
Later, she finally lived to the appearance that the six relatives did not recognize

author:The most beautiful artist

Today to recommend to you a story of the big heroine, "Black Leather Manual", the author is the Japanese social school of reasoning grandmaster Matsumoto Kiyoharu, the heroine of the book Haraguchi atom, originally a low-level banking animal, relying on their own courage and intelligence, stealing huge bank money, with a mysterious black notebook, circling between various powerful people, leaping to become the top mother of Ginza Sang. Matsumoto Kiyoharu uses plain and delicate brushstrokes to portray small characters into three points, infinitely enlarging the weaknesses and evils of human nature, and the sentence in the book" "I originally had nothing, there is no better weapon than this." "It is impressive, just as the so-called barefoot is not afraid to wear shoes, women are not fierce and unstable. As the atoms climb higher and higher, the danger gradually approaches her, and the little white rabbit with fangs can break through the siege under the group of wolves? Let's wait and see.

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