
The old man of the Qing Dynasty had been practicing internal skills for 60 years, and his spirit was strong at the age of ninety, but he was broken by 4 young girls in January

In the long history of China, there are more than two thousand years in the feudal dynasty, the so-called feudal dynasty, that is, the emperor is the lord of the world, that is, all the dynasties have emperors as the leaders of the country, so the emperor is the representative of the country and the most important role of each feudal dynasty.

The old man of the Qing Dynasty had been practicing internal skills for 60 years, and his spirit was strong at the age of ninety, but he was broken by 4 young girls in January

The emperor is also known as the Ninth Five-Year Dignity, as the most honorable person in the country, naturally hopes to live a little longer, that is to say, to run the country for as long as possible, but always can not achieve the wish, due to the ancient social conditions and the physical quality of the people, people's life expectancy will not be too long, the so-called seventy years of life is rare.

Being able to live to the age of seventy can be described as rare, not to mention the elderly years of more than seventy years old, and the more exaggerated years of the period, which are basically non-existent things, but the ancient emperors never gave up the pursuit of immortality, which can be seen from later novels.

The old man of the Qing Dynasty had been practicing internal skills for 60 years, and his spirit was strong at the age of ninety, but he was broken by 4 young girls in January

In fact, as early as the Qin Shi Huang period, It had begun to let Li Si look for the art of immortality, after traveling to all sides, there was no result, and then in the late Tang Dynasty, several emperors were pursuing the so-called art of immortality, and required the warlocks in the palace to practice the elixir, and finally there were three or four emperors who died of food poisoning because of eating the so-called elixir.

In the final analysis, if you want to live forever, it is impossible for fools to dream at that time, but if you want to simply prolong your life, it is still possible, there was an old man in the Qing Dynasty who practiced internal skills for sixty years, and he was still energetic after ninety years old, and finally he was broken by four young girls for a month.

Odd Man Willow

In the early years, Liu Weng actually couldn't see any difference, three full and two a day could be said to be incomparably moist, but this person had a very strange place, that is, from a young age, idle and nothing would be closed cultivation, at that time, because the age was not very large, so the people with him did not care very much.

But later, Liu Weng can say that he studied well, obtained a meritorious name through the imperial examination, and soon became an official in the dynasty, at this time, Liu Weng's age was not small, but still maintained his inherent tradition, and the so-called retreat was carried out every day.

The old man of the Qing Dynasty had been practicing internal skills for 60 years, and his spirit was strong at the age of ninety, but he was broken by 4 young girls in January

But at this time, the people around him were no longer the group of little farts around him, one by one, they all broke the casserole and asked the end, hoping to know what this willow was mysteriously doing all day. Liu Weng only replied at that time, I was practicing Qigong. After receiving this answer, the people obviously did not believe it, so they stopped worrying about him, and the matter was closed.

Doubts and measures

However, as time passed day by day, the people who worked with Liu Weng gradually showed a tendency to grow old, but Liu Weng himself seemed to be not destroyed by time, and he was still the same young man he was. He lived quite freely and maintained the same habit as he had in those days, which was to practice Qigong every day.

The old man of the Qing Dynasty had been practicing internal skills for 60 years, and his spirit was strong at the age of ninety, but he was broken by 4 young girls in January

But at that time, people were busy with their own affairs in the official arena, and out of curiosity, there was no time to ask questions, until many years later, the rest of the people who worked with Liu Weng were already a group of children and grandchildren, but Liu Weng was still single, and when everyone went to visit him with their families, they were frightened.

At this time, although Liu Weng was almost seventy years old, he looked almost the same as when he was in his fifties, so everyone mistakenly thought that the Qigong that Liu Weng had been practicing was actually the art of immortality, so he was very envious, and soon this matter was passed out, and then many people came to visit Liu Weng and wanted to inquire about the cultivation method of this Qigong.

The old man of the Qing Dynasty had been practicing internal skills for 60 years, and his spirit was strong at the age of ninety, but he was broken by 4 young girls in January

Although Liu Weng did not refuse to visit them, and welcomed them very warmly, every time he sat down with these people and talked about the title of longevity, Liu Weng would always take care of him, and when everyone saw the situation, they would not ask more, after all, this was someone else's housekeeping skill, how could he casually tell others.

The accident happened suddenly

But after a while, Liu Weng had an accident, at this time Liu Weng was already ninety years old, Liu Weng was very happy that he had broken through the shackles of ninety years old, decided to celebrate a lot, found four girls, ready to retreat with them to practice, and as a result, after five people retreated and practiced together for a month, Liu Weng suddenly died.

The old man of the Qing Dynasty had been practicing internal skills for 60 years, and his spirit was strong at the age of ninety, but he was broken by 4 young girls in January

As witnesses of death, the four women were naturally arrested and interrogated, and finally after some interrogation, the four women finally told the truth of the matter, it turned out that Liu Weng's so-called retreat cultivation together was not really practicing qigong, but let these four girls serve themselves and enjoy the joy of the world during this month, so it led to death.

That is to say, Liu Weng was really difficult to control his desires during this month, and excessive indulgence led to the complete destruction of his internal skills that he had cultivated for decades, and since the coal did not have the so-called internal power support, how could the ninety-year-old age withstand the torment of young people, so it was also reasonable to break the work and return to heaven.

The old man of the Qing Dynasty had been practicing internal skills for 60 years, and his spirit was strong at the age of ninety, but he was broken by 4 young girls in January


It can be seen that there is a knife on the head of the color character, and sometimes excessive indulgence will greatly hurt one's body, and from here we can see that the real method of Liu Weng's so-called longevity is first of all pure heart. If you want to live a long life, you must first get rid of the worries between the worlds, and without the entanglement of worldly thoughts, your emotions will tend to be stable.

After emotional stability, it is naturally conducive to the growth of life expectancy, that is, the reason why Liu Weng has been practicing qigong, saying that it is practicing qigong, in fact, it is to cut off the worldly conventional thoughts, just as the so-called butcher knife is put down, and it is more likely that Liu Weng's so-called qigong does not exist, and the so-called retreat cultivation is undoubtedly to calm down.

The old man of the Qing Dynasty had been practicing internal skills for 60 years, and his spirit was strong at the age of ninety, but he was broken by 4 young girls in January

The name of Qigong is only to block the mouth of Yo-Yo, and secondly, it is Liu Weng's living habits, in fact, in order to achieve the purpose of health maintenance, this Liu Weng not only pays attention to the internal Qigong cultivation, but also pays attention to the external cultivation.

Although every day and ordinary people have to eat and sleep, but what to eat every day, how much to eat, when to sleep every day, how long to sleep are exquisite, a little difference pool will affect the final effect.

The old man of the Qing Dynasty had been practicing internal skills for 60 years, and his spirit was strong at the age of ninety, but he was broken by 4 young girls in January

Therefore, internal cronies and widowhood, coupled with external assistance, can meet the conditions of longevity as much as possible, and this method of combining internal and external is actually similar to our current health care.

However, we always pay attention to working eating and sleeping, but we ignore the inner cultivation, which is one of the reasons why our health effect is not obvious, but this willow weng eventually lost to himself.

The old man of the Qing Dynasty had been practicing internal skills for 60 years, and his spirit was strong at the age of ninety, but he was broken by 4 young girls in January

The so-called master led into the door, the cultivation in the individual, the method Liu Weng has already groped, he could have lived longer, but at the age of ninety, after all, he could not control his inner desires, so the final life was also fixed at the age of ninety.

Therefore, if you want to live a long life, you have to pay some price, but if you eliminate the desires that belong to people, even if you are immortal, it is useless.

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