
Worthy of Emperor Zhan's sword bodyguard! Munch was well received by perkins, JR: Loved his performance

Bryant's post-era James is indeed the top of the NBA, can play around James, as long as the performance is better will get high attention, become one of the NBA's traffic players, especially James returned to the Cavaliers to honor the promise of leading his hometown team to win the championship in the 2.0 era, James's shooters around him were more nicknamed "Zhan Huang with knife guards", because James's nickname when he was young was "Little Emperor".

Worthy of Emperor Zhan's sword bodyguard! Munch was well received by perkins, JR: Loved his performance

To be able to become a sword guard, it is indeed necessary to have a certain ability, you can play around James, such as JR Smith, who once assisted James to achieve the first crown of the Cavaliers, is a veritable Jane King with a knife guard, it can be said that it is recognized, whether you like or agree, JR Smith is one of the best teammates in James's career, even more famous than Irving, because JR Smith is also a teammate that James loves and hates.

Worthy of Emperor Zhan's sword bodyguard! Munch was well received by perkins, JR: Loved his performance

Now that James is 37 years old and JR Smith has disappeared from the NBA stage, who is now worthy of James's side with a knife guard? Apparently, Munch will be the first choice during this time, and at the same time get the praise of the famous Perkins, Perkins said: Munch may have the same career path as JR-Smith.

The positive feedback came after the Lakers' home win over the Hawks on Jan. 9, when Munch scored 29 points, 4 rebounds, 3 assists and 2 steals in 35 minutes. In addition, in the previous game where the Lakers lost to the Kings, Munch also shot 7 of 13, 5 of 9 from three points, 2 of 2 from the free throw line, cut 22 points, 7 rebounds, 3 assists and 2 blocks, which shows that Munch is now one of the few teammates around James who can provide support, no wonder today JR will suddenly forward Perkins' praise for Munch and write: Like his performance.

Worthy of Emperor Zhan's sword bodyguard! Munch was well received by perkins, JR: Loved his performance

In short, Munch and JR Smith are the same as The King with the knife guard, but whether Munch can have a career like JR Smith is unknown, because JR Smith assisted James to win the championship, but this season's Lakers want to win the championship is too hanging, James is 37 years old, it is difficult to rely on their own strength to carry Munch to realize the dream of the championship.

Munch and JR Smith's performance is indeed more similar, even if it is a ball dealer, they are not very high in the NBA, whose head is good to make some really uncertain, netizens also have their own different views, but Munch's performance in the recent period is indeed stronger than JR Smith, but in terms of the entire career, Munch also needs to prove that he is an excellent Zhan Huang with a knife guard.

Worthy of Emperor Zhan's sword bodyguard! Munch was well received by perkins, JR: Loved his performance
Worthy of Emperor Zhan's sword bodyguard! Munch was well received by perkins, JR: Loved his performance

In fact, Munch is very talented, he is the 17th No. 11 show, but in the hornets played in the past few years was also patted on the head by Jordan, just because of some of Munch's "riot operations" led to the team suffered losses, and finally Munch was abandoned, last summer no team was willing to give Munch a chance, fortunately, the Lakers gave Munch a stage, he also proved that he deserved the new nickname of Zhan Huang with a knife guard.

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