
Premier League top brace – Manchester City vs Chelsea! Guatu clashes Guardiola have the upper hand with 5 wins, 1 draw and 3 defeats

Premier League top brace – Manchester City vs Chelsea! Guatu clashes Guardiola have the upper hand with 5 wins, 1 draw and 3 defeats

At 20:30 Beijing time on January 15, the 22nd round of the Premier League will usher in a double blue battle, which is also the top battle, Manchester City sits at home to meet Chelsea, which is also a showdown between the two famous managers, Guardiola PK Tuchel.

Premier League top brace – Manchester City vs Chelsea! Guatu clashes Guardiola have the upper hand with 5 wins, 1 draw and 3 defeats

According to statistics, this Premier League top battle will be the 10th match between Guardiola and Tuchel, in the previous nine meetings, Guardiola won the upper hand with 5 wins, 1 draw and 3 losses; but the two sides have won 3 times in the last 4 meetings, including last season (2021-22) Champions League final victory.

Premier League top brace – Manchester City vs Chelsea! Guatu clashes Guardiola have the upper hand with 5 wins, 1 draw and 3 defeats

Before Guardiola came to the Premier League, many fans ridiculed, there is a kind of come to the Premier League to try, and now after Guardiola entered Manchester City, he completed the Premier League as a monopoly; many fans further ridiculed that Guardiola had a kind of Try to take the Champions League. It can only be said that the Champions League can not be sought, and Guardiola does have the shortcomings of strong dialogue and blind change, and last season's Champions League final was a classic case. Guardiola's "waistless squad" did not confuse Chelsea, but flashed Manchester City's waist.

Manchester City currently leads the Premier League table with 10 points, this double blue battle at the top of the table, if Manchester City wins at home, then it is the 12 consecutive wins of the Blue Moon Army League, the Premier League title race will also end in advance, of course, third-party fans hope that Chelsea can successfully block Manchester City away, making the Premier League's title race this season more suspenseful.

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