
Deported! Deyo spoke for the first time after missing the Australian Open: I am disappointed, I need time to rest

On January 16, Beijing time, the federal court ruled that Djokovic lost the case and could not participate in the 2022 Australian Open, and Djokovic was cancelled from his visa and will be deported. To this end, Djokovic spoke out for the first time, expressing his disappointment at the verdict and saying that he would take some time to adjust himself and thank those who supported him.

Deported! Deyo spoke for the first time after missing the Australian Open: I am disappointed, I need time to rest

January 16 is the day when Djokovic's fate was finally finalized, and although the opportunity is not great, many people are still waiting for a miracle. In the end, the unanimous decision of all the judges of the Federation that Djokovic's failed appeal means that he will be expelled from Australia and will definitely miss the 2022 Australian Open, and the match is about to begin, which means that the Australian Open schedule this season will also undergo certain changes.

Deported! Deyo spoke for the first time after missing the Australian Open: I am disappointed, I need time to rest

After getting the final results, Djokovic said, "I would like to make a brief statement about today's hearing, I need to spend some time resting and recovering, but more comments." I am very disappointed with the outcome of the ruling. The focus has been on me over the past few weeks, I'm uncomfortable, I want everyone to pay attention to my game and wish all the athletes, staff, volunteers and fans good luck. Finally, I would like to thank my family, friends, team, supporters, fans and fellow Serbians, whose support is a source of strength for me to remain strong. ”

Deported! Deyo spoke for the first time after missing the Australian Open: I am disappointed, I need time to rest

It is worth mentioning that Djokovic has been unable to appeal anymore, and most seriously, may face a 3-year ban on Australian entry. In other words, Djokovic may not be able to play the Australian Open in his lifetime.

Deported! Deyo spoke for the first time after missing the Australian Open: I am disappointed, I need time to rest

It should be noted that Djokovic has won the Australian Open 9 times, is the most successful male player in the Australian Open, has played for 17 consecutive years, is the number one darling of the Australian Open, and now Djokovic can only be deported like a criminal.

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