
01.15 Astrological Horoscope Analysis: The moon rushes to Mars, the action is enhanced, but the mood is easy to lose control

Text/Star Xiaochen (Constellation Day Fortune)

Today's astrological signs are very single, with only one: the moon rushing towards Mars. Although this astrology is very challenging, from the overall impact, our lives should be relatively calm. Because except for the moon, the other stars have not changed much, which also means that whether we are happy or sad, most of them will behave in their own small circles and will not cause too much interference to the outside world or future life. Therefore, we can laugh freely, we can cry bitterly, and we don't have to suppress our emotions too much.

01.15 Astrological Horoscope Analysis: The moon rushes to Mars, the action is enhanced, but the mood is easy to lose control

(For the following analysis, it is recommended to refer to both the ascending constellation and the Sun constellation.) )

Astrological analysis of Saturday, January 15, 2022

1 The moon rushes to Mars.

The opposition between the Moon and Mars is a very energetic and influential astrological sign with a short influence time. It can make it easy for our emotions to get out of control, and we may get angry and even become cynical because of small things, which will briefly affect our relationships and family relationships. At the same time, the energy of Mars is greatly stimulated, which also means that we will have strong action and explosive power, and the enthusiasm for doing things is very high.

In the flow of years forecast, the changes of the moon are mostly related to emotions and inner needs, the good phase of the moon will make us feel comfortable, and the strong phase of the moon will make us feel depressed and unhappy. No matter what the impact, it is related to our inner feelings, and it has little to do with the outside world. Therefore, on this day, most of the problems we need to face and solve are our own emotional problems.

01.15 Astrological Horoscope Analysis: The moon rushes to Mars, the action is enhanced, but the mood is easy to lose control

2 Focus on influencing constellations.

The moon rushing to Mars will first affect people in the sign of fire. Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, your personality itself is closely related to the energy of Mars, and this astrology will put you in a very grumpy state and want to lose your temper. For you, the chance of quarrels and quarrels on this day is very large, and you need to be very careful.

Secondly, there is Scorpio. The guardian stars of Scorpio are Mars and Pluto, and the changes in Mars will have a big impact on you. When the energy of Mars is stimulated, you will be very attached to one aspect, and because the moon is in pair with Mars, this will make you stubbornly unreasonable, regardless of the actual situation, whether it can be achieved or not, you must get some definite result before you give up.

Finally, it is important to note that Taurus and Libra. Taurus and Libra are the places where Mars falls, your Martian energy is very weak, and when Mars is strongly stimulated, it will stimulate your strong action and execution. Therefore, for you, this day may be tiring, but it will be very fulfilling.

01.15 Astrological Horoscope Analysis: The moon rushes to Mars, the action is enhanced, but the mood is easy to lose control

Zodiac Horoscope Summary 01.15

Aries: On this day you need to pay special attention to the way you speak. When communicating with people, you are likely to have a bad attitude, choke on people, and if the situation is serious, it may also affect your image and social relationships.

Taurus: The overall fortune is stable, there will be strong action in terms of money and materials, and will actively do things related to financial management. Making money and managing money is a day of rising fortune for you. But be careful not to let yourself lose because of impulsiveness.

Gemini: You may talk to your lover and vent your bad emotions on each other. Therefore, if you encounter unhappy things on this day, try to solve it by yourself and avoid quarrels.

01.15 Astrological Horoscope Analysis: The moon rushes to Mars, the action is enhanced, but the mood is easy to lose control

Cancer: The work is more fully arranged, suitable for handling some daily tasks or trivial things. If you can focus all your energy on work, you can also effectively avoid cranky thoughts.

Leo: You may lose your temper with your children and children. On this day, your patience with your children is very limited, and you may not be able to help but get angry with them in the process of getting along. In addition, in group activities, you may also be angry and angry.

Virgo: The overall state is not bad, the career performance is very positive, and some progress is expected. It's a family relationship to be aware of, and you may feel angry about the lack of family security.

01.15 Astrological Horoscope Analysis: The moon rushes to Mars, the action is enhanced, but the mood is easy to lose control

Libra: The horoscope is good, it will be a day of fullness and positive action. You will actively participate in interpersonal interactions, have a good performance in learning, and may also go shopping with friends. It's a little tiring, but it's fun.

Scorpio: You will show excessive attachment when it comes to making money or keeping money. You want to reach a certain height in wealth, but it may be difficult to do it at the moment, so you will try your best to plan and plan, and you will make yourself very hard.

Sagittarius: Pay attention to emotional issues, you may have conflicts with your partner or partner. On this day, it is easy for you to get anxious, and the other party may also be in a state of not being in a good mood, which will make it easy for you to have conflicts. It is recommended to avoid things and avoid them, and do not bump into the muzzle of the gun.

01.15 Astrological Horoscope Analysis: The moon rushes to Mars, the action is enhanced, but the mood is easy to lose control

Capricorn: On this day, there may be some problems in daily affairs, such as tools always going wrong, or waiting for results, etc., and unexpected obstacles will annoy you. But you are still in good shape, no matter what trouble you encounter, you will actively deal with it.

Aquarius: With a certain expectation of entertainment, you may want to get together with friends or go to crowded places to experience the liveliness.

Pisces: The business luck is very good, able to handle work matters efficiently and quickly. However, your emotions may be more changeable, and the environment around you is not stable, so that your state of mind will also fluctuate.

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