
If love can't go in both directions, will you still be willing? 丨Fan message selection

author:Know Me Psychology

Two days ago, we asked you for "the story of 'willingness' for love", have you ever willingly made some efforts for the relationship because of love that you might not have been willing to make?

At a time when everyone pays attention to high efficiency and fast-paced, everyone wants to gain a point of hard work, and love seems to have become the least cost-effective business of input-return, and therefore, we are gradually ignoring the unique meaning of love on the road of pursuing independence.

But when I really fell in love with someone, I realized that love is really wonderful things. It can make people pay without scruples, and even break their original bottom lines and principles, and find that they can still have such a huge energy, just because of the four words "willing".

The story I share with you today hopes to make you re-understand things like "love".

If love can't go in both directions, will you still be willing? 丨Fan message selection


Previously crazy obsessed with a contestant in a talent show, super afraid that she would not be able to debut, at that time made a wish if she debuted in the C position, she would be vegetarian for a month. Finally she really made her C debut! I also really delivered on my promise and didn't eat my favorite meat for a month!


I was a pure yan dog before I met him. But ah, how did you meet him? He is definitely not good-looking, but he has strong learning ability and logical ability, and will try to understand my mood. He became my internal driver and kept me trying to learn (because I didn't want to be left behind too far). The idea now is: What is the value of appearance? His soul is shining!


When I was in high school, I liked someone very much, and I liked to not want to sleep every day, and I just wanted to spend a little more time together, a little more. When it was time for the holidays, I was in bed holding my home phone and talking to him. But sometimes he has to make up for tuition, there is no way to call, I will walk from home, first 20 minutes to the bus stop, then take the bus for half an hour, and then walk 20 minutes to pick him up from class. In fact, we have different roads, and often we can only stay together for 10 minutes and go back to each other's homes, but I am also satisfied.

Once when I was picking him up, it suddenly rained heavily, I left his only umbrella for him, and walked home after more than 20 minutes of rain. What I thought to myself was that as long as he didn't get wet, it would be OKAY for me to get wet.


When I was a child, I couldn't understand why my mother would nibble on the mango core herself every time she cut the mango, until when she cut the mango for him, she unconsciously stuffed the core into her mouth and fed him the flesh. It turns out that this is willing love.


My parents, crush for 6 years, 8 years away from home. Dad's family "ingredients are not good", the family situation has not fallen, but the mother is rooted in miaohong. In that conservative era, although they had always exchanged letters and hinted at each other's intentions, Dad was too afraid that he was not worthy of his mother, and he did not dare to pick it out, nor did he dare to go to her.

It is said that once his father's friend encouraged him that "love should be desperate", and when he was young and crazy, he set out to find his mother. At that time, he curled up in the coal truck, slowly calmed down, suddenly hesitated, thinking "I can't let her suffer with me, I can't give her happiness", he went back silently...

In order to wait for dad, mom refused all kinds of blind dates arranged by the family, and also refused the courtesy of various family children. It wasn't until Dad finally moved back to the city and got a decent job that he finally plucked up the courage to confess to her. So her mother, a well-behaved girl, did the most rebellious thing in her life - first cut and then played and got a marriage license with her father.

Married for so many years, their relationship has been very good. Dad often mentioned the past and lamented that her mother had paid too much, but her mother never felt it, she only felt that her heart was willing to get the best results.

If love can't go in both directions, will you still be willing? 丨Fan message selection


Guangshen long-distance love, because I miss, but also want to stay together a little more, at night after work to buy a high-speed rail ticket to his city, the next day to catch the earliest high-speed rail back to work. I thought I wouldn't do it for a person, but it's true that in relationships people will always be crazier than they think.


I am a Cantonese, studying in the north, afraid of the cold, I spend almost every day in the winter in a heated room. He wasn't my boyfriend at the time, and he was going home from vacation a few days away, and we both wanted to get closer to each other, so we made an appointment to go for a walk and talk.

Although I wear the thickest down jacket, the outdoors in the northern winter are really not a place for people to stay! By the end, I was shaking slightly, and my feet were unconscious. Although I could feel that both people were cold, neither of them said to go back. At that time, I really just thought it would be good to go on like this!


I had depression due to some family factors, and later understood that my lack of love was also due to the fact that my mother's family did not give her love. Although it is difficult to take care of myself in a depressed mood, as long as I find myself, I will take care of my mother and try to give her some love to make her feel loved. Who told me to love her?


For the sake of parents, even if you are tired, you must live happily.


My partner, a southerner and a northerner, ate in the opposite direction. But she would not order her favorite spicy flavor every time for me. And I also try to eat spicy, spicy in my place is the feeling of dense needles sticking into the tongue, but I am very happy to experience the other person's feeling.


I moved into the motorhome, with him and his dog, and my two cats. Because of love and a natural attitude towards life, I am willing to live in this small space.


Military love. The girls around me were picked up when it rained, someone was accompanied when I was sick, and I had to come by myself. When he went out on a mission, he often could not see each other for two or three months, even without network, the signal was not good, and it was difficult to talk. I never thought I would be so strong, I would be willingly waited for someone to let go of pigeons five times, and I became more and more patient.

One day he suddenly asked me if I wanted him to stay or come back. I hesitated, and I selfishly hoped that he would come back to reunite with me soon, but I was worried that my thoughts would dictate his decision. Finally I said, "Follow your own heart." Later he decided to stay in the army, he said he was going to get better and then come back to me.

Although I can't accompany him all the time, I know deeply that in addition to defending his family and defending the country, I am the most important in his heart.


I don't sleep late, I don't sleep more than 8 hours. She often slept more than half the day and slept like a kitten. I never thought that after being together, she would like to get up early from time to time to spend the weekend with me, and I would also like to spend a lazy morning with her in bed, eat and take a few hours of naps, even if I am awake for a large part of the time.


I never believed in love at first sight until I met her around the corner—the head of our department next door.

I know we can't be together, but I just want to make her happy. Every week, I would put small gifts or snacks on her desk, sometimes take a bus for more than an hour to go to the flower and bird market for a pot of flowers, and she would dig up six birthday gifts for her on her birthday. These gifts were placed on her desk when I waited alone until after nine o'clock in the evening, or when I got up early at six o'clock in the morning and when no one was in the office. I know this love can't let anyone else know, and I don't want to affect her because I'm a girl too.

Also for her sake, I stayed in a company that I didn't want to stay in for a long time, and stayed for an extra year. I knew I was stupid, but I really didn't want her, she was like a beam of light shining into my gray life.


Do 1 for Love.

If love can't go in both directions, will you still be willing? 丨Fan message selection


Every month, I was willing to save money and buy a train ticket for eighteen hours, just to meet him and hang out with him hand in hand in his city.


I sleep super light, so renting also likes to find quiet neighborhoods. I've worn earplugs every night since I lived in his house, but I've woken up countless times because he rolled over and couldn't sleep all night... Occasionally I forgot to put on my earplugs, and after being woken up by his deafening purring, I thought every time I would definitely go back to my house to sleep today! Or sleep in separate beds! But at night, I still wanted to see him run to his house and hold him until he made a loud noise in my ear...


Because I liked the math teacher in high school and longed for the math teacher to send me a good news, I began to prepare for the math competition with zero foundation.

In the winter and summer vacations, a person brushes up on the laboratory and is often afraid. Sometimes it's loneliness, sometimes it's the fear of not being able to do the problem, but it doesn't matter if you are afraid, just cry.

I didn't expect to really win the provincial first prize in the end. Although she looks like a talented magical girl, she cries while doing problems.


When the pandemic first began, we met online. After a very difficult few cross-border appearances, I was sure he was the one. Six months later, I moved to his city: a strange country, speaking a strange language, and I didn't know anyone but him, and everything had to start all over again. Now we live together and we get noisy, but thinking about the love I felt with him, I'm still willing to try.


She was the girl I had loved for almost ten years, and now she was getting married, and the groom wasn't me, but I would still cry tears of joy knowing she was doing well.

If love can't go in both directions, will you still be willing? 丨Fan message selection


Because of liking and loving, forgive him for cheating.


In the war-torn era, because my grandfather had read books, he helped a Kuomintang officer do paperwork. Perhaps the officer had some appreciation for him, and later flew to Taiwan, leaving a place for grandpa.

But Grandpa didn't go. He said that his wife and children were still at home, and I could not go alone.


I never thought I would marry early, and as a result I dragged him to get a license at the age of twenty-one; I never thought that I would marry far away, and as a result I ran from the southwest inland to the south coast of the South China Sea; I never thought that I would live happily, but because of him, the hard days became happy days.

If love can't go in both directions, will you still be willing? 丨Fan message selection

In fact, there are many stories that do not get the expected results in the end, and what remains may be regret, unwillingness, regret or transformation. But love is full of uncertainty, and "willing" giving does not necessarily lead to reciprocal returns, which may be the charm of love.

Like a reader's confession: It's silly, but it's like a light shining into my gray life.

It is precisely because in life, we have too many moments of involuntariness, so those who take the initiative to pay for love are "willing" to make life complete.

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