
Yao Ming's heavy punishment is coming! CBA chaotic scenes, direct fights are not over, Liaoning fans are even worse

Just entered 2022, it should have been a new year, but who knows the CBA game in a day out of the ugly. The 22nd round of the CBA game controversy scene continued, in the afternoon shanghai against Beijing Control, the head coaches of the two sides directly began to hate each other in the first quarter of the game, and Li Chunjiang staged a clear version of the explosive foul language directly in front of the TV broadcast. This is not the end, after the end of this game, Marbury and Li Chunjiang almost broke out into another conflict, if it were not for the referee and the player pulling fast, the two of them could work directly on the court.

Yao Ming's heavy punishment is coming! CBA chaotic scenes, direct fights are not over, Liaoning fans are even worse

In the evening focus battle Guangdong team against Liaoning, in the third quarter of the game, the players of the two sides clashed. Guangdong's Weems clashed with Liaoning's Han Dejun when he attacked, after which Han Dejun fell to the ground in pain. In the TV replay, Weems must have swept Han Dejun by hand, but it was definitely not as exaggerated as Han Dejun showed. After the referee blew the game off, Han Dejun was still on the ground and banged on the floor in pain, which made Weems probably upset, and then the two men broke out into a conflict. After the referee blew off the game, for the sake of caution, he took the initiative to watch the game video. While watching the video, the players on both sides clashed. The referee did not give up and directly sent two people out of the field.

Yao Ming's heavy punishment is coming! CBA chaotic scenes, direct fights are not over, Liaoning fans are even worse

Let's not talk about the conflict between Li Chunjiang and Marbury, who is right and who is wrong, nor whether Han Dejun's pain has reached the level of a broken bone. Let's say that these people are all well-known people in the league, and Li Chunjiang has coached in Guangdong, Guangsha and Shanghai. When he was in Guangdong, he was also the champion coach. Although Marbury is not a championship coach, the champion players are all number one figures in the NBA.

Yao Ming's heavy punishment is coming! CBA chaotic scenes, direct fights are not over, Liaoning fans are even worse

Han Dejun is a member of the national team, just followed the national team to play the Window of the World Cup, and his performance is also very good. Weems is the hero of Guangdong's consecutive championships. These coaches and players should have been a valuable asset to our league, and they were able to represent our league and give the league a greater profile. It is these people, but because of their irrational behavior, they have caused a lot of harm to the impression of the CBA in the outside world. In the end, the penalty results were also released, Han Dejun was suspended for 7 games and fined 200,000 yuan, and Weems was suspended for 5 games and fined 140,000 yuan.

Yao Ming's heavy punishment is coming! CBA chaotic scenes, direct fights are not over, Liaoning fans are even worse

Han Dejun and Weems rarely do such a move on the court, and the two have not had any scandals in the CBA for so many years. Marbury was even rated as an honorary citizen by the people of Beijing and gave him a corresponding commendation. Li Chunjiang is also a champion coach. Such excellent people can't simply say that they are of poor quality, but have they ever thought about how much harm this kind of action they made is to the CBA that has made them?

Yao Ming's heavy punishment is coming! CBA chaotic scenes, direct fights are not over, Liaoning fans are even worse

At the same time, after the game, there were also media reports that a very small number of Liaoning fans said indecent words to the foreign aid of the Guangdong team, mixed with laughter, which was also a big harm to the image of the CBA, and I hope that fans can watch the ball rationally.

Yao Ming's heavy punishment is coming! CBA chaotic scenes, direct fights are not over, Liaoning fans are even worse

A good league, like the NBA. People are trying their best to maintain the honor of the league, how many NBA stars do public welfare outside the game, help the poor, these are to create a good image for the NBA league, so that the NBA can flourish. And our players and coaches are still trying to smash the pot and smash their jobs. The CBA has also been trying to make the league look better, but in the face of such coaches and players, are the audience still willing to watch CBA games?

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