
When consumers buy "new" New Year goods, what are the "new" rules of attraction for brands

When consumers buy "new" New Year goods, what are the "new" rules of attraction for brands

Deep Sound Original · The author | Lü Yue

The Spring Festival is approaching, and "buying New Year goods" has become a hot topic of concern to the public. The New Year promotion has also become the focus of various industries, several major platforms have launched the "New Year Festival" activities, and brands are also full of fire, hoping to attract more attention at this time.

The custom of buying New Year goods has never changed, but the years are different, and the demand side has quietly changed in recent years.

According to the report released by First Finance, the emerging population after 95 is paying more and more attention to the traditional Spring Festival ceremony, and the consumption of new year goods has increased along with participation. KPMG also released the Spring Festival consumption trend report, and the post-90s crowd gradually grasped the right to purchase new year goods, and the consumption of new year goods tended to be younger, more diversified, intelligent and high-quality.

Changes on the demand side must drive the supply side. Consumers' requirements for New Year goods are more "demanding", which also means that the New Year goods taken out by major brands need to be prepared for "renewing" in advance.

New Year goods, from goods to experiences

The festive atmosphere and traditional customs of the Spring Festival make the "New Year Goods Festival" activities have a certain particularity. Compared with the big promotion activities that are "created" by the platform and need to preset the theme of "discount promotion" in advance, the current purchase of New Year goods is a clear and explicit demand of consumers, and the willingness to buy is higher. But at the same time, consumers do not have a clear goal for which goods to choose for "New Year goods", and when the festive atmosphere makes consumers more "emotional", the brand playing the "emotional card" becomes more effective.

It is not difficult to understand comparing the classic cases of foreign countries. Coca-Cola has been binding Santa Claus to advertise for decades, and every year it will launch heart-warming short films at Christmas, as well as gift bottles, nickname bottles and other specific holiday products, and the public has been deeply impressed by the brand, products and even advertising content.

However, there are many brands participating in the New Year Festival of various platforms, and the conventional "emotional brand" is prone to homogenization, and brands still need to find a more efficient and differentiated "law of attraction". Adhering to the concept of "keeping pace with the times" with consumers, in today's experience economy era, brands can upgrade their strategies - to change the "goods" from the original concept of goods to a comprehensive consumer experience by superimposing diversified content.

During the Douyin Good Things New Year Festival, the PSALTER Poem (hereinafter referred to as the "Poem"), a clothing brand selected as one of the "Top 100 Brands", is a sample. "We pay more attention to making goods with content." The poem says that Douyin is a content-centric platform, and superimposing content on goods can communicate more effectively with users and stimulate purchase intentions.

When consumers buy "new" New Year goods, what are the "new" rules of attraction for brands

Clothing is actually "innate" with the attributes of New Year goods. In the recent Douyin Good Things New Year Festival, the poem further excavated the user demand of "buying new clothes in the New Year" by setting up topics such as "My Tiger Year Battle Robe" and "Winter Essentials" in short videos and guiding in the live broadcast room. When the voice of activities on the platform continues to grow and the atmosphere of the Spring Festival is also stronger, the brand fully takes advantage of the activities to enhance the consumption "excitement point", so that the main promotion of the New Year is "planted" by more people.

In addition, the psalms give full play to the appeal and influence of IP.

The poem first set up its own IP related to the Year of the Tiger related to the New Year's zodiac, and presented it through product design. Similar to luxury brands that always launch Chinese New Year limited editions, this product will fully reflect the sense of New Year ceremony, while a series of details will let consumers feel the ingenuity and intention of the brand.

Secondly, the poem also carried out IP joint cooperation with the recent hit "Wind Rises Luoyang". The series of products from the color to the pattern elements have increased the national tide elements, not only to take advantage of the popularity of the series, but also to reach the consumption preferences of young people with continuous content marketing, but also to play out the brand differentiation, which can be described as "killing three birds with one stone".

In order to effectively increase the volume of the special co-branded model, the psalms began to warm up with short videos and live broadcasts a month in advance. In terms of short videos, Psalm let its anchors shoot some video content according to IP characteristics, and also cooperated with many talents in content. In terms of live broadcasting, the poem directly chose to be broadcast live in luoyang's Luoyi Ancient City, on the one hand, it was linked with offline art pop-up activities, on the other hand, it also invited actor Chen Ran to enter the live broadcast room to try on new products, and invited the brand design director to expound the design concept in the live broadcast. The poem completely jumps out of the conventional mode of carrying goods, which is equivalent to upgrading the live broadcast to an online new product launch, enriching the content scene of the live broadcast and significantly enhancing the influence.

IP inherently has emotional added value and attractiveness, after superimposing on the goods, brands can not only take advantage of the influence of IP to increase the premium of products, but also be able to empathize with the goodwill of IP to themselves. This superposition needs to be "widely publicized" to be seen by more users, at this time, diversified content has become a "weapon" for dissemination, directly enhancing exposure, occupying the mind, and more importantly, the scene of buying New Year goods and sending gifts is visualized, creating a consumption scene for brands and goods, so that users have a sense of resonance and identity.

Robert Ciodini, author of Influence, once said: "Social identity itself is influential and powerful. "New Year celebrations, preparing gifts for friends and family can form a sense of public identity, and the platform's "New Year Festival" activities will further enhance this atmosphere, the brand participates in some actions, and users will also transfer this sense of identity to the brand itself.

The "two-way rush" of goods and people

The formation of unique and differentiated gameplay is not achieved overnight, thanks to the brand's deep understanding of the platform, and on this basis, it continues to optimize the team's cooperation.

Since entering the Douyin e-commerce in May this year, the poem has clarified the reshaping of the trading field by Douyin e-commerce. "Interest e-commerce" will change the traditional shelf display mode, through the content to display products in three dimensions, and then match the interest to more accurately locate the target group and stimulate interest. "In the past, the order was the people's yard, but we felt that the logic of the interested e-commerce was 'goods looking for people' rather than 'people looking for goods', so today's order should be the goods yard."

When consumers buy "new" New Year goods, what are the "new" rules of attraction for brands

Under the logic of finding people, user needs are placed in a more core position. So at present, commodity output is no longer large-scale production from the B-end to the C-end, but the consumer-led after decentralization. Brands should start from the supply side, think about how to truly focus on consumers, grasp the hearts of consumers, and make the match between supply and demand more.

In this regard, the psalm also provides its own major idea - to do consumer insights, based on which to do "accurate goods".

According to the psalm, the brand has a department dedicated to customer insights, which will synthesize and report many information based on the customer's consumption preferences, the consumption trend of young people, the current trend trend and so on. The department will work with the design and development department to determine the theme of new product development. Choosing to cooperate with "Wind Rises Luoyang" is actually because of the insight into the young people's strong interest in the national style and national tide, so as to provide this type of "content goods".

When consumers buy "new" New Year goods, what are the "new" rules of attraction for brands

In particular, the poem will also do insights for Douyin e-commerce, including looking at the overall trend of the platform, which styles are preferred by users and brand fans on the platform, and what trends are shown in the short videos of the talents. There is no need to prepare too many SKUs, and the brand can prepare the platform's special supplies in a targeted manner by accumulating crowds and data assets on the platform.

At the same time, due to the high degree of personalization of women's clothing consumption, the product can not achieve absolute blockbuster promotion, the poem also emphasizes that the brand's live broadcast team should have a clear understanding of the customers in the live broadcast room, so as to clarify the listing category, group strategy and operation method of each live broadcast. The social attributes of Douyin e-commerce also play a role at this time: in the live broadcast room, the brand's loyal customers will directly interact with the brand and give feedback, and the consumers who were at the end of the original production and sales chain directly affected the front-end product design and output.

When consumers buy "new" New Year goods, what are the "new" rules of attraction for brands

After matching people with more "accurate goods", the brand naturally goes to the next stage - doing business in the "field".

Continuing to occupy the minds of users and increase sales in the live broadcast room is first of all a higher demand on the brand's live broadcast team. To this end, Psalms incubated and built a team of about 50 people. Since the beginning of the broadcast, Psalms has also continued to improve the team, optimize all links and processes, and upgrade its self-broadcast capabilities.

Brands have the initiative to gain insight into users, interact with users, and have a sense of mastery, and in the live broadcast room, the brand is not a one-time transaction. Users will build deeper trust with the host and the brand, and this trust relationship directly affects the consumer's decision-making. This also means that after doing a good job in the live broadcast, the brand will get longer-term, stable positive feedback, and can also absorb long-term benefits.

Therefore, as self-broadcasting becomes more perfect and normalized, the psalm also has a longer tail goal for live broadcasting: not only to obtain short-term high exposure in the promotion activities, nor to achieve short-term sales growth through live broadcasting, but to turn more traffic into "retention".

Not only selling goods, but also "asset accumulation"

From "traffic to retention", in fact, it is also the common appeal of brands. After all, in the existing Internet with increasingly high customer acquisition costs, cost reduction and efficiency increase and long-term operation are the ultimate goals of the brand.

Events such as the "New Year Goods Festival" are a kind of "help" that can help brands achieve their goals.

This year, the Douyin Good Things New Year Goods Festival will last from January 1 to January 16. During this period, the platform has launched quite a lot of games, summed up, on the one hand, to strengthen support for high-quality goods and brands, to help brands accelerate growth; on the other hand, through a wealth of platform play, encourage and guide merchants to continue to do "good brands" to achieve long-term high-quality growth.

When consumers buy "new" New Year goods, what are the "new" rules of attraction for brands

Both short-term and long-term growth are taken into account, and brands can get not only GMV, but also a variety of "assets".

The first is user assets. Many brands participating in the New Year Festival, including Psalms, can create new scenes, obtain new traffic, and seize new crowds to enter the brand's private domain through activities. This accumulation of user assets has laid a good foundation for subsequent repurchase conversion and long-tail business, and has also fundamentally alleviated the traffic anxiety of the brand.

This is followed by data assets. Whether it is daily operations or participation in activities, brands intuitively see marketing and transactions, but behind them are various data. In the data-driven era, from user insights, strategic management, to advertising delivery, effect evaluation, data assets can make every step of the marketing campaign have a basis to follow; and if you look at the front of the chain, data can also drive the optimization of brands in the design and production process.

There are also brand equity. With the help of douyin e-commerce's rich marketing activities, brands can create images, transmit brand ideas, seize users' minds, and gradually enhance brand recognition and popularity, as well as longer tail brand value.

In addition, participating brands are also quite concerned about whether they can form a mature experience that can be reused.

The poem said that the current brand has not been on the platform for a long time, and the team will continue to polish and grow in it when participating in activities again and again. Brands will also gradually deepen their understanding of the platform, guide future marketing methods and operational strategies with clearer and more thorough logic, and seek longer-term business growth.

The platform will often take an event as an incision to carry out long-term support for the brand, for example, the New Year Goods Festival activity Douyin E-commerce also proposed to continue to pay attention to and support good goods and good brands in the future. This means that the brand not only gradually explores the experience by itself, but also can fully understand the overall development direction and strategy of the platform with the help of the platform, see the successful experience of other brands and draw nourishment from it.

When consumers buy "new" New Year goods, what are the "new" rules of attraction for brands

The New Year Goods Festival is the first big promotion of the new year and the beginning of the brand's new year business. Observing the brand in the Douyin Good Things New Year Festival activities also reflects the far-reaching value of the platform - as long as there are good goods, the brand can be seen; as long as it is seen, the brand has more possibilities to obtain unlimited business opportunities, bringing about the continuous expansion of business boundaries.

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