
The suspense blockbuster "Phantom Murder 1408" is a textbook for suspense movies

author:I talk about movies

Bad movies are forgotten after watching, good movies are endlessly memorable after watching, this movie will make people have a feeling of being on the scene, they are detectives, and can't help but analyze every detail. Hello everyone, here is [I talk about the movie], today to tell you a suspense thriller "Phantom Murder 1408".

The suspense blockbuster "Phantom Murder 1408" is a textbook for suspense movies

Mike is a best-selling horror novel writer, in order to make the content of the novel more realistic, he likes to be on the scene to feel the horror of various ghost places. Hotels everywhere also like to rub the heat, create a horror atmosphere in the room, invite Mike to come and experience, and know that the horror hotel that Mike wrote into the novel will become a hot Internet celebrity hotel.

However, Mike is a battle-hardened old fritter who will rate the horror atmosphere of each hotel, but he has never believed that there are ghosts in this world.

The suspense blockbuster "Phantom Murder 1408" is a textbook for suspense movies

Mike would regularly go to the bookstore to sign up, discuss with fans which places are the most terrifying, go to the beach to play surfing on this day, be inattentively hit by a strong wave into the sea, and finally be washed ashore by the sea to pick up a life, but this seems to play surfing often.

The suspense blockbuster "Phantom Murder 1408" is a textbook for suspense movies

Then Mike went to get his own email, most of which were fan letters, one of the postcards said "Don't enter 1408", Mike found it very interesting, and wrote "=13", 1408=13 on the picture,

The suspense blockbuster "Phantom Murder 1408" is a textbook for suspense movies

And 13 is the most taboo number in the West, it is said that many elevators in the West do not have 13 floors (not in the movie), he called to book the hotel's room 1408, but was always rejected. Mike thought to himself: The sprinkler family is so good, why don't you let me stay, and then he went straight to the hotel.

At the front desk, Mike reported his name, but the computer showed "Notify the manager before check-in", the manager learned that Mike wanted to stay in 1408, he strongly objected, because there have been 56 murders in that room,

The suspense blockbuster "Phantom Murder 1408" is a textbook for suspense movies

The causes of death of these murders are quite bizarre, the manager counts the details of each murder, and gives a thick book of the deceased to Mike, and he also specially sends Mike a bottle of good wine, hoping that he will change his mind.

The suspense blockbuster "Phantom Murder 1408" is a textbook for suspense movies

Mike took a sip of wine and thought it was good, but he still had to stay in 1408. He believes that the manager's kind words and persuasions are all mysterious, there are no demons in the world, and all the horror effects are artificial results.

Unable to persuade him, the manager finally made a compromise, but on the way to the room, the manager kept nagging, he told Mike all the horrors about 1408, and said that no one could stay in this room for 60 minutes, but Mike was not convinced, he went to 1408 while flipping through the pictures of the deceased, and only 1408 in the hotel was still using old-fashioned metal locks, because all electronic devices would fail in this room.

The suspense blockbuster "Phantom Murder 1408" is a textbook for suspense movies

Mike entered the room and put down a cigarette and began to check everything, the room was clean, there was no trace of death or evil, and he analyzed the intentions of the hotel while recording. At this time, the radio at the head of the bed suddenly rang, and the tissues that had just been twitched in the bathroom were also sorted out, but there was no one inside and outside the room.

The suspense blockbuster "Phantom Murder 1408" is a textbook for suspense movies

He started to get hot and restless, it turned out that the air conditioner was broken, and Mike called the electrician while doing an in-depth investigation of the room. Under the glow stick, the traces of the deceased in the room were obvious, the paintings on the wall began to become crooked, the electrician came up, but refused to enter the room, he commanded Mike from a distance, and after the air conditioner was repaired, he hurried away.

The suspense blockbuster "Phantom Murder 1408" is a textbook for suspense movies

Not long after, the bedside radio rang on its own again, and suddenly the electronic watch jumped and began to count down to 60 minutes.

The suspense blockbuster "Phantom Murder 1408" is a textbook for suspense movies

Then Mike suddenly lost his hearing. He stuck his head out of the window to try to find the source of the sound, but his left hand was accidentally hit by the falling window and bleeding.

The suspense blockbuster "Phantom Murder 1408" is a textbook for suspense movies

He hurriedly rinsed his wound, but the cold water suddenly became hot, and when the radio was singing again, Mike unplugged the power, but time was still moving.

The suspense blockbuster "Phantom Murder 1408" is a textbook for suspense movies

The phone rang, Mike hurried to answer, he was angry to complain about customer service, but found that the telephone line was channeled, and Mike's request was not answered. He panicked, he tried to escape from the room, but the doorknob was strangely broken.

The suspense blockbuster "Phantom Murder 1408" is a textbook for suspense movies

Asking for help from the opposite floor, what I finally saw was my own shadow,

The suspense blockbuster "Phantom Murder 1408" is a textbook for suspense movies

He began to see a series of visions, the furious masked man, the lamp that had been thrown out of the window but faded away, he also heard the call of his dead daughter, Mike tried to keep a clear head, trying to analyze everything that was happening in the room, he remembered the wine sent by the manager, thinking that he had been drugged,

The suspense blockbuster "Phantom Murder 1408" is a textbook for suspense movies

All the damage should be an illusion of oneself, at this time, the TV automatically turns on, playing a video of the Mike family. Mike watched the video of his daughter's life and remembered the past,

The suspense blockbuster "Phantom Murder 1408" is a textbook for suspense movies

Then Mike saw the illusion of the dead customer in the same room, and when he saw his father's vision, Mike regained a little sanity.

The suspense blockbuster "Phantom Murder 1408" is a textbook for suspense movies

He began to take stock of his real experiences before coming to the hotel, when he was on the train, when he had breakfast, when he was going to sleep for the last time. He decided that the environment he was in now was an illusion,

The suspense blockbuster "Phantom Murder 1408" is a textbook for suspense movies

In the hallucination, he will not really die, and he intends to climb from the window to another room, but finds that the distance is getting farther and farther away, and finally he almost falls.

The suspense blockbuster "Phantom Murder 1408" is a textbook for suspense movies

In the confusion, he took out his tape recorder to listen to the playback, he saw his seriously ill daughter in the room, Mike suddenly remembered his wife, he took out the notebook in his backpack and called her for help.

The suspense blockbuster "Phantom Murder 1408" is a textbook for suspense movies

At a critical time, the fire alarm in the house is turned on, the computer fails, and Mike once again loses the opportunity to call for help. He climbed into the exhaust pipe and tried to escape, but every window he reached was a past that he could not face, and in addition, there was an eyeless zombie in the pipe.

The suspense blockbuster "Phantom Murder 1408" is a textbook for suspense movies

It was so terrifying that it threw Mike back to 1408, Mike opened the refrigerator and saw the manager's triumphant look, he punched the manager, the result was the food in the refrigerator, he took out the guest room Bible, and the original scripture became blank.

The suspense blockbuster "Phantom Murder 1408" is a textbook for suspense movies

Mike thought again of his daughter, and his previous asshole behavior, and then he received a fax of his daughter's relic, when the air conditioner in the room changed from extremely hot to suddenly cold.

The suspense blockbuster "Phantom Murder 1408" is a textbook for suspense movies

Mike to self-suggestion to stay awake, he saw the notebook again to show the image, in the video, the wife said that she had called the police, the police are now in dolphin hotel 1408, but the room is empty, soon there is another Mike in the notebook appeared, he directly asked his wife for help, asking her to come to room 1408 in person,

The suspense blockbuster "Phantom Murder 1408" is a textbook for suspense movies

Then cracks appeared in the room, and the paintings on the walls began to become vicious and terrifying, smashing a painting of the sea, and the sea water surged and filled the whole room.

The suspense blockbuster "Phantom Murder 1408" is a textbook for suspense movies

Then the camera turns, Mike returns to the beach where he was surfing before, the drowning Mike is lying in the hospital, his wife is taking good care of him, he asks his wife anything about 1408, and her wife says that she has not experienced it at all, is it a nightmare before?

The suspense blockbuster "Phantom Murder 1408" is a textbook for suspense movies

Then Mike and his wife went on a date, and the two exchanged hearts as if they were back to their original beauty, Mike came again to collect the letter, but did not have the postcard of 1408, he finished the novel about 1408 in the days that followed, and visited his long-lost father in the nursing home, Mike came to the mailing point again, and the staff inside was like the staff of the hotel, they smashed the glass and smashed the wall, uncovered the floor and ceiling, but found themselves still in the room of 1408.

The suspense blockbuster "Phantom Murder 1408" is a textbook for suspense movies

What he just saw may have been just his imagination, but this time he successfully opened the door, but what he saw was endless darkness.

The suspense blockbuster "Phantom Murder 1408" is a textbook for suspense movies

At this time, the daughter appeared again, and she asked in a loud voice: Do you no longer love me, and Mike has to kneel down and hug her daughter.

The suspense blockbuster "Phantom Murder 1408" is a textbook for suspense movies

However, his daughter is dead, the radio is ringing again, the daughter is instantly dusty, and now look at it, the original 60 minutes are only 3 minutes left, Mike is crazy to smash everything around him, the time is over, it is back to a brand new 1408, and the electronic watch also begins to re-time.

The suspense blockbuster "Phantom Murder 1408" is a textbook for suspense movies

The front desk called and asked Mike if he needed to check out (referring to suicide), and then there were various ways of suicide in the room, but Mike calmed down a lot this time, he used wine as fuel, ignited the whole room, and at this time Mike regained his previous self-confidence.

The suspense blockbuster "Phantom Murder 1408" is a textbook for suspense movies

No longer afraid, he smashed the glass with an ashtray, and the originally enclosed room exploded in an instant, Mike laughed wildly in the flames, and the door number of 1408 melted with it.

The suspense blockbuster "Phantom Murder 1408" is a textbook for suspense movies

At Mike's funeral, the hotel manager sends a relic to Mike's wife, but his wife refuses, opens the box, inside is Mike's tape recorder, press the play button, it is Mike's recording in room 1408, but strangely, the tape recorder actually appears to have Mike's daughter's voice.

The suspense blockbuster "Phantom Murder 1408" is a textbook for suspense movies

At the end of the film, in the burned-out room of 1408, Mike and his daughter are eternally together,

The suspense blockbuster "Phantom Murder 1408" is a textbook for suspense movies

Since the end of the movie, this movie is full of doubts, and the Tens of Thousands of words in the Douban Film Review have not revealed the doubts in the hearts of netizens, whether there is a demon in the world, if not, then how to explain everything in 1408.

I've watched this movie several times, and I think it's more about the difference between physical and psychological fear. At first, the male protagonist did not believe in the theory of the ghost of the soul, and the fear he talked about was only a superficial horror, and when he really entered 1408,

The suspense blockbuster "Phantom Murder 1408" is a textbook for suspense movies

What he felt was the inner fear in his subconscious, or rather, the fear, that he was afraid to face his past, that he was afraid of facing his dead daughter, that he was afraid of his father, that he was afraid to the extreme, but that he finally opened his heart and was liberated.

The suspense blockbuster "Phantom Murder 1408" is a textbook for suspense movies

The whole plan is planned by the manager, first of all, his malicious image design can be explained, and who will put the information of the deceased into the office, and package it so well, this is not perverted!

The suspense blockbuster "Phantom Murder 1408" is a textbook for suspense movies

The manager read Mike's books and learned about his character and experiences to make sure Mike would stay in 1408. There are two points about his motives, which are mentioned in the film, one is that although the hotel has many customers, it is not the best, and the news event will increase the hotel's business (it seems to be the opposite in China); the other is that the manager personally wants to teach Mike, an atheist, which is mentioned in the refrigerator dialogue, and he tells Mike the tragic situation of the deceased in detail in the office, and gives him a thick copy of the deceased information, that is, to let the shadow of the deceased enter Mike's subconscious.

The suspense blockbuster "Phantom Murder 1408" is a textbook for suspense movies

In 1408, everything is a combination of virtual and real, giving people a feeling of demonic existence, the male protagonist Mike also intersperses back and forth between reality and illusion, in general, the things that the male protagonist brings in and the initial furnishings in the room are real, such as wine, lighters, tape recorders, cigarettes and ashtrays,

The suspense blockbuster "Phantom Murder 1408" is a textbook for suspense movies

The feelings of injury, burns, pain, and cold afterwards are all false, because the feelings we feel when we dream are exactly the same as the feelings of reality.

From the time when the male protagonist first chose to escape, his inner fear psychology has begun to occupy a dominant position, when the male protagonist is somewhat schizophrenic in it, making the right choice when rational, and making selfish performances when afraid. This is best evidenced by the video with his wife at the end,

The suspense blockbuster "Phantom Murder 1408" is a textbook for suspense movies

The rational Mike asks his wife to call the police and stay away from 1408, and the scared Mike wants his wife to rush over to save himself, the death of his daughter, his selfish self in the past, the quarrel with his father and the drowning while surfing, are all the contents of the male protagonist's fear. He struggled for a long time in 1408, and fantasized that he was back to the original point, which was equivalent to taking a regret medicine for himself and making the right choice again. So when he returned to 1408 again and decided to die with the room, he calmed down.

The end of the movie is not to say the existence of ghosts, but to mean that the male protagonist really wants to be with his daughter in his heart, and the daughter's voice on the tape recorder is mike's schizophrenia when he imitates the voice of his daughter.

The suspense blockbuster "Phantom Murder 1408" is a textbook for suspense movies

This movie has a lot of small doubts, if you really explain one by one, you can't finish it in an hour, I don't believe you can search for the film reviews of this movie. This movie is suitable for multiple people to watch repeatedly together, to ensure that you can quarrel until the fight starts, well, today's commentary ends here. This article will never do this kind of suspense explanation again if it is not hot, get to four o'clock in the evening, too tired, and finally hope to get your attention, thank you for watching, we will see you in the next issue.

(This article is original by Wu Liao Film, if there is infringement, it will be held responsible)

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