
After Zhu Yuanzhang finished eating the old woman's tofu soup, he praised her one after another, and after leaving, he ordered: Kill her immediately

It is said that when Zhu Yuanzhang was born, there was a strange light in the room, and the red strange light was everywhere, and the neighbors even thought that the water was on fire and rushed to the rescue, which is the picture recorded in the History of Ming.

At the birth of the emperor, there are many strange phenomena, which are to tell us that this person is different from others, he is a true dragon heavenly son, to save the dawn sentient beings.

Zhu Yuanzhang's birth

Zhu Yuanzhang's name is Zhu Zhongba, his father's surname is Zhu Ming May Fourth, his grandfather's surname is Zhu MingChuyi, and his great-grandfather's surname is Zhu Zhongjiu, the reason why he took such a name is not because the ancestors of the Zhu family specialized in mathematics.

Instead, in the last years of the Yuan Dynasty at that time, ordinary people had no names, and could only be named by the age of their parents or by the date of birth.

After Zhu Yuanzhang finished eating the old woman's tofu soup, he praised her one after another, and after leaving, he ordered: Kill her immediately

Zhu Yuanzhang was a cattle herding baby since childhood, and the people in the last years of the Yuan Dynasty were miserable, and living was the biggest dream, and Zhu Yuanzhang was no exception.

However, fate often likes to tease people, and when Zhu Zhong was eighty-seven years old, his father, brother, nephews starved to death one after another, and later even his mother starved to death, watching his relatives die one by one, but he was powerless to do anything so desperate.

In order to have food to eat, he chose to become a monk, originally thinking that by selling his labor power in the temple, he could exchange it for a mouthful of rice to eat, but he created people, because the famine was too serious, all the monks in the temple had to go out to make a living, that is, to ask for food.

The place where Zhu Zhongba was sent to huayuan was Huaixi, where there were twenty-four generals, and there was also Henan, at this time the whole country was in famine, these two places were even more important, where there was still a chance to beg for food, however, the god of fate finally smiled and waved to him.

After Zhu Yuanzhang finished eating the old woman's tofu soup, he praised her one after another, and after leaving, he ordered: Kill her immediately

The biggest difference between Zhu Zhongba and other beggars is that he is good at thinking and summarizing. When he was begging for food, he began to study the customs and geographical location of Huaixi's location, and from it, he also knew many folk heroes who were like-minded with him, Hao Jie, and his long-term difficult life tempered Zhu Zhongba's strong heart and will.

Your people help each other

Zhu Zhongba's good friend Tang He wrote a letter to ask him to join the uprising, which was such a seemingly small event, and the yin and yang mistakenly put Zhu Yuanzhang on a so-called uprising and rebellion.

Tang He became Zhu Yuanzhang's first comrade-in-arms and the only one who accompanied him through this road. This year Zhu Yuanzhang was 25 years old.

After Zhu Zhongba joined the army, he was soon appreciated by Guo Zixing, and he had to discuss all important matters with him, and in order to show his importance to Zhu Zhongba, Guo Zixing also married his adopted daughter to Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Yuanzhang's wife. She is the famous bigfoot horse queen in history.

After Zhu Yuanzhang finished eating the old woman's tofu soup, he praised her one after another, and after leaving, he ordered: Kill her immediately

Zhu Yuanzhang began to expand his power, relying on his own army to defeat his brother-in-law, the son of Guo Zixing, after the death of his father-in-law, and gained the sovereignty of this army.

After that, he triumphantly sang all the way, defeated Chen Youyu, eliminated Zhang Shicheng, and finally, in 1368, established his own dynasty, the Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Yuanzhang was definitely a self-made model, and di si counterattacked, changed Chinese history, and created his own empire. In the same year that he became emperor, he expelled Emperor Shunyuan from the capital, ending the mongol empire's century-long rule on the land of China.

Zhu Yuanzhang's experience has created his iron-hearted character and brutal governance. After ascending the throne, except for a few meritorious men, the remaining founding heroes who fought alongside him were all killed by him, and in Hu Weiyong's case alone, tens of thousands of people were killed, which was shocking. Even in Zhu Yuanzhang's later years, he still did not change his nature of killing, and there were many bloody cases.

After Zhu Yuanzhang finished eating the old woman's tofu soup, he praised her one after another, and after leaving, he ordered: Kill her immediately

The emperor's tofu edge

As mentioned earlier, Zhu Yuanzhang's father, Zhu Wusi, had a tofu shop, and Zhu Yuanzhang and tofu can be said to have a deep fate. It is rumored that Zhu Yuanzhang also gave tofu a very special name, Tang Li's tofu, called "white jade".

It is said that once when the army was fighting, Zhu Yuanzhang was physically weak and fainted, when an old woman passed by, she saw Zhu Yuanzhang who had fainted, and the kind old woman had no surplus grain, so she mixed stinky tofu and rotten cabbage together to cook soup, gave Zhu Yuanzhang to eat, and the hungry Zhu Yuanzhang drank this bowl of soup, gradually recovered his physical strength, and came back to life.

It was only because of the urgency of the military situation that Zhu Yuanzhang could not repay the old woman, so he hurried on the road, but the taste of this bowl of soup became the deepest thought in Zhu Yuanzhang's heart, and the life-saving straw of his life-threatening plan has always been remembered, even after ascending the throne as emperor, he cannot forget it.

After Zhu Yuanzhang finished eating the old woman's tofu soup, he praised her one after another, and after leaving, he ordered: Kill her immediately

Zhu Yuanzhang, who became emperor, ate too many delicacies in the palace and often missed the haunting tofu soup, but even though the imperial chef of the imperial palace tried countless cooking methods and combinations, he could not cook the taste of his memory.

As everyone knows, the ingredients used by the grandmother at that time can be compared with Zhu Yuanzhang's today, which is nothing more than rotten vegetable leaves and stinky tofu, such materials can enter the emperor's imperial dining room, the more they can't eat, the more they miss it, and in desperation, Zhu Yuanzhang can only go out to find it.

The emperor did not pay off, and was really found by Zhu Yuanzhang, in a very simple storefront, Zhu Yuanzhang met the old woman who saved his life, and the old woman's small shop door hung the three words "tofu soup".

After Zhu Yuanzhang finished eating the old woman's tofu soup, he praised her one after another, and after leaving, he ordered: Kill her immediately

In fact, as soon as Zhu Yuanzhang entered the store, the old woman recognized that this was the person he saved that year, and within a short while of entering the store, the old woman could not wait to bring a bowl of hot tofu soup to Zhu Yuanzhang, emitting a special flavor of tofu soup.

Zhu Yuanzhang tasted it, was overjoyed, clapped his hands and praised, this is the taste he has been looking for, he was puzzled, he quickly asked the old woman: How did you make this tofu soup.

The old woman smiled triumphantly, she told Zhu Yuanzhang that to make this soup, the ingredients are very important, you must use rotten vegetable leaves and steamed tofu, and she also confirmed with Zhu Yuanzhang whether she remembered her, she was the old woman who saved Zhu Yuanzhang's life.

After Zhu Yuanzhang finished eating the old woman's tofu soup, he praised her one after another, and after leaving, he ordered: Kill her immediately

Then, in front of Zhu Yuanzhang's entourage, the old woman also told zhu Yuanzhang in great detail about how Zhu Yuanzhang fainted in a daze, how he fell into disgrace, and how he saved Zhu Yuanzhang's life hanging in the balance. Zhu Yuanzhang listened as his face gradually sank.

What the old woman didn't know was that as he recounted his past experience with a fluttering eyebrow, a catastrophe was coming.

Zhu Yuanzhang quietly drank the tofu soup, and did not greet the old woman, so he slowly walked out of the small shop, whispered a few words next to Jincha, and then saw the police guard quickly turn back into the old woman's shop, a knife ended the old woman's life, blood spilled on the spot.

After Zhu Yuanzhang finished eating the old woman's tofu soup, he praised her one after another, and after leaving, he ordered: Kill her immediately

The old woman never expected that a bowl of tofu soup that saved the supreme ruler of the Ming Dynasty, a person rescued a few years ago, did not thank her, but ended her life. Maybe she didn't know why she died until she died.

Zhu Yuanzhang, who was born in the grassroots, was suspicious by nature, and now that he was the king of a country, how could he tolerate his worst past being remembered by an old woman, and also exposed his dark experience in front of his courtiers and challenged his imperial power.

If the old woman pretended not to know when Zhu Yuanzhang entered the store, but just like greeting the usual guests, just a bowl of home-cooked tofu soup, maybe her fate would also be rewritten, but there was no if in life.

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