
Reverse again! The Minister of Immigration of Australia issued a statement canceling the German visa, and whether to continue the appeal is to be determined

On January 14, Australian Immigration Minister Hawke issued a statement saying it had decided to cancel the entry visa for Serbian tennis player Djokovic. Previously, Djokovic was retained by the Australian Border Service for nearly a week because of the Medical Exemption issue of the Australian Open, and obtained entry permission through appeal. At present, djokovic's team has not yet determined whether it will appeal again. The Australian Open competition will be unveiled on the 17th.

Reverse again! The Minister of Immigration of Australia issued a statement canceling the German visa, and whether to continue the appeal is to be determined

In the past two weeks, the controversy between the Australian border department and Djokovic djokovic and the Australian Open organizing committee has spread widely. Djokovic was in trouble when he entered the country on Jan. 5 and was forced to stay in a lien hotel pending the ruling of an Australian federal court hearing on Jan. 10. At the hearing, Djokovic provided an explanation in line with the rules of the relevant Australian government departments that he was infected with the new crown virus in mid-December last year, and the visa was recognized, and he was able to leave the lien hotel and go to Melbourne Park to compete.

But on January 12, it was revealed that Deyo had checked the untrue option in the "travel statement" submitted at the time of entry, and he once again faced the penalty of being cancelled from his visa. Djokovic then explained this through a statement, saying that it was not a deliberate concealment, but that the staff of his own team had been negligent in filling out the report. Until Thursday, before the draw ceremony of the Australian Open, people were waiting for the final decision of the Australian government.

Reverse again! The Minister of Immigration of Australia issued a statement canceling the German visa, and whether to continue the appeal is to be determined

After Djokovic's legal team appealed successfully on Monday, Australian media reported that its immigration minister intended to use his power to deport Djokovic again. Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison said immigration minister Hawke was still under consideration on Thursday. On the last working day before the start of the Australian Open, the Australian government's boots finally landed.

Previously, the Australian media had introduced that if the Australian immigration minister expelled Djokovic, he might not be able to come to Australia for the next three years. The Deyo legal team is also prepared for this and will immediately file a new lawsuit. Djokovic's attorneys said they could speed up the litigation process by shortening the written and oral evidence if the case went to court again. They will seek a final decision before Sunday so that Djokovic can catch up and play in the first round of next Monday's Australian Open.

Text/Beiqing Sports Chu Peng

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