
Astrological Seconds Understand | Analysis of the Zodiac of Paul of Greek Astrology (I)

Astrological Seconds Understand | Analysis of the Zodiac of Paul of Greek Astrology (I)
Astrological Seconds Understand | Analysis of the Zodiac of Paul of Greek Astrology (I)

Today's content comes from Paul of Alexandria of Alexandria, whose Introduction to Astrology is one of the most famous representatives of Greek astrology. The book is available in two editions, one for Robert Schmidt's Introductory Matters and the other for James Holden's Introduction to Astrology. This article is from Holden's version.

Analysis of the Zodiac

The First House

The beginning and basis of each life cycle of the zodiac is the ascent, from which all human affairs arise, and the ascent refers to the giving and breathing of life, hence the name tiller. It symbolizes the first stage of life when you are young. From this palace, you can know the occurrence of good and bad things. Compared with its star, Mercury rejoices in this house; if the auspicious star, the light body, or Mercury is active in this house, and there is no evil star punishment, then the Lord can survive and be fed, and there will be good luck in life. But any fierce star will gaze at the sun and moon here, and the lord of life will not survive and live short, or be injured, emotional, or unaccompanied.

Second House

The second house of the ascending arithmetic is called the House of Livelihood, the Gate of Hell, and the Continuum of the Ascension; sometimes it also shows the things of action in harmony through its existence, since it is the left trichotomy of the Middle Heaven. The auspicious star located in this palace indicates good luck that grows over time; sometimes it also indicates the inheritance of the property of others (non-relatives), so the palace gives good expectations. But the stars in this palace represent the loss of livelihoods and property, as well as the inability to obtain livelihoods; sometimes immigrants.

Third house

The third house of the ascendancy is the accumulation of wealth. But it also symbolizes the brotherhood. It is called the goddess, the palace of the moon, the palace of good fruit. It is in charge of love and support, as its hedge against the Sun Shrine sometimes represents a distant land. Compared to its stars, the moon rejoices in this palace. The auspicious star is active in this symbolizes the increase of livelihood and the acquisition of wealth, and brings more help and sympathy from brothers and friends. This also produces many friends and brothers, famous people, and brings the love of friends and brothers. The evil star in this palace symbolizes the opposite.

Fourth House

The fourth house of the ascendancy is called the underground and the bottom of the sky, which is the northern corner palace, symbolizing the time of old age, the end of life, the burial of corpses, and the events after death. It is the place, foundation, father, house and dwelling of the house, representing all family things, and sometimes symbolizing shipping and water's edge. It also represents close relationships with others.

When Saturn was located in this house, it produced rich people and became rich after middle age; sometimes it also brought the excavation of treasure. If Saturn is out of time (in this case, "lost" is either day or night), it brings all kinds of dangers. The fate of the Lord to be born at night, reducing the property of the parents, leading to the exile or orphanage of the father, the young and sick, and bringing a bad reputation. If Mars were born here during the day, it would produce weak people and physical imbalances (epilepsy); nocturnal birth would reduce its degree; sometimes it would also produce military service; in addition, marriage and children would be dangerous, and generally there would be great wrongs and frustrations caused by women.

Fifth House

The fifth house of ascension is good luck, the house of Venus, compared to its star Venus in this joy. This is the continuation of the heavens, representing the affairs of the children. Ji Xing is active in this palace to have children and children to be born smoothly, and the evil star destroys the heirs in this palace.

Translation from Introduction of Astrology


Chapter End

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