
16 outstanding British and French designers

author:Changsha Shiqing advertisement
16 outstanding British and French designers

What I like most about these ancient countries is the long and complex history between them and how their attitudes have changed and changed over time. Even today, Britain and France are struggling to overcome their long-standing rivalry and work together to build a future as first world nations, rather than the history that defined their relationship earlier.

Their interesting history prompted me to go out and study their designers. I've found that even the most elementary designers in these fields are talented. I found British and French designers unique in form and style, but surprisingly, they were not discovered until now. For that reason, I think some healthy competition is exactly what they need to start their careers, to get them moving and to get the attention. Here we present a list of innovative and compelling competitive design portfolios from both countries. Whether french designers replace British designers or vice versa, you have to make a decision.

Britain – the land of art and history

Young designers often bring new ideas to the world, and many of the British designers on this list are full of courage and innovative ideas. British art is particularly visual, and their art history is a long and complex affair, too detailed to delve into here. However, the designers I've found in this area have a strong grasp of digital art and a steady grasp of their technology. Honestly, I'm glad to see them work more!

Isabelle Sosa |@Isabelsousa

16 outstanding British and French designers

From the busy city of London. The hustle and bustle and action of city life can be distracting, but Isabelle is a focused woman. She is an interactive designer with a passion for illustration, which is reflected in her beautiful portfolio. Her style is so clean and elegant that navigation in her designs is a breeze. The cute characters that appear in some of her designs are fun, sometimes blocky, but I love them. Her fresh style takes good care of the UI design!

Daniel guests |@Dguestdesign

16 outstanding British and French designers

The portfolio of Daniel Guest, a graduate of the University of Brighton, may not be much, but the potential is limitless! Currently a freelance designer at Norwich, Daniel's portfolio offers a variety of exciting print and digital design projects for small and medium-sized clients. The colors and layout are easy to understand and I think that's the best part. As he gradually adjusts to his freelance career, I look forward to seeing more of his work.

Jonathan Quentin |@Studiojq

16 outstanding British and French designers

Jonathan has created inspiring work for clients such as Aon/Manchester United, Bosch, Google and Intel (to name a few) at the world's top design studios. With his unique studio style and 12 years of experience in the business industry, you can easily see why I find his work different! I'm looking forward to his next big project – redesigning his own website. I'd love to see what he designed for his brand.

Gregor Villa |@Gregoire_vella

16 outstanding British and French designers

Image source

Most people who stumble upon Greg by chance know about the unofficial redesign models he created for Twitter and Facebook, but his original work in his portfolio is just as interesting and well thought out as the redesign. I find it interesting that after graduating from marketing and business, he built his first web company during his third internship! Since then, he has been involved in various projects, expanding his skills and beginning to spread his wings as a designer. Keep flying high, Greg! Never stop learning!

Tim Smith |@Mypoorbrain

16 outstanding British and French designers

Tim's design portfolio is full of interesting characters, and his most popular characters show the brain in some way, which I think is an interesting design trademark. However, he also did his serious work, and what is shown here is this well-done design of the London Library. The design carefully balances contemporary website design and layout, and photography helps to portray the atmosphere and rich culture there.

Samuel James Oxley |@YorkieMixture

16 outstanding British and French designers

Set in a rich Yorkshire atmosphere, Samuel's portfolio is as active as his! He is an outdoor enthusiast who loves mountain biking, and most of his designs are based on the theme of nature. From app design and web design to logo design, Samuel can do anything! He has worked in this industry for 10 years and his minimalist designs reflect his serious consideration and consideration of each project. By far my favorite is the conceptual design of Code.IT websites, which contains a coding language that layers web design.

Anthony Goodwin |@DesignEmbraced

16 outstanding British and French designers

While I've only found one design in Anthony's portfolio so far, he'll be updating a new one soon. The reason I like this design is that it intuitively selects different aspects of the show as well as the general minimalist layout of this microsite. After this promising sample of his brilliant talents, I patiently waited to see more.

Andrew Canwell |@Andrewcouldwell

16 outstanding British and French designers

A glance at Andrew's work reveals that he is a hard worker with big ideas. All of his projects are user experience-based and very easy to navigate. He understands where users come from and how they interact with the site. His design and front-end building skills are top notch. Best care, French designer, he is on Behance's list as a "creative to watch"!

France – the home of elegant culture and design

France is a country with a deep culture, good wine and a love of life. Looking at the work of the following designers, I think I can understand why these designers are showing their country well. The enthusiasm I saw in them made me want to pick up a pen and draw again! These designers understand what people want; they understand movement; they know how to express the needs of their clients in a clear, simple way. I felt like I needed to research French designers more and see what else they could offer!

Florianikol |@Neoinnov

16 outstanding British and French designers

Florian Nicolle, 27, a French graphic designer and freelance illustrator, has a very important contract. I don't need to think about why, his work is gorgeous and his style is certainly unique. With Nike and EA commissioning him the job, you know he's getting the attention he deserves. His portfolio is filled with stunning action shots like this that bring the illustrations to life.

Ivan Duke

16 outstanding British and French designers

I'm proud to be able to show these simple and delightful illustrations from Yvan! While he's not very well known in most circles, Yvan's work can't be ignored. With cats and wide-eyed characters, I couldn't help but fall in love with his style. The color and cleanliness of the artwork surprised me!

Cousin Roman |@RomainCousin

2013 – Mattrunks race n°9 from Romain Cousin on Vimeo.

I've noticed, but maybe you haven't yet – when designers make motion graphics like this, they need to put a lot of passion and dedication into it. Romain definitely has enough strength to support this project and win the "2013" action design competition with this picture! It's simply amazing. Romain's other portfolio is equally stunning and worth a look.

Claire Pauletty | @ Claire Pauletty

16 outstanding British and French designers

Paris is a city of fashion and sophistication, and Claire's work reflects her city well. She specializes in Ux Ui design, and everything I've seen from her so far is very simple and neat. The way she arranges each project shows her understanding of human nature. It's clear that her portfolio showcases her evolving talents. Good show, Claire!

Oliver Mignad |@Omignard

16 outstanding British and French designers

What caught Oliver's attention was his choice of colors. He always picks out from his designs the one that gets your attention. And his design is brilliant enough! From branding to app concept design, Oliver's portfolio strives to show what an amazing designer he is. My favorite project is his Mad Men interactive design, which tells you all about the show and the history of New York in the 1960s.

Matthew Schatzler |@Mschatzler

16 outstanding British and French designers

There are many famous artists from the Lily region of France, and this beautiful city is Matthew's hometown, and many people should pay attention to this artist. Mathieu started out as a web designer at Wokine and soon joined the company as an art director. His work is special! He has a strong understanding of digital design and is well aware of the details.

Jonathan da Costa |@Jonathandc

16 outstanding British and French designers

If you want something elegant and refined, Jonathan is your designer. Since 2012, he has run a freelance studio focused on interaction design, innovation, and technology. Jonathan's work was inspired by his passion for interaction models and storytelling. He knows how to express a feeling with his designs and is one of my favorite projects! This is a project of a French eyewear company. They wanted some simple branding, and the pieces he finished were simple and refined. Love it!

Eric Le Tour |@Ericletutour

16 outstanding British and French designers

Beware of England, we have a designer on our list with a Master's degree in Interaction Design! Eric was educated at the Atlantic Design School in Nantes and his portfolio is full of amazing designs that I found, and the layout is very clever! Eric's specialty is UI/UX design, but his branding skills are not to be missed. My favorite piece of his work is the logo he designed for a French manufacturer of quality goods based in Paris. The company has a creative studio, a fashion design office and a leather goods studio, and Eric's logo is a good showcase of all aspects of the business.

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