
From the perspective of Japan's "simple" culture, an in-depth interpretation of "Five Centimeters per Second" Introduces the concept of "simple" culture. Two. The expression of "simple" culture in film. Three. The inspiration of Japan's "simple" culture that runs through the film brings us.

author:Our Hera


Hikaru Utada has a song "first love",

The lyrics describe first love like this:

You will always be my favorite

Even if you fall in love with someone later in life

I will remember to love the way you taught me

You will always be my only one

It reminds me of Makoto Shinkai's animation "5 Centimeters per Second", a youth cartoon depicting first love, depicting the beautiful and moving love of Aritsushi and Takaki's simple first love. The story is divided into 3 parts, which run through the 3 stages of the protagonist's adolescence, youth and adulthood, and the protagonist's hidden and implicit character and expression show the "simplicity" in Japanese culture.

From the perspective of Japan's "simple" culture, an in-depth interpretation of "Five Centimeters per Second" Introduces the concept of "simple" culture. Two. The expression of "simple" culture in film. Three. The inspiration of Japan's "simple" culture that runs through the film brings us.

The cultural characteristics of "Simple Vegetarian" are reflected in the way Ming Li and Takaki speak, personality, and behavior patterns. Makoto Shinkai and Miyazaki directed animation films are very different, Makoto Shinkai's youth is not mixed with too many historical factors, just pure and simple depiction of the youth of the younger generation, while miyazaki's animation is mostly minors, when depicting the first love, there are not too many adult distractions and desires, and the expression of thinking is more intuitive and simple.

However, all of their animations reflect the essence of Japanese culture, "Jane". For example, Miyazaki's obsession with the wind is reflected in the depiction of airplanes and winds in each anime. The depiction of natural landscapes, starry skies, wind, and heavy snow in Makoto Shinkai's animation all reflect the Japanese philosophical thinking of "worshiping things".

This article will introduce the concept of "Simple" culture, the embodiment of "Simple" culture in movies, and the inspiration of life brought to us by movies.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >. Introduces the concept of "simple" culture. </h1>

From the perspective of Japan's "simple" culture, an in-depth interpretation of "Five Centimeters per Second" Introduces the concept of "simple" culture. Two. The expression of "simple" culture in film. Three. The inspiration of Japan's "simple" culture that runs through the film brings us.

The Japanese Confucian scholar Takehiko Okada combined japanese culture and Confucianism to analyze and proposed that "simplicity" and "reverence" are the foundation of Japanese philosophical culture.

What is "simple"? In a word, it is the simple and plain value pursuit and internal and external efforts, and the spirit of "simplicity" is to advocate the simple expression of ideological content, believing that the more simple the expression, the higher the inner spirit. The cultural concept of "simplicity" can be expressed in Japanese architecture and Japanese waka haiku, ceramic craftsmanship, and external architecture.

And "reverence for things" is the foundation of Japanese thought and culture. In the japanese view, all things have a spirit, that everything in nature is sacred and spiritual, such as the Japanese attach importance to environmental protection, attach importance to greening, love the forest, like animals, they value anything that has life, and with a sense of worship.

The "sublime" mentality runs through the beginning and end of Japanese culture, and is reflected in the japanese people's display in animation, such as the cat lord in Miyazaki's animation "Side Ear Listening", the anthropomorphic cat imagining the cat as a sentient cat lord, the depiction of natural landscapes in "5 centimeters in seconds", snow, wind, clouds and starry sky.

Therefore, Mr. Okada summed it up: "Things and life, life and things, although man is the primate of things, once there is nothing, life ceases to exist." It can be seen that the Japanese people have elevated the concept of reverence to the national spirit, and if the worship is the inner embodiment of the Japanese national spirit, then the simple element is a form of the external expression of the Japanese.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > II. The expression of "simple" culture in film. </h1>

From the perspective of Japan's "simple" culture, an in-depth interpretation of "Five Centimeters per Second" Introduces the concept of "simple" culture. Two. The expression of "simple" culture in film. Three. The inspiration of Japan's "simple" culture that runs through the film brings us.

(1) The influence of simple culture on the protagonist's personality is the core of influencing the ending of the story. The personalities of Akari, Takaki, and Sumita will be analyzed.

1. Reason: Possesses the humble virtues and "sprinkling" character of traditional Japanese women.

From the perspective of Japan's "simple" culture, an in-depth interpretation of "Five Centimeters per Second" Introduces the concept of "simple" culture. Two. The expression of "simple" culture in film. Three. The inspiration of Japan's "simple" culture that runs through the film brings us.

Mingli's love for Takaki has always been implicit, whether it is getting along with Takaki or writing letters to Takaki, it reflects the gentle side of Japanese women. In the letter, she will always greet Guishu with some irrelevant questions, and finally she will say, Guishu, do you remember me?

The traditional humility and introspection of Reason are manifested in the following details:

(1) Never put three words like you in a letter. Out of the girl's reservedness and shyness, when facing the person she loves deeply, it is only reduced to a sentence: How long have we not met?

(2) I wanted to confess to Takaki, but I didn't dare to face it, and I wasn't sure what Takaki wanted, so I prepared a confession letter to Takaki. But it was never handed over to Takaki. In 10 years, I never thought of sending it to Takaki.

(3) Mingli called Takaki and said that he was going to transfer schools again, and then said sorry twice. It can be seen that humility is innate to Japanese people, and the habit of saying sorry to the other party over and over again extends to the present.

(4) In the waiting room of the subway station, after waiting for a long time, Takaki finally appeared. But she still did not express her love passionately. Just gently tugging at the sleeve of Ming's sleeve while crying. Compared with the way Westerners express their love with enthusiasm, the introvertedness of Japanese women can be seen.

From the perspective of Japan's "simple" culture, an in-depth interpretation of "Five Centimeters per Second" Introduces the concept of "simple" culture. Two. The expression of "simple" culture in film. Three. The inspiration of Japan's "simple" culture that runs through the film brings us.

When Ming Li and Takashi went to high school, they broke off. Mingli went to college according to her dreams, found a boyfriend, and rarely thought of Takaki, which reflected her "spilled" personality.

Wang Yangming once said, "Life is self-indulgent." ”

The Japanese accepted Wang Yangming's ideas and extended them to the sprinkling of the state of mind. So MingLi continued to live his own life for 10 years when he broke off contact with Takaki. At the end of the film, it can be seen that Ming Li is wearing a wedding ring and will soon be married.

2. Takaki's personality: gentle, passive, not good at words, deeply influenced by the Japanese "material mourning" culture.

From the perspective of Japan's "simple" culture, an in-depth interpretation of "Five Centimeters per Second" Introduces the concept of "simple" culture. Two. The expression of "simple" culture in film. Three. The inspiration of Japan's "simple" culture that runs through the film brings us.

The performance of "simple culture": that is, using the same language, people's ideas are easy to communicate with each other, and there is no need to deliberately express their will in a theoretical way. It can even be said that when silent, the meaning of the other party is also understood through the undulating breath of "Ah".

This is evident in the details of Takaki's speech and behavior:

(1) Countless times he has talked to Mingli, and he has never expressed his love for the other party. He understood it as a spiritual connection, that is, the best way to express it.

(2) On the way to meet Mingli, his carefully prepared confession letter was blown away by the wind, and he collapsed. Because of the delay of the train, he spent a few more hours on the road, showing pessimism and disappointment, and he was pessimistic all the time, whether it was the transfer of reason and the consideration of their future. What he shows is pessimism, which originates from Japan's "material mourning culture".

(3) When he met Mingli, he was actually excited inside, but in the face of Mingli's crying, he was indifferent, without a superfluous word, he had been suppressing his feelings.

(4) Until high school, Takaki was always shrouded in pessimism, did not take the initiative to communicate with Mingli, and deleted even though the email was written countless times on the mobile phone. Pessimistic, passive, self-inhibiting personality traits are all outward manifestations of simplicity.

His self-inhibition and inability to speak well eventually led to his complete loss of reason.

From the perspective of Japan's "simple" culture, an in-depth interpretation of "Five Centimeters per Second" Introduces the concept of "simple" culture. Two. The expression of "simple" culture in film. Three. The inspiration of Japan's "simple" culture that runs through the film brings us.

Psychologist Jung once said: "A person's lifelong efforts are characters that have been formed throughout childhood." ”

From the beginning of the movie, it can be seen that he was physically weak from childhood, bullied by his classmates, and the shadow of childhood created his prone to inferiority and pessimism. No matter how much he loves Mingli, in terms of his personality and style of doing things, he can't walk with Mingli.

His personality is the same as that of "Relief Grocery Store", even if Xiaozi gives a breakup letter, he does not have any more words and goes back to his hometown. It can be seen that the "bad words" in Japan's simple culture have deeply influenced the Japanese people.

The person he loves the most is mingli, but he deals with this relationship pessimistically, and his unspoken personality will accompany him throughout his life.

3. Chengtian's personality: Has a strong sense of "reverence" for Takaki and restrains himself.

From the perspective of Japan's "simple" culture, an in-depth interpretation of "Five Centimeters per Second" Introduces the concept of "simple" culture. Two. The expression of "simple" culture in film. Three. The inspiration of Japan's "simple" culture that runs through the film brings us.

When Takaki first arrived at school, Sumita fell in love with Takaki at first sight and had a strong "reverence" for his lover.

Reverence among Japanese women: When confronted with the object of reverence, one's personality becomes weak and one humbly focuses on various things and things that discard oneself. Therefore, Chengtian's liking for Takaki is almost a worship of heroes, she thinks that what Takaki does is right, everything is beautiful, and she begins to feel ashamed in her heart, so she is ashamed to confess, not bad at words.

From the perspective of Japan's "simple" culture, an in-depth interpretation of "Five Centimeters per Second" Introduces the concept of "simple" culture. Two. The expression of "simple" culture in film. Three. The inspiration of Japan's "simple" culture that runs through the film brings us.

When she plucked up the courage to confess to Guishu, she found that Guishu often sent e-mails alone on her mobile phone, often looking at the starry sky pessimistically, even if Guishu behaved so gently, she also saw that there was no her in Guishu's eyes, even if she confessed, it was fruitless. So she thought bitterly, cut off the complex herself, and gave up the confession.

Her restraint bears similarities with Takagi's restraint. Takaki wants to confess to Mingli through the letter, and Sumita plucks up the courage to face the confession, but none of them succeed. But the reasons why they give up are different, Takaki is giving up voluntarily, because of the entanglement of personality, and Chengtian clearly realizes that the other party does not love himself, if he confesses, it will only increase his own unbearableness and increase the psychological burden of others.

(2) Japan's "worship of objects" culture is expressed in the natural landscapes, animals and plants in the film, and they believe that things are the place of the spirit.

From the perspective of Japan's "simple" culture, an in-depth interpretation of "Five Centimeters per Second" Introduces the concept of "simple" culture. Two. The expression of "simple" culture in film. Three. The inspiration of Japan's "simple" culture that runs through the film brings us.

Throughout the film there are cherry blossoms, which are a symbol of Japan and a symbol of first love. Cherry blossoms are homomorphic, of the same color, blooming and withering at the same time.

1. Cherry blossoms appear at the beginning and end of the film. It's a metaphor that even if they meet again in 10 years, Ming li and Takaaki will eventually be separated.

From the perspective of Japan's "simple" culture, an in-depth interpretation of "Five Centimeters per Second" Introduces the concept of "simple" culture. Two. The expression of "simple" culture in film. Three. The inspiration of Japan's "simple" culture that runs through the film brings us.

2. Blackbirds, cats and other animals appear in the movie. The Japanese people's "culture of reverence" is reflected in their love and reverence for nature, which is overflowing with words. Miyazaki's philosophy is the same, so the animals in his films are all spiritual and higher than humans.

From the perspective of Japan's "simple" culture, an in-depth interpretation of "Five Centimeters per Second" Introduces the concept of "simple" culture. Two. The expression of "simple" culture in film. Three. The inspiration of Japan's "simple" culture that runs through the film brings us.

3. Japan's natural landscape is very beautiful, so far no ethnic group like the Japanese love and revere nature. They love everything that has to do with nature, wind, snow, stars, the sun. Their reverence for the natural world is reflected in their works.

In the snow, Akira and Takaaki hold hands and kiss for the first time under the cherry blossom tree, and even the deep and shallow footprints are full of aesthetics. Shin Ming Makoto, like Miyazaki, is full of detail control.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > III. The inspiration of Japan's "simple" culture that runs through the film brings us. </h1>

From the perspective of Japan's "simple" culture, an in-depth interpretation of "Five Centimeters per Second" Introduces the concept of "simple" culture. Two. The expression of "simple" culture in film. Three. The inspiration of Japan's "simple" culture that runs through the film brings us.

1. Break the bad words and learn to take the initiative to express themselves.

Hemingway said: "Everyone needs someone to talk to him openly and honestly. Although a person can be very heroic, he can also be very lonely. ”

Admittedly, Takaki has always been lonely, because he has reason in his heart, and he cannot accept anyone entering his heart, even after work. Because he does not like to take the initiative to communicate and express, coupled with the distance of estrangement, it is difficult for lovers to become dependents.

When we face our lovers, "not being good at words" is not feasible, we must learn to express ourselves, and if we like it, we must boldly say it.

Just like Ming Li and Gui Shu, as long as one of the 2 people takes the initiative to express it, will the result be different? Zhou Hui and Wang Jinhui in the movie "Since Youth Can't Stay" like each other, but the expression is wrong, there are many misunderstandings, and they will miss it after all. Man Frame and Shen Shijun in "Half Life" love each other, but they are separated by misunderstandings, and they eventually pass by.

2. Only by facing the past with a "spilled" heart can we see the future.

From the perspective of Japan's "simple" culture, an in-depth interpretation of "Five Centimeters per Second" Introduces the concept of "simple" culture. Two. The expression of "simple" culture in film. Three. The inspiration of Japan's "simple" culture that runs through the film brings us.

Tolstoy said, "Life should strive to make it better." ”

Admittedly, this is the case, after entering high school, she completely let go of her obsession, studied hard, and concentrated on living her life. When we face emotional discomfort, we must also learn to accept it calmly and start our lives again with a "spilled" state of mind.

The moon rabbit in "Relief Grocery Store" has a lover who died of illness, but she did not indulge in the past, but came out and bravely faced her new life. Although the lover is not there, but their own life must continue, some people say: "The past is not regrettable, the future is not afraid, the present is not responsible, is the best state of life." ”

3. Reverence for nature and attention to environmental protection.

From the perspective of Japan's "simple" culture, an in-depth interpretation of "Five Centimeters per Second" Introduces the concept of "simple" culture. Two. The expression of "simple" culture in film. Three. The inspiration of Japan's "simple" culture that runs through the film brings us.

The harmony between man and nature presented in the film is worth pondering. The Japanese nation's reverence for nature and reverence are worth learning, they attach importance to environmental protection, attach importance to forests, attach importance to natural resources, and save environmental protection, which can be seen in their daily lives. China is rich in resources, but if the land and forests are used for commercial construction, then China's land resources will be less and less.

Darwin said, "Only by obeying nature can we overcome nature."

Respect the laws of nature and love the animals and plants of nature. Whether we treat stray animals or trees, we should be in awe and always be kind.

From the perspective of Japan's "simple" culture, an in-depth interpretation of "Five Centimeters per Second" Introduces the concept of "simple" culture. Two. The expression of "simple" culture in film. Three. The inspiration of Japan's "simple" culture that runs through the film brings us.


There is a passage in "Spirited Away": "Life is a train to the grave, there will be many stations on the road, it is difficult for someone to accompany you from beginning to end, when the person who accompanies you is going to get off the train, even if you don't give up, you should be grateful, and then wave goodbye." ”

The first love is the past, and we hide it deep in our hearts, which is also a kind of beauty. In fact, we have never lost anyone, just stranded the memories and let the goodness remain in our hearts forever. Then we have no fear to pursue our own beauty.


KODA Takehiko, Ying-1: The Fundamentals of Japanese Cultural Roots

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