
Two more Marvel movies are coming out, but do you know about DC's Watchmen? Watchmen (2009)

author:Shadow flay
Two more Marvel movies are coming out, but do you know about DC's Watchmen? Watchmen (2009)

We think of superheroes as pure justice, no evil and the like, but the superheroes in the movie "Watchmen" have a completely different style from the superheroes in the Marvel movie, each of them has secrets, and there is no fearless justice, more realistic, which largely restores the dark style of DC Comics. Friends who like to watch superhero movies must watch this movie, see different styles of superheroes, and the unspeakable side of superheroes, more than three hours on the set is enough for the audience to enjoy this movie, DC Comics fans can not miss Oh!

Two more Marvel movies are coming out, but do you know about DC's Watchmen? Watchmen (2009)
Two more Marvel movies are coming out, but do you know about DC's Watchmen? Watchmen (2009)

<h1>Watchmen (2009)


Director: Zach Schneider

Writers: David Haidt / Alex Shea / Dave Gibson / Alan Moore

Starring: Patrick Wilson / Carla Guccino / Billy Crudep / Marlene Ackerman / Jeffrey Dean Morgan / et al...

Genre: Action / Sci-Fi / Suspense

Country of Production: United States

Language: English

Release: 2009-03-06 (USA)

Runtime: 162 minutes / 186 minutes (Director's Cut) / 215 minutes (Ultimate Edit)

Also known as: Defending The Stranger / Guardian

Synopsis: Due to the spread of evil forces, a group of righteous people with superior strength stand up, wearing masks and strange costumes, and compete with various villains. Soon, their heroic deeds spread throughout the country through the media, and the names of superheroes such as dollar bills, silk ghosts, Rorschach, and City Captain were widely disseminated, and they were involved in major events large and small, and they also suffered different fates because of their personalities. But in the 1970s, government decrees led to the retirement of some heroes who did not want to become the pawns of the powerful, and the superhero community was divided.

One day in 1985, the government superhero "comedian" Edward Blake (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) was killed. The fleeing "Rorschach" Walter Kovac (Jackie Earle Haley) realizes that someone is killing a former superhero, and there is a bigger conspiracy behind it...

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