
Maori Yuan and Nizi long-lasting who is stronger? Competencies are similar, but there are gaps in the education of future generations

During the Japanese Sengoku period, Niko Nagahisa and Morimoto were called the "Three Great Generals of the Japanese Sengoku Clan" together with ukita Naoya, and although the Ukita Naoya did have quite a strategy, neither his achievements nor his ability were far from being the opponents of Niko Nagahisa and Mori Motoyasu. Because this Ukita Naoya is a pure conspirator, relying on marriage and assassination to obtain territory, and in the end it is only a former and a beautiful two kingdoms. This achievement is far from the nizi jingjiu and maori yuan who have successively served as the hegemons of the western country.

Maori Yuan and Nizi long-lasting who is stronger? Competencies are similar, but there are gaps in the education of future generations

The Niko clan was originally a side branch of the Kyogoku clan, and The Niko Nagahisa was originally the guardian of the Izumo Kingdom, but was deposed because of his excessive pursuit of territorial expansion, so the subsequent Niko Washiko was considered to have started from scratch, and he used more than 70 people to seize the Izumo Kingdom's ruling seat, Tsukiyama Tomita Castle; after which Niko defeated the strongest opponent Misawa Nobukuni with "anti-plan" and "bitter meat plan" to retake the Izumo Kingdom; after that, Niko Ninko embarked on the road of external expansion, and eventually developed into a super-daimyō with the eleven kingdoms of San'in Sanyo.

And Maori Yuan was the wise general who later replaced Nizi as the hegemon of the Western Kingdom, and this Maori family was originally just a small noble family of An Yi Guo; Mao Li Yuan spent fourteen years cultivating An Yi Guo, making MaoRi a force that could not be ignored; at that time, at the most fierce moment of the struggle between Ni Zi Haruhisa and Ouchi Yixing, both sides wanted to win the power of An Yi Guo, it can be said that at that time, Mao Li Yuan fell to whom, who had a chance to win; of course, Mao Li Yuan was not an ordinary person, and the clever man knew keenly that this was a great opportunity.

Maori Yuan and Nizi long-lasting who is stronger? Competencies are similar, but there are gaps in the education of future generations

Therefore, he walked between these two huge forces like a tightrope rope, using these two great forces to continue to strengthen himself; in the end, he defeated the ouchi family's powerful lord Tao Qingxian through the Battle of Itsukushima, and took advantage of the situation to seize all the territory of the Ouchi family; later, he continued to attack the Nizi clan, which was completely destroyed by the Maori clan after Nizi Haru's death for six years; he threatened Kansai and once invaded Kitakyushu. In one fell swoop, it established the hegemony of the Western Kingdom of the Anyi Maori clan.

The talent of Maori Yuan, which can develop a small hao clan into the largest power in western Japan that rules the ten kingdoms and has a high stone height of more than 1.2 million stones, can be seen. However, to tell the truth, Niko Wasai was a super daimyo with eleven countries, and Maori Yuan was a super daimyo with ten countries, and the talents of the two were equal, and they were called the top intellectuals in Japan at that time; but the gap between the descendants of the two was extremely large, the Niko family was basically removed, and the Maori family could also have 370,000 stone territories during the Tokugawa shogunate.

Maori Yuan and Nizi long-lasting who is stronger? Competencies are similar, but there are gaps in the education of future generations

What makes the gap between the two families so large? In fact, it was mainly in the education of future generations; Nizi Zhengjiu, the heir who had been carefully cultivated by Nizi, died in battle in his early years, and Nizi Xingjiu, the third son of Nizi Xingjiu, who was dissatisfied with his father's stinginess towards himself, rebelled and eventually committed suicide, and the then eighty-year-old Nizi could not withstand the blow of losing his son, and gave up the position of governor to the eldest grandson Nizi Haruhisa, and he himself retreated into the background; unfortunately, after Nizi's long-term death, Nizi Haruhisa killed his uncle Nizi Kuniku and others on the grounds of rebellion in the Shingu Party.

In fact, Niko Kunihisa's talent is also very good, since his youth has inherited the brave side of his father; because he lived in shingugu valley in the northern foothills of Tsukiyama Tomita Castle, he was called the Shingu Party, and became the pillar stone army of the nizi family, known for its bravery and strength. As the leader of the Shingua Party, Niko Kunihisa did his best to expand his father's territory and assist his nephew Nichihisa to inherit the Nichiko family. After Nizi Kunihisa was killed, the Nizi family also declined as a result, and was eventually defeated by Maori Yuan.

Maori Yuan and Nizi long-lasting who is stronger? Competencies are similar, but there are gaps in the education of future generations

On the other hand, the Maori family, Maori Yuan, was well aware of the importance of unity, so in the early years, he erected the stone stele of "One Million Hearts" and used this as a family training; later established the "Two Rivers System", which passed the second son to the Yoshikawa family, that is, the later Yoshikawa Motoharu; the third son succeeded to the Kohayakawa family, that is, the later Kohayakawa Takakei. Although the second son and the third son have both passed on, Maori Yuan often teaches the three brothers to help each other and work hard for the foundation of the Maori family.

Although Mori Motomoto's eldest son, Mori Takamoto, died early, but Mori Motomoto's grandson Mori Akimoto was also a material that could be built, and with the assistance of two uncles, the development was quite good, at least to keep the family business, even if it was as strong as Oda Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Moreover, Maori Yuan retreated into the background early, not only to guide the younger generations, but also to allow the younger generations to get full exercise, which is much stronger than the nizi who has been in power until the age of eighty.