
Sony Sefrick started with a 62, and it was all the juniors who felt that the years were not spared

On January 14, Beijing time, in the first round of the Sony Open, Forek and Russell Henry shot 62 and tied for second place.

Sony Sefrick started with a 62, and it was all the juniors who felt that the years were not spared

A quarter-century after winning the title for the first time, Forek is once again in contention at the Sony Open. He finished today with a very hot finish, including the 17th hole, with a one-shot three hole.

Forrick hasn't been to Honolulu in 10 years, but he returned last year because he now qualifies for the Championship Tour, which launches next week on Oshima.

"I'm trying to get ready for this year. What would I think of this week? I want to be competitive," Forrick said, "and I want to be competitive and put myself in a title-contending position." I also want to know how good I am at and what I have to train for this year. ”

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