial system; Sun Yat-sen defended republican democracy and waged a struggle against Yuan--the second revolution, the defending movement, and the law protection movement were defeated one after another:; National industry short spring: "industry to save the country" has become the trend of the times, with the short and rapid development of national industry, the Chinese proletarian contingent has developed and grown, 2, social life: the use of mr., comrade and other titles, marriage autonomy; funeral simplification; increase the National Day, New Year's Day and other festivals; change the solar calendar; road construction technology introduced. Bicycles are infested in the streets; trams; railways - Beijing-Zhang railway construction; China Post Office; aviation industry start - Fujian Mawei Shipyard to develop seaplanes; in 1920 China's first route Beijing-Tianjin route was opened, China's civil aviation industry began. Newspaper development - "Minbao"; magazine - "New Youth"; development of the telephone field; development of domestic films; III. Ideology 1. The idea of democratic revolution spread; Sun Yat-sen put forward the Three People's Principles, and democratic republics and industrial salvation became the mainstream of history. 2. The new cultural movement held high the banner of "democracy" and "science", shook the dominance of feudal thought, and formed an unprecedented ideological emancipation; Marxism began to spread and became an important factor in the transformation of China's old democratic revolution into a new democratic revolution. II. The period of the New Democratic Revolution --- the first stage of the tortuous advance of China's modernization: from 1919 to 1927 (from the May Fourth Movement to the defeat of the National Revolution) (the period of the Great Revolution, the period of the First National Revolution) I. Politics: 1. The contradiction between the Chinese people and the Beiyang warlords supported by the great powers became the main contradiction in society; the May Fourth Movement broke out and became the beginning of the new democratic revolution, the proletariat entered the political stage and gradually became the leading class of the Chinese revolution; Marxism was increasingly integrated with the workers' movement The First and Second Congresses of the Communist Party of China and the founding of the Communist Party of China have brought a new look to the Chinese revolution. The First Workers' Movement; 2. The Kuomintang and the Communist Party cooperated in establishing a revolutionary united front and carrying out the National Revolution: the three major decisions of the Cpc and the Kuomintang cooperated with the Kuomintang; the Kuomintang held a major meeting to cooperate with the Kuomintang; and the national revolutionary movement against imperialism and feudalism was promoted rapidly. The Nationalist government sent a northern expedition to basically overthrow the rule of the Beiyang warlord government. Economy: 1. After the end of the First World War, the European powers made a comeback and national capitalism began to go into depression. The United States and Japan have intensified their aggression against China's economy; 2. Social life: Automobiles have become a means of transportation for the powerful and wealthy in major cities, the Opening of the Beijing-Tianjin Route, and the kick-off of the civil aviation industry; the rapid development of China's film industry in the 1920s; the birth of the broadcasting industry Iii. Ideology: 1. Marxism spreads in China and becomes the guiding ideology of the Party: It began to be introduced: In 1918, Li Dazhao was the first in China to raise the banner of socialism and spread it widely: The May Fourth Movement in 1919. Promoted the widespread spread of Marxism (became mainstream). 2. Sun Yat-sen proposed that the New Three People's Principles were the political basis for the first Kuomintang-Communist cooperation. 3. The Germ of Mao Zedong Thought. Concern for the basic problems of the Chinese revolution, "Analysis of all strata of Chinese society" and "Report on the Investigation of the Peasant Movement in Hunan", emphasize the rural revolution and put forward the idea of upholding the leadership of the proletariat over the democratic revolution and relying on the peasants for revolutionary struggle. The second stage: 1927 to 1937 (the period of the ten-year confrontation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party or the agrarian revolutionary war) (the period of the second national revolution) I. Politics: The confrontation between the two regimes of the Provisional Central Government of the Chinese Soviet Republic and the National Government in Nanjing, class contradictions and national contradictions are intertwined, 1. On the one hand, the Kuomintang rightists betrayed the revolution and anti-communism and the people; the Kuomintang government nominally unified the country and at the same time carried out five counter-revolutionary "encirclement and suppression" of the Red Army. On the other hand, the CCP began to explore the revolution to lead itself independently, and found a correct revolutionary road and armed resistance to the Kuomintang: the Nanchang Uprising and the Autumn Harvest Uprising; the road of "encircling the cities by the countryside and seizing power by force" was opened; the CPC's first shift in focus of work: the theory of urban center -- the countryside encircling the cities; land reform; the establishment of the Chinese Soviet Republic in 1931; the failure of the fifth anti-"encirclement and suppression" campaign; the Long March and the Zunyi Conference; 2. Japan began a partial war of aggression against China in order to get rid of the blow of the economic crisis The political situation moved from splittism and confrontation to joint anti-Japanese resistance: the 1931 September 18 Incident, the 1932 128 Incident; the 1935 planning of the autonomy of the five provinces in North China; the 1935 12,9 Movement; the Wayaobao Conference established the anti-Japanese democratic united front; the 1936 Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition Army; the 1936 Xi'an Incident; the 1931-1937 Chinese military and civilian partial war of resistance; 3. The Sino-Japanese ethnic contradictions rose to the main contradiction after the North China Incident; the CCP put forward the principle of democratic unification. The peaceful settlement of the Xi'an incident marked the initial formation of the national united front. Second, the economy: 1, social life: the Beijing-Tianjin area appeared a completely European new style of housing; the film matured, in 1931, China's first sound film "Song Girl Red Peony" was successfully filmed; in 1935, "Fisherman's Light Song" won international reputation; "Volunteer March" was sung; "Red China" and "Central Daily" tit-for-tat. III. Thought: Mao Zedong Thought began to take shape (the idea of the armed division of workers and peasants) to point out the direction for the Chinese revolution: it is a brilliant example of integrating the universal truth of Marxism with the concrete practice of the Chinese revolution. Focus on mastering the proposal, main content, theoretical core, and historical significance of the idea of "armed division of workers and peasants." Why did Mao Zedong choose Jinggangshan to establish a revolutionary base area? The third stage: 1937 to 1945 (the period of the All-out War of Resistance of the Chinese Nation) I. Politics: The Chinese nation has a common hatred of the enemy and the struggle against the Japanese fascists constitutes the theme of this period of history. The Anti-Japanese National United Front was formally established and began an all-out War of Resistance: (1) The process of Japan's invasion of China: the September 18 Incident: Sino-Japanese national contradictions began to rise; the July 7 Incident (Lugou Bridge Incident): The beginning of an all-out invasion of China, China began a comprehensive war of resistance (the all-national war of resistance); in December 1937, Nanjing fell, and the Japanese army caused the Nanjing Massacre; in October 1938, Guangzhou and Wuhan fell, and the War of Resistance Against Japan entered a stalemate. (2) Crimes of the Japanese Army Invading China: The July 7 Incident; the August 13 Incident; the Nanjing Massacre; germ warfare and poison gas warfare; the policy of using China to control China; puppet sovereignty; enslavement education; (3) The anti-Japanese national united front was formally established, and two frontal battlefields and the battlefield behind the enemy' back, the one-sided line of resistance and the line of all-round resistance coexisted: the Kuomintang-Communist cooperative war of resistance; the Kuomintang one-sided line of resistance; the four-congress battle organized by the Kuomintang; the Luochuan Conference in northern Shaanxi and the line of all-round resistance; and the establishment of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region Government In 1940, the anti-Japanese democratic government was established and the "three-three system principle" was put forward; the Hundred Regiments War; a small number of democratic anti-Japanese troops resisted the war; in 1942, the Chinese government sent an expeditionary force into Burma to fight, defeated the Invading Japanese army, and opened up foreign battlefields; the Kuomintang launched an anti-communist upsurge; the Chinese Communists resolutely counterattacked militarily; the anti-Japanese army and people behind enemy lines launched a local counteroffensive against Japan; the convening of the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China and Mao Zedong Thought became the party's guiding ideology; the victory and impact of the War of Resistance Against Japan; second, the economy: 1. The bureaucratic capital of the four major families expanded sharply Japan's frenzied plundering of the occupied areas, and China's national enterprises suffered an unprecedented and cruel blow. 2. Social Life: "Xinhua Daily" and "Liberation Daily" were founded. III. Thought: The Maturity of Mao Zedong Thought (Mao Zedong published articles such as "On Protracted War", "On New Democracy", "On Coalition Government", etc., creatively put forward the scientific concept of the new democratic revolution, and depicted the blueprint and prospects of the new democratic society. At the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 1945, Mao Zedong Thought was established as the guiding ideology of the Party.) The fourth stage: 1945 to 1949 (the period of the War of Liberation) (the period of the Third National Revolution) 1, under the squeeze of the three mountains, national capitalism fell into a desperate situation; the Kuomintang levied harsh taxes and miscellaneous taxes, indiscriminately issued paper money, the economy of the Kuomintang was on the verge of collapse, the influx of American capital and commodities, and national capitalism fell into a desperate situation; 2. The CCP launched a land reform movement to provide a reliable manpower and material guarantee for the victory of the Liberation War. 3. Social life: the national government is politically corrupt, the people's livelihood is poor, the heavy industry is weak, and the road, railway and civil aviation industries are developing slowly. In the 1940s, left-wing films in the Kuomintang region developed. III. Thought: The development of Mao Zedong Thought laid the theoretical foundation for the founding of New China: In the spring of 1949, the Second Plenary Session of the Seventh Plenary Session of the Communist Party of China theoretically resolved the major problems of the transformation from the new democratic revolution to the socialist revolution, put forward the idea of the people's democratic dictatorship, enriched and developed the Marxist theory of the state, and laid the political theoretical preparation for the founding of New China - "On the People's Democratic Dictatorship";

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