
Wuhan local bottled water launched the New Year model: the red "Han Shui" to welcome the Year of the Tiger

Jimu news reporter Pan Xiheng

Video shooting/editing by Li Hui

Correspondent Xie Minghui Zhong Shi

Intern Liu Zhimeng

On January 14, the reporter learned from the Wuhan Water Affairs Group that the "I Love Han Shui" series of bottled water produced by the group launched a new packaging for the Lunar New Year on the eve of the Lunar Year of the Tiger, which skillfully integrated the traditional culture of the Year with the water culture of the city, implying that the tiger was welcoming spring.

It is reported that in April 2021, the "I Love Hanshui" Hero City series bottled water produced by Wuhan Water Affairs Group was listed, which was widely concerned by all walks of life and favored by users, and successively entered large supermarkets such as Zhongbai Rosen, Zhongbai Supermarket, and Wushang Vendor.

Wuhan local bottled water launched the New Year model: the red "Han Shui" to welcome the Year of the Tiger

"The cultural and creative design of the 'I Love Hanshui' series of products, from 'Wuhan Impression' to 'Tribute to City Heroes', to the newly launched 'Fuhu Yingchun', deeply integrates Wuhan's urban culture, urban spirit and 'Hanshui' brand culture and historical heritage." Zhang Yanhui, the cultural and creative designer of the new "I Love Hanshui", introduced that the series takes red as the background color, and there are 8 different styles, namely "Tiger", "Year", "Ji", "Xiang", "Fu", "Wang", "Cai" and "Luck", while sending blessings, it means that in the upcoming Year of the Tiger, it is red and red, and the tiger is full of vigor.

The reporter observed that the 8 Chinese characters on the bottle label are presented in calligraphy, which is vigorous and powerful, echoing the majesty of the tiger of the zodiac, the wind and thunder and lightning; the tiger head doll is playful and cute, which complements the festive state of the other side of the tiger of the zodiac. "Hanshui is like the spirit of wuhan people, like Wuhan people with strong spiritual strength and cohesion, and they are full of tiger qi."

The person in charge of the producer Wuhan Water Affairs Group Hanshui Technology Company introduced that the year of the tiger commemorative version of Hanshui, in the way of Tiggo to send blessings to the past, present and future, is like a family letter, so that everyone's pace slows down, enjoy a unique Chinese-style warmth of the Year of the Tiger, find back the rich taste of the year, in a simple and precious way, to the people who have always loved the hot land of Wuhan.

Wuhan local bottled water launched the New Year model: the red "Han Shui" to welcome the Year of the Tiger

As a local brand of bottled water, the "I Love Hanshui" series has been adhering to the design concept of deeply integrating traditional local culture and products since the birth of the brand, which not only interprets people's love for life, but also conveys the confidence in traditional culture and local characteristics.

The classic bottle design concept of "I Love Hanshui" originates from the HankouKou Tower, a landmark in Hankou built more than 100 years ago, a witness to the civilized drinking water of the people of Wuhan, a national key cultural relics protection unit, and selected into the first list of Chinese industrial sites. At the event site, a group of WeChat emojis of the Hankou Water Tower designed by teachers and students of Wuhan University were released synchronously, and the solemn water tower used harmonic sounds to transform into animals "otters" to bring greetings and blessings to users.