
Is there a lineage relationship between the three Dynasties surnamed Li in the Tang, Later Tang and Southern Tang Dynasties?

The Tang Dynasty, the Later Tang Dynasty, and the Southern Tang Dynasty were the three Dynasties surnamed Li in Chinese history, of which the Tang Dynasty was a unified dynasty, and the Later Tang And Southern Tang Were both divided regimes during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, so did these three Dynasties with the surname Li have a lineage relationship before?

Tang dynasty

The Tang Dynasty (618-907) was a unified Central Plains Dynasty after the Sui Dynasty, with a total of 21 emperors and 289 years of the country.

Is there a lineage relationship between the three Dynasties surnamed Li in the Tang, Later Tang and Southern Tang Dynasties?

Tang Gaozu Li Yuan

At the end of the Sui Dynasty, Li Yuan, the Duke of Tang, raised an army in Jinyang in 617, and the following year he was proclaimed emperor to establish the Tang Dynasty, with the capital chang'an. After Emperor Taizong of Tang succeeded to the throne, he created the rule of Zhenguan and laid the foundation for the Sheng Tang Dynasty. Emperor Gaozong of Tang inherited the legacy of Zhenguan to create the "Rule of Yonghui". In 690, Wu Zetian changed the name of the country to Zhou,

After the Shenlong Revolution in 705, the Tang Dynasty was restored. After Emperor Xuanzong of Tang ascended the throne, he created a prosperous Kaiyuan dynasty and enabled the Tang Dynasty to reach its full glory. In the last year of Tianbao, the population of the country reached about 80 million. After the Anshi Rebellion, there were successive phenomena of feudal division and eunuch monopoly, and the national strength gradually declined. After the reign of Tang Xianzongyuan and Zhongxing, Tang Wuzong Huichang Zhongxing and Tang Xuanzong Dazhong, the country was rejuvenated. The Huangchao Rebellion, which broke out in 878, destroyed the foundations of Tang rule. In 907, the general Zhu Wen usurped Tang, and the Tang Dynasty collapsed.

The Tang Dynasty had an unprecedented territory, from the Sea of Japan in the east, to Annam in the south, to the Aral Sea in the west, and to Lake Baikal in the north, and was the first unified dynasty in China since the Qin Dynasty to not repair the Great Wall of Hu.

After the Tang Dynasty defeated the Eastern Turks and Xue Yantuo, Tang Taizong was revered as the Heavenly Khan by the Siyi tribes. He also used the bondage system to recruit turkic, Uighur, Tiele, Khitan, Jingjing, Murong Wei and other ethnic groups to attack the enemy countries, and let Japan, Nanzhao, Silla, Bohai and other vassal states learn their own culture and systems, and a situation of all nations coming to the dynasty appeared.

The Tang Dynasty accepted exchanges and learning from various countries, and the economy, society, culture and art showed the characteristics of pluralism and openness

A large number of famous artists have emerged in poetry, books, paintings, music, etc., such as the poetry immortal Li Bai, the poetry Saint Du Fu, the poetry demon Bai Juyi, the calligrapher Yan Zhenqing, the painting saint Wu Daozi, the musician Li Guinian and so on.

The Tang Dynasty was one of the most powerful countries in the world at that time, and its reputation spread far and wide, with all the contacts with Asian and European countries.

After the Tang Dynasty, many overseas people called Chinese as "Tang people". The Chinatowns that are now spread around the world are also named after this.

The Tang Dynasty royal family came from

Longxi Lee Clan

, one says sixteen countries

Cool west

Founding monarch


It was its distant ancestor, and so was the Lee family at that time

Northern wei dynasty

An important member of the Guanlong Group.

Longxi Li Clan has emerged as such

Western han dynasty

When the "Flying General"

Li Guang

and other famous people. And the

Old Book of Tang


New Book of Tang

It is said that the Tang Dynasty imperial family Li Shi is

Lee Ear

Descendants of (Lao Tzu).

After Tang

The Later Tang Dynasty (923-936) was a feudal dynasty established by Li Cunxun (xu) of the Shatuo tribe during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period, with the capital at Luoyang (present-day Luoyang, Henan), passing on the second and fourth emperors for 14 years.

Is there a lineage relationship between the three Dynasties surnamed Li in the Tang, Later Tang and Southern Tang Dynasties?

Later Tang Zhuangzong Li Cunxun

In 896, Hedong Jiedu made Li Keyong the King of Jin, and from then on he divided Hedong.

In 907, Zhu Quanzhong usurped The Tang Dynasty and established Later Liang, and the State of Jin became the largest separatist force in the north, and regarded the Liang Dynasty as a leap dynasty, still serving the Tang Dynasty Zhengshuo. In 908, Li Keyong died, and his son Li Cunxun took the throne of Jin. In 923, Li Cunxun proclaimed himself emperor in Wei Prefecture (魏州, in present-day Daming County, Handan City, Hebei Province), changed his name to Yuan Tongguang, and continued to use the state name "Tang", and promoted Wei Prefecture to The Xingtang Prefecture of Tokyo.

At the end of the same year, Li Cunxun destroyed Hou Liang and made the capital Luoyang, known in history as Later Tang; in 925 he destroyed Former Shu Wang Yan; in 928 Nanping Gao congcongzhi was attached to him; in 930, Southern Chu Ma Xisheng was attached; in 936, Shi Jingyao attacked Luoyang at the expense of Yanyun Sixteen Prefectures, saying that the emperor was established after the Jin Dynasty, and Later Tang perished.

The Later Tang Dynasty had a vast territory, mainly controlling the northern region of China, bordering the coast to the east, Longyou and Sichuan shu to the west, and the Great Wall to the north, including Youyun Sixteen Prefectures and the Southern Yue Jianghan. The Later Tang Dynasty was the most extensive dynasty that ruled during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period.

Li Ke used his original surname Zhu Xie, and his father was the chief of the Shatuo tribe.

It was pacified at the end of the Tang Dynasty

Yellow Nest Uprising

The process was given the surname Li by the emperor because of his military achievements. therefore

After Li Cunxun destroyed Zhu Wen and Hou Liang, in order to show that he was the Tang Dynasty Zhengshuo, he took "Tang" as the national name, and the history called it Later Tang.

Southern Tang

Southern Tang Dynasty (937–975) was a Chinese poet from the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period by Li Fu (


The dynasty established in the Jiangnan region, Dingdu Jiangning (present-day Nanjing, Jiangsu Province), passed on the third emperor and two lords, enjoyed thirty-eight years of the country, and was the largest regime in the Ten Kingdoms.

Is there a lineage relationship between the three Dynasties surnamed Li in the Tang, Later Tang and Southern Tang Dynasties?

Southern Tang Dynasty Liezu Li Fu

In the seventh year of Southern Wu Taihe (935), Emperor Rui of Southern Wu made Xu Zhihuan the King of Qi and assigned ten prefectures, including Shengzhou and Runzhou, to the State of Qi.

In the first year of the ShengYuan Dynasty (937), Xu Zhihuan established the State of Qi (徐奇). In October of the same year, Xu Zhihuan was proclaimed emperor by Zen, the state name "Qi", changed to Yuan Shengyuan; in the third year of Shengyuan (939), Xu Zhihuan restored the surname of Li and changed his name to Fu, claiming to be the fourth grandson of Li Ke, the son of Tang Xianzong, and changed the country name to "Tang", which was historically called "Southern Tang". After Li Fu ascended the throne, he continued to protect the border and the people, and under relatively stable conditions, social production developed. Compared with the simultaneous division of the kingdoms, the Southern Tang Dynasty was strong and strong. Due to the revival of science and the construction of schools, the culture is also particularly prosperous.

In the third year of Baoda (945), the Southern Tang took advantage of the civil unrest in Fujian, sent troops to destroy Fujian, and captured Wang Yanzheng. In the ninth year of Baoda (951), the Southern Tang took advantage of the civil unrest in Southern Chu and sent troops to destroy Chu, and Ma Xichong surrendered. However, soon, the chu homeland was seized by Zhou Xingfeng, and the Southern Tang failed to consolidate the occupied Chu land. In the first year of Zhongxing (958), Li Jing went to the imperial title, claimed the title of lord of the country, and declared himself a vassal to Later Zhou. In the fourth year of Song Kaibao (971), Li Yu removed the "Tang" state name and changed his name to "Lord of Jiangnan", and asked the Song court to remove the courtesy of not directly naming him, which was approved by Song Taizu.

In the eighth year of Song Kaibao (975), Song soldiers captured Jinling, Li Yufeng surrendered, and the Jiangnan regime officially collapsed.

At its peak, the Southern Tang Dynasty encompassed thirty-five prefectures, roughly spanning parts of present-day Jiangxi, Anhui, Jiangsu, Fujian, Hubei, and Hunan provinces. With a population of about five million, it has made a significant contribution to the economic development of southern China.

The founder of the Southern Tang Dynasty, Li Fu (biàn), was originally named

Xu Zhihuan was a southern Wu courtier

Xu Wen's adopted son. After Xu Wen's death, he inherited his rights and persecuted Southern Wu

Emperor Rui ascended the throne and established the State of Qi. The following year, he called himself yes

Tang Xianzong

Son of King Jian

Li Ke

The fourth grandson of the, changed his name to Lee

昪, changed the name of the country to "Tang".

It can be seen that the Li clan of the Tang Dynasty originated in Guanlong; the Li clan of the Later Tang Dynasty came from ethnic minorities, and the Li kings of the Southern Tang Dynasty claimed to be descendants of the Li clan of the Tang Dynasty, but their authenticity was questionable, so there was no real inheritance relationship between the three Dynasties of the Tang Dynasty, the Later Tang Dynasty, and the Southern Tang Dynasty.

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