
Create pocket | pocket contract pocket space raiders with magic

Pocket contract

Pocket Spirit, carry-on space

Find the Chi Ling Master in the city-state

Submit the corresponding item materials to sign a contract with Chi Ling

Once signed, you can get pocket storage space regardless of the weight of the prop

It is also possible to increase the number of slots by upgrading materials submitted by the Spirit Master

Create pocket | pocket contract pocket space raiders with magic
Create pocket | pocket contract pocket space raiders with magic
Create pocket | pocket contract pocket space raiders with magic

After signing the first contract with the Spirit Master, you will receive the Spirit Horn

Use the Spirit of the Horn to summon the Spirit of the Pocket (Fat Bat Spirit)

Huling Horn (reusable)

If lost, it can be re-redeemed at The Cheling Shop

Select The Pocket Spirit to open pocket space to pick up items

Create pocket | pocket contract pocket space raiders with magic
Create pocket | pocket contract pocket space raiders with magic
Create pocket | pocket contract pocket space raiders with magic
Create pocket | pocket contract pocket space raiders with magic

Pocket Contract Upgrades enhance the required material table

The initial unlock is only one block, and materials can be submitted for enhancement upgrades

At level 7, level 7 can place 10 grids of props

Good helper for the journey of running map to pick up supplies

Create pocket | pocket contract pocket space raiders with magic


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